AP8 (807) Not saving DN-e1 Synth settings in Project

Ira-Wasserman4105 wrote on 10/5/2018, 10:46 AM

Well, after spending a few hours setting up a Project with about 6 DN-e1 synth tracks, my settings all reset back to Patch #001 Bank A (after I load the saved project). Even though the names of my chosen DN-e1 presets show in the Tracks, the VSTs go back to Patch #001 Bank A for all my tracks (especially anything on Bank B).

I really tried to like AP, but I can't use this product. Even if it is still in Beta, AP8 is so unreliable with even saving it's own Synth Presets (in a project), that I have to Pass. Too bad. I really liked many things about AP8 as a quick idea generator. Even the 'limits' of AP8 make is a good foundation to focus on beats and melodies. But losing hours of work -- can't do that anymore. Back to Cubase for me. Sorry about having to say all this. I'll check back in one year.


Petet wrote on 10/10/2018, 9:57 AM

I agree, same issues here. Even with fx it forgets the parameters and sets my fx settings to default upon reloading a project. If i insert an fx into a chain and then go to insert another into a chain but press the cancel button it also resets my first instance of fx. Non of these problems exist with ap7. Be nice to have ap7 but 64bit.

PhotonBoy wrote on 10/12/2018, 5:42 PM

This happened to me as well.

Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/21/2018, 5:31 PM

So far with Hybrid and Saurus presets if saved within the Instrument Properties box are saved and loaded correctly in ACID 8.0.7. I'll investigate with DNe-1 and other included instruments and see if they work the same way.


Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/21/2018, 11:40 PM

Same with DNe-1 synth. Opened track and synth. Found a preset. recorded track. Saved project. Open different project. Opened DNe-1 project. Synth opened with right preset. Only problem Instrument properties opened with GS synth page, even though DNe-1 patch was playing. Right synth playing wrong synth page open. Closed instrument properties page, then reopened it and right synth with right preset opened. Always heard the right synth just didn't see it until I reopened prop page.


brian-macarevey wrote on 10/25/2018, 12:15 PM

Same. Been having this issue since the beginning.

Petet wrote on 11/22/2018, 11:56 AM

It's like a window refreshing problem, soon as the vst or fx page is refreshed it sets everything back to default. Annoying and I'm using ap7 now till theres an update.

ADub wrote on 11/24/2018, 7:32 PM

Yes, extremely disappointing - especially after spending a couple hours on creating some sounds only to lose them entirely after reopening! Very much looking forward to an upcoming fix.

Will-Kenworthy wrote on 11/25/2018, 3:02 PM

I'm not losing presets or even losing the correct synth. Just the screen redraw is lagging. Pretty simple to close and re-open it. Takes half a second. I can't imagine that what you are experiencing is just that .....

Seems a worse problem.


You are losing presets after saving them? If so, that is a problem and a half .....

Give me your details and process and I will try to recreate it ....


Petet wrote on 11/26/2018, 8:02 AM

If I insert an fx on a bus or channel and tweak the settings, like valhalla rooms or slate digital and then go to insert another fx into the same chain, but instead of inserting it I click cancel, it refreshes the vst's window and resets the parameters lol or if I save a project and re open it all my fx and synths are reset to 0. Same deal with the 32 bit version. Acid 7 32 bit no issues at all.