Can not publish my website.

angela2 wrote on 1/16/2013, 10:58 AM

I have created a web design with web designer 6 and am now trying to publish it. I have had the program for over a year ( I think) and when I get to the upload bar working, it stops with a message saying password not recognised. Is it because I did not publish it within the year and if so what would be my cheapest option on how to continue? Can you help?


gandjcarr wrote on 1/16/2013, 12:58 PM


Angela, no one here is employed by Magix, but I can tell you that if you purchased Web Designer with 1 year free hosting and that year is finished and you did not renew it, you no longer have a hosting account and if you purchased the domain name at the same time and did not renew it, you may not even have that anymore.  The Magix hosting plans are pretty reasonable as far as pricing goes.  You could find hosting a little cheaper elsewhere but you will need to spend a little more time using ftp to upload your site to your new host provider.  

Web hosting and domain name renewals are determined by how you order and pay for them.  If you forget to renew them and they expire, they are basically gone and you start over.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that is how it works in the website world.


gandjcarr wrote on 1/17/2013, 1:19 PM

Hi Angela,

Since you already have Xara Web Designer (which is what I use), you just need to buy a hosting account for another year and purchase your domain name.  Xara Web Designer is very flexible in terms of where you need to buy your domain name and url.  If you want I will give you a couple of companies to check out in addition to Magix but the Magix prices are pretty reasonable.  Building a web site is a huge learning experience, learning how to obtain the domain name that you want and then publishing your site is another learning experience but not nearly as hard as building the site.

I am happy to help you on your journey to get your web site published.  I have created and published many sites so this is pretty straight forward to me.  If I can help accelerate your learning curve, just let me know.


gandjcarr wrote on 1/18/2013, 4:02 AM

Hi Angela,

It just occrured to me that if you did not actually set up your hosting account on the site, the is a chance that you could still activate the hosting portion of your purchase.  It sound like you purchased the box version, so there must have been some information in the package that tells you how to set up your hosting account.  You should have received something that talked about a domain voucher with a coupon code.  That is the information you are going to need.

Even if for some reason the coupon has expired domain names usually cost between $10 and $20 per year and hosting start at around $50 per year.  Magix has some pretty agressive promotions right now which you can see at 

I host sites with Magix, godaddy and domains price right depending on who is offering the best 1 year plan, if they ask for setup fees or not, etc.
