Audio cleaning Lab 11 and 12 and iTunes

sbstooger wrote on 7/8/2008, 7:43 PM

I have been converting my tapes albums to mp3's using Audio Cleaning Lab 11.  I would then upload to Itunes using 'add folder to directory' and it would add the songs with the name given by the Magix conversion.  I upgraded to version 12 but now when I upload, itunes enters each track as name =SongTitle, album= Artist, and Album= Album XYZ.  Any ideas as to why or how to remedy?


ralftaro wrote on 7/11/2008, 10:58 AM
Keep in mind that Cleaning Lab 12 now supports pretty decent ID3-tagging for MP3 file exports. So, before, when the ID3 fields were not used, iTunes apparently just ignored them. However, now that they're being utilized, you should fill them in, otherwise you will just have some default dummy value or nonsense in there. So, what you should is the following: After setting your track markers in Cleaning Lab, press "L" on the keyboard to bring up the track list/ID3 editor. Now fill in at least the artist and track name for each track. Done. When you perform your MP3 export now and separate the files according to the track markers, the ID3 information will be in the files.