Can I update an uploaded song?

scottharam wrote on 4/1/2012, 11:41 AM

I uploaded a song, and then based on comments I received, I made some corrections.  Is there a way to replace the uploaded song with a newer version?  Or do I have to delete it completely, and then upload it as a new song?

I would rather just update the song, so that the discussion stays with the song.


Thank you.


Live in Austin, Texas, USA


NOTE:  I am open to collaboration or correction.  If someone has an idea for improving a song, let me know.  I would be happy to send MIDI files or MMM files, if you want to work on it yourself.  I don't care.  I just want to make the best music possible.



nihon94 wrote on 4/1/2012, 11:56 AM

Unfortunately we can not update but what we can do is, in the comments area we can upload the new or updated version.

You can refer here how I did.

scottharam wrote on 4/1/2012, 1:16 PM

Thanks, Nihon94.

That worked.

PS.  I liked both versions of your song!

Last changed by scottharam on 4/1/2012, 1:16 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Live in Austin, Texas, USA


NOTE:  I am open to collaboration or correction.  If someone has an idea for improving a song, let me know.  I would be happy to send MIDI files or MMM files, if you want to work on it yourself.  I don't care.  I just want to make the best music possible.