Audio Problem from Movie Edit Pro 14 to Movie Edit Pro 15

tommot wrote on 12/9/2009, 11:47 PM

This is my story.  I recorded movies into the Movie Edit Pro 14 trial version earlier in the year.  I liked the program so I bought Movie Edit Pro 15.  Now I'm going back and importing AVI files into Pro 15 to make new movies.  When I import them, everything is fine excluding the audio.  The audio seems OK except for a constant clicking.  I don't understand why the audio was fine in Pro 14 but is a mess in Pro 15.  They play back fine with windows media player.

I don't really know what info I need to provide to help with the troubleshooting.....but the files are DV Type 2 AVI. 

Can someone point me in the right direction?  Or let me know what info is needed to troubleshoot?  I've played with the program audio playback setting with no luck.  Please help the newbie.



AndyCope wrote on 12/10/2009, 8:33 AM
People have had this problem before and theres no know way to fix it. but to help it stop. the peole who have had these problems has gotten them fixed.
here is some sujestions.
1 download all upgrades. this helps with all problems.
2 register online. I think that they purpously put mess-ups on MEP12 and up so you would register. like my audio wouldn't work unless I registerd
3 play around with your audio setting. and see what works.
4 press F9 if you think you have messed up from doing #3
also press F9 and this resores factory defaults.
if the clicking sound contenues then uninstall MEP 15 and reaload it.
usuly the clicking sound only happens in the preview screen. not when you burn the dvd.
GOOD LUCK TO YOU!                                      -Chip Comando