The beginning is cool! I like the rhythm of the drums! Then from 0:30 I dislike the fast changes of the harmonies. They could be two bars. But the sounds are great!
Though it is a little bit boring because the harmonies are too often repeated. And of course a melody is missing!
The end is good because you make an fade-out.
Nice track but much to do!!!
Ancien utilisateur
Posté à 29/06/2014 22:35
Hi !
I love the rhythms. Good head bobbing music. The chromatic movement of the chords towards the beginning were interesting and very different. I might slow it down a bit if I were doing it, although I tend to play everything too fast or speed up.
klingt etwas chaotisch, weil die Wechsel zu schnell sind und die Melodie "verwurschtelt" klingt. Muß Aces da zustimmen. Das ist aber natürlich Geschmackssache. Die Aussteuerung ist gut. Der Bass fehlt mir jedoch.