
tourenco Posté à 22/04/2012 02:52
Largeur: 716
Hauteur: 1000

The famous spacecraft engineer,she designed the M'ahrduhk001,the fastest lightweight starship of is generation...

the intervar trust slaughtered her with the help of Rettner,her old enemy...nano poison is gnawing her cells,and she became a pirate,obsessed by revenge...

She secretely created the M'ahrduhk 002and 003...helped by her old friend : the powerful "Lebühll",prince of the entertainement,but also king of the underworld...


smartsmurf Posté à 23/04/2012 07:22

What's UC mean... ubiquitous currency?

Hope I get to see some of them spaceships too...

tourenco Posté à 23/04/2012 12:17

hey Smartsmurf and Cornsy...thanks for comments

UC are universal credits,i'll log some samples of  banknotes as soon as possible

You got to know that amounts can be loged in the internal bio-chipset that every good confederation citizen carry inside his body...

smartsmurf Posté à 26/04/2012 23:00

 Universal Credits   now that's much easier of course...

But of course the bad guys have already found out how to hack that bio-chipset for their illegal actions... I like your ideas very much... I like Science Fiction and Phantasie...

VisionART Posté à 30/04/2012 06:11

Do yo have really more fucking peace to smuggle?

over the top, down under or by the way??

I wish you all  the best, the fucking best-best,




nihon94 Posté à 03/05/2012 21:25

Very attractive work

