Acid Pro 8, new build, more problems

t-fa wrote on 10/8/2018, 7:24 AM

I downloaded the latest build with a degree of optimism, but it has soon been shattered. The program frequently hangs at the end of recording an audio track, meaning that latest recording is lost. My method of recording is to programme a MIDI drum track and a MIDI bass track, and then record audio tracks of guitars and vocals, but during the recording of an audio track the drum track suddenly becomes inaudible.

Due to the developer's lack of consideration for colourblind users, I struggle to see whether a track is armed to record.

I'm a hobbyist musician. I paid hard-earned money for this program, and it's terrible. I'm so disappointed.


sheppo wrote on 10/8/2018, 9:09 AM

hey @t-fa

Are you able to provide a step-by-step run through of exactly how to recreate the audio recording hang, as well as any audio hardware you're using. That will help the developers find and fix the issue quicker. Something like

  1. create new project
  2. create a midi layer and add midi
  3. create an audio layer, and arm for record
  4. hit record, midi becomes inaudible
  5. stop record, application crashes

include as much information as possible / relevant

As for the arm for recording issue. I am not colourblind myself, so it's hard for me to specifically understand the issue. However, dragging layer so it is larger will give you separate meters for IN and OUT audio, with the IN meter only shown on layers armed for record - which may make it easier for you to differentiate.

There are also saturation and tint controls which affect all icons on the layers and toolbar, which may also help. Options->Preferences->Display

t-fa wrote on 10/8/2018, 9:20 AM

I had taken a few days off work with the intention of producing some new songs, but that time is now wasted as the program is essentially unusable. At the moment I'm thoroughly disillusioned with it, and don't see why I should waste more time on it trying to help the developers with what seems to be a fundamental issue that shouldn't arise at all. Maybe in the next few days I'll have a change of heart when my frustration has reduced.

t-fa wrote on 10/9/2018, 5:13 AM

I'm still frustrated, but maybe this will help. I won't hold my breath though.

This is the process I usually follow:
Start new project.
Create midi tracks either drums, then bass guitar, or sometimes piano followed by drums and then bass guitar.
Create audio track, either for guide vocal or for guide guitar, and arm for record.
Start recording audio track, but at some point during the recording the drum track becomes inaudible.

I always create my drum, bass and piano tracks step by step as clips that I can copy and paste further into the track; intro, verse, chorus, bridge, outro. I usually copy the verse and chorus to new clips and make slight adjustments to the new clips to add some variety.

The program has started to crash after I stop the recording of an audio track.

My audio hardware is a Creative SB X-fi audio processor. The driver is up to date.

I discovered for myself that the track's meter only lights up when armed. Around 7% of males and 0.5% of females have Colour Vision Deficiency, and while it's a basic aspect of good software development that colour alone should never be used to convey information, for accessibility we need user interfaces to also have appropriate levels of contrast. or to be fully adjustable for the user's preference. Programmers should always be mindful of this. Acid Pro 8's few display options make no significant difference. I would like to be able to select the text colour so there is more contrast.

Taurus_1911 wrote on 10/9/2018, 1:01 PM

After years of using ACID on a a different computer, yesterday I bought ACID 8.0 and installed it on my large DAW. Windows 10 professional, 64bit.


Laid down some tracks, all nice and fun.

Much to my surprise, RENDER doesn't work AT ALL.

So I installed the newest version at the splash screen prompt.

Again, much to my surprise, RENDER doesn't work AT ALL.

ACID crashes in the background after I set the path for the MP3 output.

Wham! Pow! Gone.


t-fa wrote on 10/9/2018, 1:36 PM

It seems to me we've been sold a "work in progress" program, and the developers, who have happily taken our money on the pretence of it being fully working, are using us as testers for something that isn't yet fit for purpose. I didn't pay good money to be a beta tester. How do we go about obtaining a refund?

sheppo wrote on 10/9/2018, 5:23 PM


> How do we go about obtaining a refund?

Reach out to magix through your user profile.

for what it's worth, I am unable to reproduce your issues with arming and recording audio, or hearing midi tracks whilst doing so. The only thing different - based on your steps to reproduce - is the audio device.

When stopping recording you will normally see a prompt of where to save the audio - this specific functionality has existed across Acid / Vegas for... dare I say it... decades, at this point. It works. So it's most likely (but not definitely) something else preventing Acid from doing it's job at this point...

Humour me for a moment on some basic troubleshooting...

1) have you done the standard thing of running a chkdks /f at startup of the disk where your user profile exists - likely c:? This is where the default temp and record save locations are

2) run Acid as administrator, does the issue still persist?

3) do you do anything funky in your user profile, e.g profile redirection, fodler redirection, hard link any or all of your profile to a different location on the drive, or mapping drives in disk management to specific folders in your profile?

4) have you tried setting the default save location (tools -> preferences -> folders -> record) to a different location / drive?

5) do you see the audio wave appear on the timeline as it records?

6) do you have free space on the temporary folder (tools -> preferences -> folders -> temporary. It shows you the amount of free space directly underneath)


lastly, please remember we're just the community. I may be a moderator, but i still bought the software just like you. No one is obliged to help you here, especially if you take your frustrations out on us when we try to help. :-)

Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/11/2018, 1:39 AM

To tf-a and Taurus 1911.

I must say having used many DAWs and other pieces of software that under certain circumstances bad things do happen. It is rare. The developers cannot anticipate for all combinations of hardware and software. If they tried to do such a thing they would never release anything. Bugs are a fact of life not because developers aren't thorough but rather because there are BILLIONS of combinations of hardware alone.

I am not familiar with either of your situations and am not trying to accuse either of you of anything. It is far too common however to see people download an update or even a whole program, install it and run into a bug or some other unfortunate situation and before anyone has a chance to remedy the problem insist that it must be the developer's underhanded tactics or incomplete work. This is just not the case. Think about what they must consider. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Usually most of the companies, with a few exceptions, that put out the software we all love to use do try to solve all these problems as quick as they can.

I've seen this happen over and over and over, For over two decades now. Give them a chance. If you have a little patience you will be amply rewarded, of that I am sure.


Will-Kenworthy wrote on 10/21/2018, 5:42 PM


I've recorded MIDI tracks and then audio on top and my system works just as it should. At least so far I have not had the same problem. I have a Dell laptop with an RME Fireface UC audio interface. Do my MIDI with an AKAI MPC249 controller.

For Taurus:

I haven't tried the mp3 render function lately. But I do seem to remember earlier that that was a separate registration issue when I first used that render option. I will try it again and report back. Mp3's are an important part of my workflow as well and will make sure it is working as it should.
