
horst-d Posté à 02/11/2018 15:52

Sehr schöner Chiller😊👍❤️🎼🎧♪♪♪


Xanevik Posté à 03/11/2018 16:57

Without words and yet the music says it all. You have captured an amazing feeling with your song. It is happy but has a certain somber feeling about it. Maybe just me with the song picture influencing me. I enjoy this very much. Excellent song!

robin109 Posté à 03/11/2018 19:38

Sensational, dynamic, very mysterious, interesting and original
Greetings Robert

Revival Posté à 04/11/2018 09:37


ITCHYPHOX Posté à 04/11/2018 14:42

Yes this is beautiful. Hypnotic beauty. Excellent tune man. Cheers 🙂✌️

alexandra-r Posté à 21/11/2018 18:19

Hallo! Für mich ist es etwas schwierig zu bewerten, da dies nicht mein Lieblingsmusikstile ist. Klingt - gerade am Anfang - ein wenig nach Handyklingelton ...Wie gesagt, ich bevorzuge andere Musik. Was mir hier gefällt, ist die Akustikgitarre, aber die spielt ja recht selten.
Endet etwas plötzlich, ohne Ausblendung.

Hello! It's a bit difficult for me to rate, as this is not my favorite music style. Sounds - just at the beginning - a little after mobile ringing tone ... As I said, I prefer other music. What I like here is the acoustic guitar, but it rarely happens. Ends something suddenly, without fading out.

alexandra-r Posté à 23/11/2018 21:07

Du verstehst aber was ich meine, oder? Da sind einfach Elemente, die mich an solche Handymelodien erinnern. Ist nicht zwangsläufig abwertend! :D

You understand what I mean, right? There are simply elements that remind me of such mobile melodies. Is not necessarily pejorative! : D

Ganfo Posté à 23/12/2018 16:39

Beautiful track. I like it! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Ganfo 😎

fetter339 Posté à 10/01/2019 15:33

The visual is truly hypnotic... the tune is very nice... the strings are quite unnatural. I likee it.