BUG (I think)

John-D-Lewis wrote on 8/2/2024, 4:02 AM

Since the latest Update to Pro X8 suite, I have been unable to apply track colours to bus channels.
I change the track colours and they remain as I set them until I save and reopen. When I reopen the project, the bus track colours have reverted to the default colour.
All other tracks retain their colours satisfactorily.

Before the patch, the bus colours also persisted.


SP. wrote on 8/2/2024, 6:26 AM

@John-D-Lewis​​​​​​ I suggest you contact customer support at proservice@magix.net

ProAudioTeam wrote on 8/22/2024, 3:00 AM


which version are you using? I am not experiencing this problem with version

Best regards

Your MAGIX Pro Audio Team