Image 1 above shows the upper portion of the audio mixer in VPX5, with the clear arrow "drop-downs" allowing VSTs to be added to the signal chain.
Image 2 is a similar view in the demo version of VPX(8), notice no VST "slots". The manul says that VSTs can be used and shows an image which includes the same "drop-downs" as I see in VPX5, and I have listed my folder of 64 bit VSTs in the Settings screen. (I'm assuming it needs 64 bit versions of the plug-ins?)
So, is what I am seeing a result of this being only a demo version, or is there a problem?? I did press the "Reset VST information" button on the Settings screen and saw a list of those plug ins flash very rapidly across the message screen, so my assumption is that they are "seen", but not "available". But why?