Backing Tracks pour la scène / backing tracks for live performance

DrAndreasKlein Posté à 05/03/2024 11:03

Bonjour - est-ce possible de réaliser un concert avec des backing tracks en utilisant Samplitude ? L'importance est de pouvoir définir plusieurs morceaux et de les démarrer sur commande

Hello - does someone know if Samplitude give the possibility to perform live events with backing tracks ? Means I want to run several songs one after the other on command

Thanks Andreas


Hello again - thanks for your feedback; As I don't find how to place a comment to your answer, I edit my original question:
My idea is to play several songs with backing tracks on sceen. Up to now I'm using a small machine Live Player LP16, and would like to switch to a PC solution.

I think you gave the answer already: Samplitude has no possibility to simply switch from one song to another and play it once, then stop and wait for e.g. a keyboard entry to start the next song/

Thanks Andreas


SP. Posté à 06/03/2024 01:44

@DrAndreasKlein Qu’essayez-vous de réaliser ?  Lire une chanson et modifier les effets pendant la lecture en direct ?  Cela pourrait être possible, mais je ne suis pas sûr que Samplitude soit le bon outil pour cela.  Habituellement, les musiciens utilisent des DAW spéciaux comme Ableton Live, Max for Live.



What are you trying to achieve? Playback a song and changing effects during live playback? This might be possible, but I'm not sure that Samplitude is the right tool for this. Usually, musicians use special DAWs like Ableton Live, Max for Live.

DrAndreasKlein Posté à 06/03/2024 09:28

After another coffee I found the right button LOL

My idea is to play several songs with backing tracks on sceen. Up to now I'm using a small machine Live Player LP16, and would like to switch to a PC solution.

I think you gave the answer already: Samplitude has no possibility to simply switch from one song to another and play it once, then stop and wait for e.g. a keyboard entry to start the next song/

Thanks Andreas