Selling my music

Starshine schreef op 27.07.2022 om 10:29 uur

So i don't know how to react on the previous answer on my question so i had to open a new topic. So i asked hoe i can sell my music and my costumors won't get any problems with that. I got an answer that i can't sell soundloops. I know that but somebody told me i am aloud to sell my music. I want to sell only the music i made for meditations and for video creators. How can i make sure they won't get problems with using my music. Do they need somekind of code?


SP. schreef op 27.07.2022 om 10:54 uur

@Starshine Why opening a new topic if you basically just ask the same question? Like I stated in the your other topic, you don't just want to sell your Sounpool based music but re-license them to your customers so that they can use them in their commercial projects. The EULA states that you cannot do that.

You can get around this problem by using VST instruments and recording your own music. Then you can do whatever you want with it. Or you tell your customers they need to buy the commercial license from as well like you already did for yourself.

Starshine schreef op 27.07.2022 om 13:33 uur

Like i said because i didn't know how to respond on the previous one but now i finally found how i have to do that. Thank yiu for your responce. That is really shitty to hear. I talked to somebody feom magix and they told me something els. That's why i started with magix in the firt place. What is VST?

SP. schreef op 27.07.2022 om 13:43 uur

@Starshine If you have an official permission directly by Magix themselves that you can license out your created music to third parties for commercial purposes I don't see the problem why you shouldn't be able to do this.

Usually sales support at should be able to tell you if this permission is correct.


VST instruments are virtual music instruments running on your computer. You can play them with MIDI notes, usually entered in your computer with a MIDI keyboard or by using the mouse and computer keyboard.

Bol schreef op 27.07.2022 om 13:56 uur


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Starshine schreef op 27.07.2022 om 14:42 uur

Great thank you so much for all your effort. I am gonna send them an email just to be sure.