Hi folks, feature request here!
Could we please have "audio" objects on busses?
What do i mean by this?
I want to be able to create an object on a bus which i can apply plugins to. So, Samplitude would pretend that its just an audio track, even though the audio isn't actually rendered to a file (although of course its rendering "live" to a stereo track that feeds into the bus).
Why? Because sometimes you just want to do some simple sound change like a bit more compression on the verse of a song. Obviously you could do this with automation in a plugin on that bus, but that's actually quite a hassle and then you're dealing with an extra automation lane, curves etc. Whereas it would be super quick to just draw an object on that bus track, throw a compressor on there, fade in and out and done.
And imagine if you want to change four parameters in the compressor between the verse & chorus. That's four automation lanes and four curves! And maybe you need it to happen 3 times in the song! It would be way easier to just do it using my suggested feature!
Sure, you can copy / paste curves, but it's way more finickity and fiddly.
It would be a really unique feature as i never saw this in another DAW.
The point is, the difference in time it takes means that you would do tweaks that you otherwise wouldn't bother with because it's too much hassle. So it would really be a workflow improvement.
And you could also give the object a button that let's you render the visual waveform that hasn't yet been bounced. But it would only need to render that object, not the whole song, so should be pretty quick. So, i mean it needs to internally render the wave, then use that for the waveform visual display.
Anyways, just an idea, i feel like it has been a very long time since Samp / Seq added any fundamental new audio features like this!