About my product key

helloall wrote on 10/20/2008, 10:48 AM
Hi i Bought the music maker 2008 and when the dear wife decided to "Clean" my studio she sent to garbage my key of my product.....I think i registered my product but on my older email that i no longer use. .. .Now i need it to run the program cause i reinstalled windows and dunno what to do. . .will i be forced to buy another Program ?Or there is some IP trace the company can do in order to gimme the serial number again?

Thanks in advance for the replies


ralftaro wrote on 10/20/2008, 12:39 PM
That's something you could only sort out directly with Magix. They will probably be able to help, especially if you've already registered the product.

Also, you might not even need any assistance. You could just log into the Service Center on the main Magix website (www.magix.com), check your serial number there and update your e-mail address. The fact that your old e-mail is no longer valid doesn't matter, as long as you still have the login data (old e-mail addy + password).

If you need to contact Magix, do it directly via their support website:
