franco-galateo ha scritto il 27.04.2020 ore 11:55
Tags: Colonna sonora, Ambient, MIDI, Altro


Galasyan Sideral Hurkestra (with F. Galateo) and Gil Rodan-Navas and Nora Neumen


Attending the inventive works of the Glasyan Sideral Hurkestra directed by Franco Galateo is not new. GSH, however, had already reworked and interpreted music by Gil Rodan-Navas (Tribute to Gil, Astral Reflections), but it had not yet happened to meet Gil in the studio to play with the galactic orchestra and, surprise for everyone, even Nora Neumen she punctually came with her synthesizers to participate in the session. Galateo knew that, together with the protagonists of the Laboratorio di Ricerca Sonora Elettronica Contempoeranea, a "monumental" album would be produced. So it was. If the Teatro delle Ombre were still active it is certain that the GSH performance with Gil and Nora would have been staged. We hope someone will listen the album. The album will be appreciate abum by those who have an attentive ear for contemporary and electronic music. Because Galateo with his "Hurkestra", in agreement with Gil and Nora, has been able to sweeten some minimalist and truly "extreme" passages of the composers belonging to LARSEC, embellishing them with blooms and sublime atmospheres. (J. Domino – Eventi Jazz 9/2016 – extract)

In the cover: PREDJAMA CASTLE (Slovenia)


GSH, Gil Rodan-Navas, Nora Neumen are artists participating in the MITS project



Picnicboy ha scritto il 27.04.2020 ore 12:13


Hmmm... interesting made Track, but not so mine.


LG, Pic😎

Sandro_Glavina_Channel ha scritto il 27.04.2020 ore 13:36

si sente proprio l'influenza della musica contemporanea

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Overdrive ha scritto il 27.04.2020 ore 14:33

I think is a relaxing track... I like it😀😀

Jochen-S ha scritto il 27.04.2020 ore 16:06

Hi Franco,
very interesting track and nice sounds, but that's not really mine now...
Greetings Jochen

Pat_02 ha scritto il 28.04.2020 ore 00:19

Ciao franco
Grazie per l'invito,
Questa musica è certamente minimalista e io stesso non posso suonare il minimalista, ma piuttosto spesso, del complesso che non passa per tutte le orecchie, ma qualunque cosa, per quanto riguarda questa musica e come ci spieghi, devi stare molto attento quando ascolti tale musica, ma va bene, ascolto sempre tutto, attentamente, lol! bene per quello oltre a sezionare tutto, lol! e spesso commenti durante il mio secondo ascolto.
Io mi piace questo tipo di musica ed è ascoltare come dici come una musica di riflessione, e direi di rilassamento e meditazione, ed è solo in questo modo e chiudendo gli occhi mentre ascolti, che questa musica semplice, ti porterà davvero sensazioni, riflessioni e altro ...
Direi che è una musica minimalista molto buona, il cui lavoro è per il poco che ci siamo davvero immersi durante l'ascolto, inoltre sono al mio terzo ascolto, lol! La musica che è sia semplice che complessa alla fine, puoi ascoltarla più volte ...
Quindi molto bene amico mio, un buon lavoro di composizione del tempo.
Cordiali saluti.

Hi Franco,
Thanks for the invitation,
This music is certainly minimalist and I myself cannot play the minimalist, but rather too often, of the complex which does not pass in all ears, but whatever, as for this music and as you explain to us, it you have to be very careful when you listen to such music, but that's good, I always listen to everything, carefully, lol! well for that besides that I dissect everything, lol! and often comments during my second listening.
Me I like this type of music and it is to listen as you say like a music of reflection, and I would say of relaxation and meditation, and it is only in this way and by closing my eyes while you listen, that this simple music, will really bring you sensations, reflections and others ...
I would say that it is a very good minimalist music which its work for the little that we are really immersed in it while listening, moreover I am on my 3rd listening, lol! Music that is both simple and complex in the end, you can listen to it several times ...
So very well my friend, a good work of composition of the time.
Friendly greetings.

Salut Franco, 
Merci pour l'invitation,
Cette musique est certes minimaliste et moi même n'arrive pas à jouer du minimaliste, mais plutôt trop souvent, du complexe qui ne passe pas dans toutes les oreilles, mais peu importe, comme pour cette musique et comme tu nous l'expliques, il faut être très attentif quand tu écoutes une telle musique, mais ça tombe bien, j'écoute toujours tout, attentivement , lol ! bien pour çà d'ailleurs que je décortique tout, lol ! et commente souvent pendant ma 2e écoute.
Moi j'aime ce type de musique et c'est à écouter comme tu dis comme une musique de réflexion, et je dirais de relaxation et méditation, et c'est seulement de cette façon et en fermant les yeux pendant que vous écoutez, que cette musique simple, vous apportera vraiment des sensations, des réflexions et autres...
Je dirais que c'est une très bonne musique minimaliste qui son travail pour le peu que l'on soit vraiment plongé dedans pendant son écoute, d'ailleurs j'en suis à ma 3e écoute, lol ! Une musique à la fois simple et complexe en fin de compte, ça s'écoute plusieurs fois...
Donc très bien mon ami, un bon travail de composition de l'époque.
Salutations amicales.


Siggi-M ha scritto il 29.04.2020 ore 15:59

Hi Franco,nice Sound and relaxing Track 👌👍


Jinty ha scritto il 29.04.2020 ore 22:28

Hello Franco,

It's a beautiful track,I've enjoyed listening to it!!!!!!!

All the best,


Vecchio utente ha scritto il 02.05.2020 ore 02:48

Hi very good job soundtrack dreams music - I like it 😉👍🎼🎹🎬🎵🎶 I wish you good health