The first furrow

Sandro_Glavina_Channel ha scritto il 03.06.2020 ore 00:57
Tags: Artista Music Maker, Rock, Altro, Pop

FOURTH EPISODE (THE FIRST FURROW):  Giant Ban Dragonja creates a first furrow from a northern lake towards the sea. At the first furrow, that allowes the water to reach the sea, the giant gives his name: Dragonja…


Album artwork made by S. Glavina (the imaginary figure of the giant Ban Dragonja obtained through superimpositions and elaborations of photographic images of Pazin's Cave)

Musical ideas, arrangements by Sandro Glavina - Produced by ZenOne Reg.MTKKI15-150615

All rights reserved– Creative Commons License: Attribution - Non Commercial - No derivative works (CC BY – NC-ND)


01 - Water of the north

02 - Giant Ban Dragonja

03 - The plow of Ban

04 - The first furrow

05 - Furrow of Mirna (second furrow)

06 - The captain's wife look at the third furrow

07 - The offense to Ban

08 - The flooded valley

09 - Save our land

10 - The abyss

11 -The underground flow


Wie die Paziner Höhle entstand

Vor langer Zeit, als in Istrien auch Riesen zusammen mit den Menschen lebten, erstreckten sich im Norden von Istrien riesige Seen und Sumpfgebiete. Südlich gab es weder Bäche noch Wasserquellen, und die Leute baten den Riesen Ban Dragonja , ihnen zu helfen das Land zu bewässern. Dragonja spannt daraufhin riesige Ochsen an einen Pflug und pflügt das Land von den Seen bis zum Meer. Als er mit der ersten Furche Wasser bis ins Meer führte, entstand daraus ein Fluss, den der Riese nach sich selber benannte, Dragonja. Am nächsten Tag pflügte er die zweite Furche, indem er einen neuen Fluss schaffte und ihn nach dem Namen seiner Frau nannte, Mirna. Als er beim Pflügen der dritten Furche unterhalb der Mauern des Paziner Kastells geriet, fing die am Fenster stehende Frau des Paziner Kapitäns zu sticheln an. Sie rief ihm spöttisch zu, er würde zu flach pflügen und die Furche verliefe schief. Ban Dragonja fühlt sich daraufhin sehr verletzt und treibt die Ochsen zurück. Aus der unvollendeten Furche sprudelt Wasser heraus und der Paziner Talkessel droht zu überschwemmen. Die Paziner beginnen um Hilfe zu rufen, weinen und bitten Dragonja, sie vor dem Untergang zu retten. Ban Dragonja erbarmt sich ihrer und stößt seinen Fuß tief in die Erde, umittelbar unterhalb der Klippen über denen sich das Kastell erhebt. Mit fürchterlichem Lärm beginnt die Erde abzusacken, durch den Stoß öffnet sich eine riesige Höhle und schluckt die gesamten Wassermassen. So entstand anstatt eines dritten Flusses das schlänglige Flüsschen Pazinčica, dessen Wasser bis zum heutigen Tage spurlos in der felsigen Paziner Höhle verschwindet.

The legend of the giant Ban Dragonija

In ancient times, when Istria was also inhabited by giant beings, the north of the peninsula was an area covered by huge lakes and swamps. In the south, however, there were no streams or springs and the population asked the giant Ban Dragonja to help wet the earth. Dragonja yoked huge oxen to the plow and created a furrow from a northern lake towards the sea. At the first furrow that allowed the water to reach the sea, he gave his name, Dragonja. The following day he plowed the second furrow, giving birth to another river to which he gave the name of his wife, Mirna. While he was plowing the third furrow, which arrived under the walls of the Castle of Pazin,  the wife of the captain of Pazin  began to critic him, telling him that the furrow was shallow and all wrong. Ban Dragonja was deeply offended, stopped tthe work. In the furrow the water began to flow which slowly flooded the valley of Pazin. The inhabitants began to help Dragonja in his work, praying him in tears to save them from ruin. Ban Dragonja took pity on them and tapped one foot on the ground, right under the cliff on which the Castle stood. With an impressive roar the earth began to open, the strong blow created a chasm that swallowed all the water. This is why instead of a third river arose the serpentine stream today called Pazinčica, whose waters are still lost in the deep Cave of Pazin.

JULIUS VERNE and Pazin's castle and cave

The famous science fiction pioneer Jules Verne, after writing his adventurous novels such as "Around the world in 80 days" and "20,000 leagues under the seas", also found inspiration in this small place in Istria. Here in fact, precisely in Pazin's castle and cave, the illustrious writer set "Mathias Sandorf" (1885), one of the novels of the successful series Voyages Extraordinaires.

Segui Cita

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA



Vecchio utente ha scritto il 03.06.2020 ore 03:50

Hi very good job rock synthpop music - I like it 😉👍🎼🎹🎵🎶 I wish you good health

Siggi-M ha scritto il 03.06.2020 ore 09:02

Musical ideas by Sandro is very good and your Episoden super 👌

I like your Work !!!!


Jochen-S ha scritto il 03.06.2020 ore 09:34

Hi Sandro,
musically very nice idea of you and great made...👍
Greetings Jochen

DJ_Wash-8aer. ha scritto il 03.06.2020 ore 17:29

Great Rock-Oper !!!

WASH was here...🖖🐼

franco-galateo ha scritto il 03.06.2020 ore 19:29

traccia musicalmente molto interessante. fusioni sonore sempre di altissima qualità.... anche questo album è altamente professionale


Maboe ha scritto il 04.06.2020 ore 20:50

A very interesting story and I like your work. Compliments!


Jinty ha scritto il 05.06.2020 ore 18:48

Hello Sandro,

I like your track, It's beautiful!!!!!!!!

All the best,


DJ-HERMAN ha scritto il 07.06.2020 ore 11:49

Nic dodać nic ująć DOBRA ROBOTA 👍👍👌👌👍👍🎹🎸

Gares ha scritto il 10.06.2020 ore 21:06


Vecchio utente ha scritto il 20.06.2020 ore 19:10

Enigmatic title and curious art, the theme has developed well. Greetings.

Pat_02 ha scritto il 06.08.2020 ore 18:12

Ancora una volta un gustoso mix che inizia con questa volta direi musica medievale con un background di synth e segue un ritmo rock e musica jazz contemporanea.
è sempre molto ben fatto e divertente da ascoltare. ci sono anche passaggi synth molto spaziali.
Buono il flauto traverso, o quello che sembra e i passaggi bene Rock. Questa è un'ottima composizione alternativa solo per i dilettanti come me, lol!
Saluti amichevoli.

Again a tasty mix which starts with this time I would say medieval music with a synth background and follows on a rock rhythm and contemporary Jazz music.
it's always very well done and fun to listen to. there are also very spatial synth passages.
Well the transverse flute, or what looks like it and the passages well Rock. This is a very good alternative composition for only amateurs like me, lol!
Friendly greetings.

A nouveau un savoureux mélange qui commence par cette fois ci je dirais de la musique moyenâgeuse avec un fond de synthé et enchaîne sur une rythmique Rock et une musique Jazz contemporain.
c'est toujours très bien fait et sympathique à écouter. il y a des passages de synthés également très spatiaux.
Bien la flûte traversière, ou ce qui y ressemble et les passages bien Rock. C'est une très bonne composition alternative pour seulement les amateurs comme moi, lol !
Salutations amicales.


Philip-J ha scritto il 07.08.2020 ore 17:22

Interesting baroque sound in the introduction, then a nice change to more aggressive sound, then more relaxing mood. I like the many different sections. Well done!