ACID Pro 10 went suddenly mad?

Tonic wrote on 7/9/2022, 7:07 AM

Okay.. Acid is acting up again. It's been a while, but the problems are here again. Different problems, if something new.
All the sudden, when I was trying to open the program I got this Error -1 (Application Initialization), so I looked it up, but it makes no sense to me, why it would suddenly start to throw that on my face. Any ideas? Acid group suggests installing some codec pack? Why?
Anyway, I uninstall it, as I always do, when Acid starts acting up. Installed it, it opened just fine, but after installing the Acid update, the Error -1 came back and the program won't open.
This is really driving me mad, cause I'm trying to work with this monkey.

I then uninstalled it, again, and tried to install it, again, but now I got a new message, a new error! It's this:
" ERROR: -2147163964 Occured during installation. Could not read value file (Parameter /M)..." The file it could not
find is "mgxy6mr2ey7/SetupValues.dat"
This is not even funny anymore, Magix!

Can anyone help, please?

EDIT: I downloaded/installed Microsoft Visual C++ package. Running it, it asked me if I wanted to "repair" the files. I pressed "yes" and after this successful installation I was able to install Acid Pro. I HAVE NOT installed the latest update, in fear it will crash and I won't be able to do my work.
At this moment, the older version of Acid Pro 10 is working fine. All VST plugins are found and are working. Sound (ASIO4ALL) seems to be working fine as well.
Anyway, I would love to hear, if someone knows, what caused this and how you have fixed it. Thanks!