Can I create a slide show menu with multiple in levels?

nancyandbob wrote on 9/9/2012, 4:16 PM

I have about 20 years of slides which I want to move into a series of slide shows, on as few DVDs as possible. Following is a small part of the directory structure, which illustrates the way I'd like the show menu to be presented.

Year                 1st Level                                                              2nd Level
1969       05-Neil Armstrong Homecoming
1969       06-Around Columbus
1969       07-Forest Park
1969       08-Christmas
1970       01-Winter
1970       02-Vacation
1970       02-Vacation                                                                    01-Start
1970       02-Vacation                                                                    02-Easter in Natchez
1970       02-Vacation                                                                    03-New Orleans
1970       02-Vacation                                                                    04-Biloxi


Any suggestions would be greatfully received!


No, that's not me.  It's my daughter and first grandchild.  My favorite picture ever.

Photostory Deluxe since 2010 or earlier.
Windows 10 Home, custom PC 64bit, Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s); 16 GB RAM; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Driver, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, Driver    C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\IGDKMD64.SYS (, 7.59 MB (7,963,632 bytes), 10/20/2017 5:41 PM)
2-Samsung SSDs - 250GB &  500GB; WD Internal 932GB, 2 -  465GB ,   MyBook USB 1863 GB ;  Canon sx70;


chrisjw37 wrote on 9/11/2012, 3:47 AM

I saw an answer to this elsewhere and tried it.


Just add all the files into one large file - (but it has to be less than a DVD volume to fit)


Then at the the output stage - choose a DVD 'title page' choose one which allows sub menus


and then edit it so the only choices are the 'chapters' and not section of the chapters (ie individual pictures)


and that will create the stucture.


You can also import the sildeshows into a movie making program and do it there if you have one, I found Sony Vegas does a brilliant job and has better control ober fades and music.

nancyandbob wrote on 9/16/2012, 8:45 PM

Thanks, Chris.  I'll try it and see what happens. 

Last changed by nancyandbob on 9/16/2012, 8:45 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

No, that's not me.  It's my daughter and first grandchild.  My favorite picture ever.

Photostory Deluxe since 2010 or earlier.
Windows 10 Home, custom PC 64bit, Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4001 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s); 16 GB RAM; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti, Driver, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600, Driver    C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\IGDKMD64.SYS (, 7.59 MB (7,963,632 bytes), 10/20/2017 5:41 PM)
2-Samsung SSDs - 250GB &  500GB; WD Internal 932GB, 2 -  465GB ,   MyBook USB 1863 GB ;  Canon sx70;