Attempting to get microphone to work and unable to. toccara106 wrote on 3/4/2016, 4:21 PM Both Magix and my computer recognize my microphone but I am unsure of how to use it while recording? Back to post
Comments browj2 wrote on 3/4/2016, 5:21 PM Hi, With which program and version? toccara106 wrote on 3/4/2016, 5:33 PM Magix 2016 and Windows 10 browj2 wrote on 3/4/2016, 7:33 PM Magix is the company name which has a couple of dozen programs. Which program and specifically which version - 2016 basic, Premium or Plus? toccara106 wrote on 3/7/2016, 4:25 PM I am using Music Maker 2016 Live. I'm new to this so I hope this is what information you need. 1