These Roads

kokashn ha scritto il 27.04.2010 ore 11:24
These Roads
the song is very dear to me!!!


Walking through these streets and roads with hope to find a way

Meeting through those hopes and loss and wonder it’s a right way


Passing by with tears for those whom been depressed and sad

Hoping I could try and help but wonder it’s too late


 I must endure, and walk, till I reach the end of the road

Leaving all behind and live as a brand new born.


The time has come to leave this place with shadow voice does cry

But the voice belongs to me alone and I still wonder why


I must endure, and walk, till I reach the end of the road

Leaving all behind and live as a brand new born

I must go on, and make sure; these roads will take me there

My time has come and years they fly by my side


I must believe, the only truth. But then, there are so many lies

I long to start a new life. Away from the past


I must endure, and walk, till I reach the end of the road

Leaving all behind and live as a brand new born

I must go on, and make sure; these roads will take me there

My time has come and years they fly by my side


redisland ha scritto il 27.04.2010 ore 12:20
klasse song
u. sehr gut gesungen
gruss redis
Vecchio utente ha scritto il 27.04.2010 ore 16:38
a great song, both by example and her voice. greetings Hartmut
Kabegami ha scritto il 27.04.2010 ore 19:48
good and nicer vocali

holie ha scritto il 27.04.2010 ore 23:36
'wonderful' is not the correct word .  .  I am deeply impressed and can very well perceive . . .

warm greeting
papajeff ha scritto il 28.04.2010 ore 18:38
Super Song, tolle Stimme und wunderbar abgemischt!
LG Jeff
Solista ha scritto il 28.04.2010 ore 22:54
Yes, I like this one very much!
M.Krauss ha scritto il 28.04.2010 ore 22:55
Spartano ha scritto il 29.04.2010 ore 18:19
Hallo mein Freund, sehr Schöne Musik, Klasse! 5* Herzlichen Gruß dein Musikfreund Spartano!
PS: Ändere dein Profil, würde dich schneller Erkennen,

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Frantzi ha scritto il 30.04.2010 ore 00:54
The right (broken) voice sings very good lyrics to a good melody....
Best Mixed and mastered...
Nothing more to write...
ArtistW ha scritto il 30.04.2010 ore 00:55
Very good FAV
Pyrex ha scritto il 02.05.2010 ore 02:24
very good song.......5 st.
Michel-Solo-Band ha scritto il 15.05.2010 ore 22:50
A song with much feeling in melody and voice.

Very much very beautifully,......... and much thanks to for your offer.

......@ kokashn,....your words

Hi there
i have roll Ned to your music piece "for my friend.... never died in my heart" and i think its a great piece of music...
i really do like the song, and i something wondering if you would like to make it ace a song??
i can write a beautiful lyrics and sings it??
if you are interested, please sends m the WAV file, somehow, and i wants it make a great song!!!
what do you think?

Write me your address,.... and we makes both it!!!!

5* and FAV


Vecchio utente ha scritto il 22.05.2010 ore 22:58
 Very good, I don't hear anything that one could improve,
excellent guitar  3.16
you surely have your future secured with music like this
Vecchio utente ha scritto il 03.07.2010 ore 09:25
Absolut "WOW" und FAV