After completing movie project, I noticed that the video output was extremely dark. I did not adjust any of the settings accidentally or on purpose. The Effects function does not correct the problem.
Output directly your movie using the camera link to your TV to check the movie brightness.If colors are OK or too dark?
If the movie is too dark use the brightness function about 10% to 30% in Magix to do so:
a) Save your movie using a different name
b) Adjust different percentage on different time as example 0 to 5 minutes adjust the brigtness to 10% leave 1 minute without correction now 6 to 10 minutes the brightness is 20%.
Burn a dvd and check on your TV which part show better result
Also you can play with the white balance but is more tedious and more work try only to adjust brightness probably after colors are more grainy and dull. but you can find an intermdiate solution.
The output is extremely dark. It appears fine in the timeline, but darkens once it is played on the playback monitor. The DVD output is too dark to view without difficulty. There appears to be an overlay or under layer which flashes through at the beginning of the playback. It's as if there is a dark tint over the movie.
I saved several movies under different names using different percentages of brightness and contrast. It helped but the quality of the movie is not as good. It's lighter but appears to be faded and the color a bit washed out..