franco-galateo ha scritto il 08.06.2021 ore 12:31
Tags: Altro, Colonna sonora, MIDI, Ambient, Alternativa, Artista Music Maker

Franco Galateo and Sandro Glavina are The Frasan Galaglav


Musical ideas, arrangements, performances by: Franco Galateo e Sandro Glavina

Produced  by MITS (Musica Interattiva Totale Sperimentale) at Montegrotto Terme and Paderno Dugnano.

All rights reserved  - REG. MTKKI15-011118 - Creative Commons License: CC BY–NC-ND

ALBUM ARTWORK: from a photo “The entrance of the fairy forest” made by  Sandro Glavina, 2018

Free listening and download



Fairy forest and surroundings – Montegrotto Terme (Padova, Italy)


Close to the Euganean Hills, in the heart of one of the largest thermal areas in Italy, there is the first Butterfly House built in Italy and one of the first in the world. The “Bosco delle Fate” continues the path of the Butterfly House. It is a magical place that is located within a 6000 square meter wooded park, where young and old are enchanted by the legends and fantastic characters that populate the imagination and popular tradition. On the walk you will encounter pictorial reproductions of ogres, goblins and fairies, but also strange stones and trees with suspicious eyes. Continuing, we arrive at the lake of the fisher elf and the ancient labyrinth of stones. Il Bosco delle Fate was born on the basis of ancient local tales and elements belonging to the imaginary world of fairies that characterize the Indo-European tradition. Among the most fascinating are the Labyrinth of Stones, the Sacred Garden of the Druids and the Hill of the Fairies. Some of these were performed live for the first time, collecting stories from the oral tradition. In the woods is possible also meet animated characters. Among these the King of the Trolls, who tells short stories that have to do with the magical and invisible world, or the Gypsy Caravan, with a real talking Oracle inside, which can be interrogated to have wise responses both in Italian and English. The Bosco delle Fate also hosts a space dedicated to the world of water, rich in rare species to be protected, and an area where giant moths can be observed closely. 


In der Nähe der Euganean Hills, im Herzen eines der größten Thermalgebiete Italiens, befindet sich das erste in Italien erbaute Schmetterlingshaus und eines der ersten der Welt. Der Bosco delle Fate setzt den Weg des Schmetterlingshauses fort. Es ist ein magischer Ort in einem 6000 Quadratmeter großen Waldpark, in dem Jung und Alt von den Legenden und fantastischen Charakteren verzaubert werden, die die Fantasie und die beliebte Tradition bevölkern. Während des Spaziergangs begegnen Sie bildlichen Reproduktionen von Orks, Kobolden und Feen, aber auch seltsamen Steinen und Bäumen mit verdächtigen Augen. Weiter erreichen wir den See des Fischerelfen und das alte Labyrinth aus Steinen. Il Bosco delle Fate wurde auf der Grundlage alter lokaler Geschichten und Elemente geboren, die zur imaginären Welt der Feen gehören, die die indogermanische Tradition charakterisieren. Zu den faszinierendsten zählen das Labyrinth der Steine, der Heilige Garten der Druiden und das Colle delle Fate. Einige davon wurden zum ersten Mal live aufgeführt und sammelten Geschichten aus der mündlichen Überlieferung. Im Wald ist es auch möglich, animierte Charaktere zu treffen. Darunter der König der Trolle, der Kurzgeschichten erzählt, die mit der magischen und unsichtbaren Welt zu tun haben, oder die Zigeunerkarawane mit einem echten sprechenden Orakel, das auf Italienisch und Englisch nach klugen Antworten gefragt werden kann. Das Bosco delle Fate beherbergt auch einen Raum, der der Welt des Wassers gewidmet ist, reich an seltenen Arten zum Schutz, und einen Bereich, in dem Sie die riesigen Motten genau beobachten können.






Jochen-S ha scritto il 08.06.2021 ore 14:38

Hi Franco,
very exciting music to an interesting story... Well done...
Jochen ...

Sandro_Glavina_Channel ha scritto il 08.06.2021 ore 20:53

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Paolo-Brenner ha scritto il 08.06.2021 ore 23:09

Cool sound experiment - I like it!

Paulo.Costa ha scritto il 09.06.2021 ore 03:25

I don't know why, but I felt like dreaming lucid dreams this morning so I was dreaming that I was flying low on a paved road where tree branches almost reaching the ground were very visible, then I remembered I was dreaming, and I could later notice a city that I didn't know at the time, I could see some buildings in the surroundings, then some dry branches with light brown dry leaves seemed to hold my left arm, seemed to say something to me, I remembered the books I read about astral travel and Stephen Lamberg's lucid dreams, I like to go from time to time to those worlds that many don't believe, but I know these strange worlds made of dream feathers are there, noiselessly, they invade the rest of any living being, we never talk about inner mysteries because we'll never be able to explain, very good music, it made me reflect that, also the cover of those mentioned trees that I mentioned!

não sei  o porque , mas me deu vontade de sonhar sonhos lúcidos hoje de manhã então eu estava sonhando que eu estava voando rasante em uma estrada asfaltada onde arvores de galhos quase alcançando solo eram bem visíveis, então me lembrei que eu estava sonhando, e pude notar depois uma cidade que eu desconhecia naquele momento, pude ver uns prédios aos arredores, então foi que uns galhos secos com folhas secas marrons claro pareciam segurar meu braço esquerdo, pareciam me dizerem algo, me lembrei dos livros que eu lia sobre viagens astrais e sonhos lúcidos de Stephen Laberge, eu gosto de ir de vez em quando à esses  mundos que muitos não acreditam, mas eu sei que estes mundos estranhos feitos de plumas de sonhos estão ali, sem fazer barulho, eles invadem o descanso de qualquer ser vivente, nunca falamos sobre mistérios interiores porque nunca conseguiremos explicar, musica muito boa, me fez refletir isso, também a capa dessas referidas arvores que mencionei!


Modificato l'ultima volta da Paulo.Costa il 09.06.2021, 10:44, Modificato in totale 7-volte.

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Philip-J ha scritto il 10.08.2021 ore 15:53

I like the use of the strange sounds which suggest the amazing things in the House and Forrest. Good use of MIDI and the vocals fit well. Well done, Franco.

Best wishes, NewDream