Can I add multiple slideshows to a DVD (Photostory)

chrisjw37 wrote on 11/26/2011, 6:04 AM


I've made a short slideshow in 'Photostory' 10 Deluxe (latest)


But I'd like to add a couple of more projects to the same DVD to fill the disc and add value to the finished project.

ie multiple slideshows from the DVD menu as choices.

Is there a way to do this from within Photostory?




chrisjw37 wrote on 11/27/2011, 7:49 AM

  Found an answer:


Quote:  john-auvil

My answer here might seem odd.

To merge you have 2 options. the first option is where you can open each project and each would still be separate, but when burned to disc, each project would be its own chapter.

The other option is where all the content of the other projects are under one project within the same screen.

1 - Projects as Chapters

This is the one that I use most. Lets say I have taken pictures of soccer games this season, and each weekly game I have made a project and now I want to make a end of season disc. Here is where this is very handy.

I open the 1st completed project (remember that the project is the .MPH file) after this first project is opened, I then locate the second project (in the series I want them displayed from the disc). When I try this, the program asks me if I want to close the first project, add the second to the first, or cancel. Of course I want to add.

I continue to do this for each project I want to add. Once I add all the projects I wanted for this, I then save the project with a new name... Important!!! if you just save, you will overwrite the original project.

2. All content as one project.

This one is time consuming. You would have to export out each project, which would make a video file (I recommend AVI and at least the same ratio/resolution as the photos. Once each are exported, then you can start a new project and import each video in the sequence you want.

Other than that, I do not think there is a merge feature per-say. It really depends on what your file needs are for the project.



Thanks John - sorry I didn't find it - was looking in the wrong place!