Hello, I am facing a problem that I cannot solve.
In the Hardware Controller menus, when I assign for example the function of the menu Play - Recording mode / Punch In - "Start marker on the fly" to a button command of my controller, everything works fine in my open session but this infomation does not seem to be saved correctly in the corresponding cpsxml file. The parameter is in the file but with a function it seems wrong. As a result of reloading a new session, the button is well defined but with no function assigned. To get the proper functioning I have to re-parameterize each time I open a session.
This defect also exists on other functions not directly linked to the mixer.
Can you advise me on how to remedy this malfunction?
thank you in advance for your response
Samplitude Pro x5 Bug
Posté à 30/07/2021 15:42