Can not record video via usb after previously being able to, can anyone help?

debkyd wrote on 11/13/2008, 1:17 AM
Before downloading the magix trial I managed to import video from my panasonic camcorder via usb as it was recognised instantly. It was this footage that I used to trial the package after having captured and saved it using a different software.

After finallt getting the magix trial working and being cery happy with the product I decided to check if i could record via it.

Now when I plug in the camera via usb, although it makes a beep noise and begins to look like its doing something it does not come up as a devise at all.

The camera knows it is pluggd into the computer as it says web on ot when plugged in but the computer isn't recognising the device.

This is not just via magix but via windows movie maker too and as it does not come up on my computer althogh it did before magix trial.

As it was working previous to installing and using the trial I wondered if it had affected anything? would it not be recognising the device due to a memory problem perhaps?

Can anyone help please?

After finally getting my head around the editing and burning and loving it ! I now can't get to any of my new video footage!! I don't have a firewire or i link connection available to me.

my computer still recognises my normal stills camera and ecternal hard drive and card reader stick so usb port is working

Please help!!! Only one day of trial left!!



Man o' Lakes wrote on 11/27/2008, 5:14 AM
Hi there. Maybe you just need to re-install the driver for your camera, ie the Panasonic software. When you attach a camera vai sub to the computer, then wish to import the film into Movie Edit Pro, you do NOT use the recording feature. Open the program, choose the editing window, and if you click on the computer icon above the explorer on the right, if your camera is listed, you should be able to choose it and drag and drop the file into the program. USB cameras at this juncture are listed as hard drives.  Never usually a problem.

M o' L