audio and video is out of match

DerekWolf wrote on 2/23/2009, 5:43 PM
Hi I'm in need of a step by step on how to match the audio to video.
I went into image size and position and set the movie size to 1280 by 720 then the video and audio we not matched anylonger.

I did it this way before reinstalling the desktop and it worked fine during that time.
Is there a setting I need to do and could you give me a step by step so I can find the section you'll be talking about.

Thank you ahead of time.



siglersmalz wrote on 3/13/2009, 3:45 AM
sps222 wrote on 5/17/2009, 7:57 PM
siglersmalz's answer did the trick for me.  I couldn't get the audio to match the video all the way throught the movie. The closer it got to the end the more it was off.  Everything I tried work on the computer but when I burned it, it was still not matching.  But this procedure corrected the problem.  Thank you siglermalz.