Without words and yet the music says it all. You have captured an amazing feeling with your song. It is happy but has a certain somber feeling about it. Maybe just me with the song picture influencing me. I enjoy this very much. Excellent song!
Hallo! Für mich ist es etwas schwierig zu bewerten, da dies nicht mein Lieblingsmusikstile ist. Klingt - gerade am Anfang - ein wenig nach Handyklingelton ...Wie gesagt, ich bevorzuge andere Musik. Was mir hier gefällt, ist die Akustikgitarre, aber die spielt ja recht selten. Endet etwas plötzlich, ohne Ausblendung.
Hello! It's a bit difficult for me to rate, as this is not my favorite music style. Sounds - just at the beginning - a little after mobile ringing tone ... As I said, I prefer other music. What I like here is the acoustic guitar, but it rarely happens. Ends something suddenly, without fading out.