
magix1965 ha scritto il 02.02.2010 ore 17:29
you may need to activate the codes? do not know if the program you are free or have to buy them
Zaccate ha scritto il 25.02.2010 ore 09:27
I did purchase and register the program. But how do I obtain the codes to activate? I wrote to Magix help desk, but so far no reply...
magix1965 ha scritto il 25.02.2010 ore 14:10
usually the activation of magix codes for all software that they have included in the package (you must verify this by reading the manual guide) in 2 ways.
1: at the time of importation or exportation which provides one of those codecs to be activated, the program automatically opens a window where it gives you the option to download via the server
2: there must be one of the menu window the active voice-activation features additional codecs