extra kosten voor de magix website maker 4

obama396 schreef op 12.08.2011 om 12:04 uur

Weet iemand waarom de gewone versie van website maker 4 nu bijna helemaal te betalen is ?


Ik vind dit namelijk schandalig , eerst moet je voor het pakket 40 euro betalen en nu zou je voor een lettertype of een kadertje al 2 euro/maand extra moeten betalen ! Dit kan toch niet 




Ampersandman schreef op 12.08.2011 om 12:31 uur

Given that I understood what you're saying:

Website Maker is more than a software, it's software-as-a-service. This service includes web hosting (storage for your content), running your domain (which is a service that is never free since the offering party has costs too) and continually updating the sotfware. Means: you bought WSM 4 but benefit of the same updates and seeing the exact same version as someone who once bought WSM 5. Thus, it's perfectly legit to demand a small fee for these services (1,99 € / month is not expensive compared to similar offers). If you don't want to continue your abonnement you can always cancel and continue using Website Maker free, the limited version of the program.