Les outardes de l'île Bate

Gatino Posté à 23/12/2011 14:45
Largeur: 480
Hauteur: 360
Durée: 03:40
Format: x-ms-asf

court-métrage artistique sur les outardes (ou bernaches canadiennes)  Filmé sur l'île Bate, sur la rivière des Outaouais en face de Ottawa, Canada.


Short film on the canadian geese.  Filmed at Bate island on the Ottawa river, facing Ottawa, Canada.


pylone Posté à 03/01/2012 17:02

Sympa ta vidéo

daimansion Posté à 27/04/2012 14:48

cool and nice music

marechal Posté à 24/05/2012 00:25


bien   la  vidéo 

marechal .

fandjo Posté à 24/01/2013 21:02

Belle vidéo, de plus très bien filmé avec de bonne idée, j'aime...

D-Hynez Posté à 11/10/2015 05:44

How Beautiful. I am a nature lover, great video and soothing music...

Dernière modification de D-Hynez le 11/10/2015, 05:44, Modifié 1 fois au total.

I come from a musical background, from my parents 1960's throw down parties, singing lead in choirs and in groups,  playing the Baritone & Tuba Treble  Clef during the good old days of Junior High & High School Band, and later on in my life, there is  music production.

 Most individuals ask what music genre am I. I am eclectic, withstanding I produce music that gives me goose bumbs, stirs my soul, or gives me heart palpitations - easy on the ears and active. 

Generally I am a mad scientist when it comes to music, I like to experiment with different sounds and blend all types of genres. Since I have had the wonderful experience of playing instruments in band, my  key signature is the piano. I love piano, it is sophisticated, melodic and piano can blend into any type of music.  

Strings gravitates towards feelings, emotions and dramatics, while saxaphones and trumpets are sassy.  I am a bass line lover, so my bass lines will have different variations to change the groove of my instrumental pieces.

So you see I am a bundle of variations, and I hope that you enjoy the experience and the sounds of D-HYNEZ'S music...Blessings to you all and thank you in advance..