como solucionar error al grabar DVD con Magix foto en CD y DVD 8 versión para descargar...

edvaldo99costa escrito el 27.07.AM a las 10:24 horas

buenos días... desde hace 3 días estoy intentando grabar un video que hice pero me sale error en los siguientes puntos:

17/07/2011 16:40:54.215:   Step 5 done
17/07/2011 16:40:54.217:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 16:40:54.217:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 16:40:54.217:   time: Sun Jul 17 16:40:54 2011

17/07/2011 16:40:54.218:   project burning failed
17/07/2011 16:40:54.221:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 16:40:54.222:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 16:41:44.930:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 16:41:44.931:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 16:42:10.938:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 16:42:10.939:    DEVICE ARRIVED
17/07/2011 16:42:11.930:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 16:42:11.931:    DEVICE ARRIVED

-------------------------- 17/07/2011 16:59:26 --------------------------

17/07/2011 16:59:26.477:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
17/07/2011 16:59:26.478:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
17/07/2011 16:59:26.478:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
17/07/2011 16:59:26.510:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
17/07/2011 16:59:26.511:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
17/07/2011 16:59:26.511:   AVSDK: 1 device(s) found
17/07/2011 16:59:26.512:   Adapter=1  ID=0  LUN=0   D:MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S Revision:1.21
17/07/2011 16:59:26.512:   AVSDK: 1 record device(s) available
17/07/2011 16:59:26.512:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 16:59:27.061:   setting no speed limit
17/07/2011 16:59:27.062:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
17/07/2011 16:59:34.410:   Open Project: 2 -- dvd project 2011-07-17
17/07/2011 16:59:34.411:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
17/07/2011 16:59:34.411:   dll version
17/07/2011 16:59:34.459:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
17/07/2011 16:59:34.459:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
17/07/2011 16:59:34.461:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1419476992
17/07/2011 16:59:34.462:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 33882112, Typ 0
17/07/2011 16:59:34.462:   Title an Stelle 33882112, Länge 1703936, Typ 0
17/07/2011 16:59:34.462:   Title an Stelle 35586048, Länge 1383890944, Typ 1
17/07/2011 16:59:34.462:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
17/07/2011 16:59:38.725:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
17/07/2011 16:59:38.747:   Step 1 done
17/07/2011 16:59:38.755:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB
17/07/2011 16:59:38.756:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB
17/07/2011 16:59:38.757:   Step 2 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
17/07/2011 16:59:38.758:   Step 2 done
17/07/2011 16:59:41.131:   Step 3 of 6
17/07/2011 16:59:41.132:   Step 3 done
17/07/2011 16:59:41.142:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
17/07/2011 16:59:41.172:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
17/07/2011 16:59:41.173:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 16:59:41.174:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 16:59:41.179:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 16:59:41.179:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
17/07/2011 16:59:41.180:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
17/07/2011 16:59:41.180:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
17/07/2011 16:59:41.181:   Step 4 of 6
17/07/2011 16:59:41.182:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
17/07/2011 16:59:41.193:   create volume... OK
17/07/2011 16:59:41.194:   verify option OFF
17/07/2011 16:59:41.194:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
17/07/2011 16:59:41.196:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
17/07/2011 16:59:41.197:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB"
17/07/2011 16:59:41.199:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB"
17/07/2011 16:59:41.200:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.IFO"
17/07/2011 16:59:41.202:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.VOB"
17/07/2011 16:59:41.203:   Step 4 done
17/07/2011 16:59:41.205:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 16:59:41.206:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
17/07/2011 16:59:41.206:   time: Sun Jul 17 16:59:41 2011

17/07/2011 16:59:41.206:   Step 5 of 6
17/07/2011 16:59:41.209:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 16:59:41.209:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 16:59:41.210:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 16:59:41.210:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
17/07/2011 16:59:41.211:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
17/07/2011 16:59:41.358:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
17/07/2011 16:59:41.359:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> formatting disc to prepare recording ...
17/07/2011 16:59:51.379:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Formatting disc
17/07/2011 16:59:51.379:   time: Sun Jul 17 16:59:51 2011

17/07/2011 17:00:02.477:   AVSDK Status - End operation Formatting disc
17/07/2011 17:00:02.812:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot format track -> Unrecoverable read error (SK/ASC/ASCQ 03/11/00)
17/07/2011 17:00:02.812:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording failed due to write error on disc
17/07/2011 17:00:02.832:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 206 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:00:02.832:   Step 5 done
17/07/2011 17:00:02.834:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:00:02.834:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 17:00:02.834:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:00:02 2011

17/07/2011 17:00:02.834:   project burning failed
17/07/2011 17:00:02.837:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:00:02.838:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:00:09.822:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:00:09.822:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 17:10:00.343:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:10:11.052:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:10:11.226:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Erasing disc
17/07/2011 17:10:11.227:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:10:11 2011

17/07/2011 17:11:06.508:   AVSDK Status - End operation Erasing disc
17/07/2011 17:11:10.791:   Open Project: 2 -- dvd project 2011-07-17
17/07/2011 17:11:10.791:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
17/07/2011 17:11:10.791:   dll version
17/07/2011 17:11:10.793:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
17/07/2011 17:11:10.793:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
17/07/2011 17:11:10.795:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1419476992
17/07/2011 17:11:10.796:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 33882112, Typ 0
17/07/2011 17:11:10.796:   Title an Stelle 33882112, Länge 1703936, Typ 0
17/07/2011 17:11:10.796:   Title an Stelle 35586048, Länge 1383890944, Typ 1
17/07/2011 17:11:10.796:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
17/07/2011 17:11:17.040:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
17/07/2011 17:11:17.043:   Step 1 done
17/07/2011 17:11:17.051:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB
17/07/2011 17:11:17.051:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB
17/07/2011 17:11:17.052:   Step 2 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
17/07/2011 17:11:17.054:   Step 2 done
17/07/2011 17:11:19.166:   Step 3 of 6
17/07/2011 17:11:19.167:   Step 3 done
17/07/2011 17:11:19.169:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
17/07/2011 17:11:19.199:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
17/07/2011 17:11:19.200:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 17:11:19.200:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 17:11:19.201:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 17:11:19.201:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
17/07/2011 17:11:19.201:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
17/07/2011 17:11:19.202:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
17/07/2011 17:11:19.202:   Step 4 of 6
17/07/2011 17:11:19.204:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
17/07/2011 17:11:19.208:   create volume... OK
17/07/2011 17:11:19.208:   verify option OFF
17/07/2011 17:11:19.209:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
17/07/2011 17:11:19.210:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:11:19.211:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:11:19.212:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:11:19.213:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.IFO"
17/07/2011 17:11:19.214:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:11:19.215:   Step 4 done
17/07/2011 17:11:19.217:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 17:11:19.217:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
17/07/2011 17:11:19.217:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:11:19 2011

17/07/2011 17:11:19.218:   Step 5 of 6
17/07/2011 17:11:19.220:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 17:11:19.220:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 17:11:19.221:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 17:11:19.221:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
17/07/2011 17:11:19.221:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
17/07/2011 17:11:19.233:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
17/07/2011 17:11:19.234:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 649008 sectors/frames
17/07/2011 17:11:19.234:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:11:19 2011

17/07/2011 17:11:19.236:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
17/07/2011 17:11:20.828:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
17/07/2011 17:11:20.828:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:11:20 2011

17/07/2011 17:18:20.221:   writing leadout and closing disc
17/07/2011 17:18:20.222:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:18:20 2011

17/07/2011 17:19:29.821:   writing leadout and closing disc
17/07/2011 17:19:29.821:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:19:29 2011

17/07/2011 17:19:29.822:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 649008 sectors/frames
17/07/2011 17:19:29.823:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording successfully completed
17/07/2011 17:19:30.769:   Step 5 done
17/07/2011 17:19:30.771:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 17:19:30.771:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:19:30 2011

17/07/2011 17:19:52.766:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:19:52.766:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 17:20:33.671:   Open Project: 2 -- dvd project 2011-07-17
17/07/2011 17:20:33.671:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
17/07/2011 17:20:33.672:   dll version
17/07/2011 17:20:33.673:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
17/07/2011 17:20:33.673:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
17/07/2011 17:20:33.675:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1419476992
17/07/2011 17:20:33.676:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 33882112, Typ 0
17/07/2011 17:20:33.676:   Title an Stelle 33882112, Länge 1703936, Typ 0
17/07/2011 17:20:33.676:   Title an Stelle 35586048, Länge 1383890944, Typ 1
17/07/2011 17:20:33.677:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
17/07/2011 17:20:35.797:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
17/07/2011 17:20:35.800:   Step 1 done
17/07/2011 17:20:35.806:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB
17/07/2011 17:20:35.807:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB
17/07/2011 17:20:35.807:   Step 2 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
17/07/2011 17:20:35.809:   Step 2 done
17/07/2011 17:20:37.923:   Step 3 of 6
17/07/2011 17:20:37.924:   Step 3 done
17/07/2011 17:20:37.927:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
17/07/2011 17:20:37.955:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
17/07/2011 17:20:37.956:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 17:20:37.957:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 17:20:37.961:   setting write speed to 3324000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 17:20:37.961:   this equals 2,400000x DVD / 18,843538x CD Speed
17/07/2011 17:20:37.962:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
17/07/2011 17:20:37.962:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
17/07/2011 17:20:37.963:   Step 4 of 6
17/07/2011 17:20:37.965:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
17/07/2011 17:20:37.973:   create volume... OK
17/07/2011 17:20:37.974:   verify option OFF
17/07/2011 17:20:37.975:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
17/07/2011 17:20:37.977:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:20:37.978:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:20:37.980:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:20:37.982:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.IFO"
17/07/2011 17:20:37.984:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:20:37.986:   Step 4 done
17/07/2011 17:20:37.988:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 17:20:37.988:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
17/07/2011 17:20:37.989:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:20:37 2011

17/07/2011 17:20:37.989:   Step 5 of 6
17/07/2011 17:20:37.993:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 17:20:37.993:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 17:20:37.994:   setting write speed to 3324000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 17:20:37.994:   this equals 2,400000x DVD / 18,843538x CD Speed
17/07/2011 17:20:37.995:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
17/07/2011 17:20:38.011:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
17/07/2011 17:20:38.013:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> formatting disc to prepare recording ...
17/07/2011 17:20:48.036:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Formatting disc
17/07/2011 17:20:48.036:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:20:48 2011

17/07/2011 17:20:57.055:   AVSDK Status - End operation Formatting disc
17/07/2011 17:20:57.055:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot format track -> Unrecoverable read error (SK/ASC/ASCQ 03/11/00)
17/07/2011 17:20:57.056:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording failed due to write error on disc
17/07/2011 17:20:57.073:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 206 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:20:57.073:   Step 5 done
17/07/2011 17:20:57.075:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:20:57.075:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 17:20:57.075:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:20:57 2011

17/07/2011 17:20:57.075:   project burning failed
17/07/2011 17:20:57.078:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:20:57.079:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
17/07/2011 17:21:16.767:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:21:16.768:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 17:22:18.779:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:22:18.780:    DEVICE ARRIVED
17/07/2011 17:22:21.648:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:22:31.776:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:22:31.777:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 17:25:11.779:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:25:11.780:    DEVICE ARRIVED
17/07/2011 17:25:14.654:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:25:55.565:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:25:55.566:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 17:27:01.465:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:27:01.465:    DEVICE ARRIVED
17/07/2011 17:27:01.751:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:29:14.784:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:29:14.785:    DEVICE ARRIVED
17/07/2011 17:29:17.225:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:33:38.771:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:33:38.772:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 17:38:35.777:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 17:38:35.778:    DEVICE ARRIVED
17/07/2011 17:38:38.643:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:39:37.018:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:39:38.585:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
17/07/2011 17:39:38.797:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Erasing disc
17/07/2011 17:39:38.798:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:39:38 2011

17/07/2011 17:40:35.147:   AVSDK Status - End operation Erasing disc
17/07/2011 17:40:39.374:   Open Project: 2 -- dvd project 2011-07-17
17/07/2011 17:40:39.374:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
17/07/2011 17:40:39.374:   dll version
17/07/2011 17:40:39.376:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
17/07/2011 17:40:39.376:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
17/07/2011 17:40:39.378:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1419476992
17/07/2011 17:40:39.378:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 33882112, Typ 0
17/07/2011 17:40:39.379:   Title an Stelle 33882112, Länge 1703936, Typ 0
17/07/2011 17:40:39.379:   Title an Stelle 35586048, Länge 1383890944, Typ 1
17/07/2011 17:40:39.379:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
17/07/2011 17:54:49.742:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
17/07/2011 17:54:49.748:   Step 1 done
17/07/2011 17:54:49.764:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB
17/07/2011 17:54:49.766:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB
17/07/2011 17:54:49.768:   Step 2 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
17/07/2011 17:54:49.770:   Step 2 done
17/07/2011 17:54:54.669:   Step 3 of 6
17/07/2011 17:54:54.672:   Step 3 done
17/07/2011 17:54:54.678:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
17/07/2011 17:54:54.710:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
17/07/2011 17:54:54.712:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 17:54:54.713:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 17:54:54.716:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 17:54:54.717:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
17/07/2011 17:54:54.718:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
17/07/2011 17:54:54.719:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
17/07/2011 17:54:54.721:   Step 4 of 6
17/07/2011 17:54:54.723:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
17/07/2011 17:54:54.733:   create volume... OK
17/07/2011 17:54:54.733:   verify option OFF
17/07/2011 17:54:54.735:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
17/07/2011 17:54:54.737:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:54:54.741:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:54:54.744:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:54:54.746:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.IFO"
17/07/2011 17:54:54.749:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.VOB"
17/07/2011 17:54:54.751:   Step 4 done
17/07/2011 17:54:54.754:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 17:54:54.755:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
17/07/2011 17:54:54.756:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:54:54 2011

17/07/2011 17:54:54.757:   Step 5 of 6
17/07/2011 17:54:54.762:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
17/07/2011 17:54:54.762:    Booktype: don't care
17/07/2011 17:54:54.763:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
17/07/2011 17:54:54.764:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
17/07/2011 17:54:54.765:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
17/07/2011 17:54:54.778:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
17/07/2011 17:54:54.779:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 649008 sectors/frames
17/07/2011 17:54:54.779:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:54:54 2011

17/07/2011 17:54:54.780:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
17/07/2011 17:54:55.816:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
17/07/2011 17:54:55.817:   time: Sun Jul 17 17:54:55 2011

17/07/2011 18:00:33.780:   writing leadout and closing disc
17/07/2011 18:00:33.781:   time: Sun Jul 17 18:00:33 2011

17/07/2011 18:01:43.214:   writing leadout and closing disc
17/07/2011 18:01:43.215:   time: Sun Jul 17 18:01:43 2011

17/07/2011 18:01:43.218:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 649008 sectors/frames
17/07/2011 18:01:43.219:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording successfully completed
17/07/2011 18:01:43.888:   Step 5 done
17/07/2011 18:01:43.892:   ------------ done ----------------
17/07/2011 18:01:43.893:   time: Sun Jul 17 18:01:43 2011

17/07/2011 18:03:47.771:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 18:03:47.772:    DEVICE REMOVAL
17/07/2011 18:04:54.779:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
17/07/2011 18:04:54.779:    DEVICE ARRIVED
17/07/2011 18:04:56.123:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!

-------------------------- 18/07/2011 11:30:24 --------------------------

18/07/2011 11:30:24.579:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
18/07/2011 11:30:24.580:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
18/07/2011 11:30:24.580:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
18/07/2011 11:30:24.640:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
18/07/2011 11:30:24.640:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
18/07/2011 11:30:24.640:   AVSDK: 1 device(s) found
18/07/2011 11:30:24.641:   Adapter=1  ID=0  LUN=0   D:MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S Revision:1.21
18/07/2011 11:30:24.641:   AVSDK: 1 record device(s) available
18/07/2011 11:30:24.641:   ------------ done ----------------
18/07/2011 11:30:25.050:   setting no speed limit
18/07/2011 11:30:25.051:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
18/07/2011 11:30:30.275:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
18/07/2011 11:30:32.572:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
18/07/2011 11:30:33.958:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
18/07/2011 11:30:34.070:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Erasing disc
18/07/2011 11:30:34.071:   time: Mon Jul 18 11:30:34 2011

18/07/2011 11:31:24.618:   AVSDK Status - End operation Erasing disc
18/07/2011 11:31:29.705:   Open Project: 2 -- dvd project 2011-07-18
18/07/2011 11:31:29.706:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
18/07/2011 11:31:29.706:   dll version
18/07/2011 11:31:29.767:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
18/07/2011 11:31:29.767:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
18/07/2011 11:31:29.769:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1419378688
18/07/2011 11:31:29.770:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 33882112, Typ 0
18/07/2011 11:31:29.770:   Title an Stelle 33882112, Länge 1605632, Typ 0
18/07/2011 11:31:29.770:   Title an Stelle 35487744, Länge 1383890944, Typ 1
18/07/2011 11:31:29.771:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
18/07/2011 11:37:40.016:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
18/07/2011 11:37:40.316:   Step 1 done
18/07/2011 11:37:40.322:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB
18/07/2011 11:37:40.322:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB
18/07/2011 11:37:40.323:   Step 2 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
18/07/2011 11:37:40.324:   Step 2 done
18/07/2011 11:37:47.757:   Step 3 of 6
18/07/2011 11:37:47.758:   Step 3 done
18/07/2011 11:37:47.761:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
18/07/2011 11:37:47.789:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
18/07/2011 11:37:47.791:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
18/07/2011 11:37:47.791:    Booktype: don't care
18/07/2011 11:37:47.791:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
18/07/2011 11:37:47.792:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
18/07/2011 11:37:47.792:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
18/07/2011 11:37:47.792:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
18/07/2011 11:37:47.793:   Step 4 of 6
18/07/2011 11:37:47.794:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
18/07/2011 11:37:48.897:   create volume... OK
18/07/2011 11:37:48.897:   verify option OFF
18/07/2011 11:37:48.898:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
18/07/2011 11:37:48.901:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
18/07/2011 11:37:48.903:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB"
18/07/2011 11:37:48.905:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB"
18/07/2011 11:37:48.907:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.IFO"
18/07/2011 11:37:48.910:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.VOB"
18/07/2011 11:37:48.911:   Step 4 done
18/07/2011 11:37:48.913:   ------------ done ----------------
18/07/2011 11:37:48.914:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
18/07/2011 11:37:48.914:   time: Mon Jul 18 11:37:48 2011

18/07/2011 11:37:48.915:   Step 5 of 6
18/07/2011 11:37:48.920:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
18/07/2011 11:37:48.920:    Booktype: don't care
18/07/2011 11:37:48.921:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
18/07/2011 11:37:48.921:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
18/07/2011 11:37:48.922:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
18/07/2011 11:37:48.969:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
18/07/2011 11:37:48.969:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 649008 sectors/frames
18/07/2011 11:37:48.970:   time: Mon Jul 18 11:37:48 2011

18/07/2011 11:37:48.972:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
18/07/2011 11:37:50.780:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
18/07/2011 11:37:50.780:   time: Mon Jul 18 11:37:50 2011

18/07/2011 11:38:00.519:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot perform device control function -> access denied
18/07/2011 11:38:00.519:   !!! AVSDK error: OpenCloseTray() calling AvDevControl(): 5 - request not allowed !!!
18/07/2011 11:38:00.519:   AVSDK Message - WARNING: :WaitForObject(DLLDEV32.DLL.DRIVE0) abandoned
18/07/2011 11:38:00.520:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot get device/media specific information -> drive not ready
18/07/2011 11:38:00.521:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot get device/media specific information -> drive not ready
18/07/2011 11:38:00.527:   AVSDK Message - WARNING: :Out of licenses in AvVolCreate*()
18/07/2011 11:38:00.527:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolCreate(): 1 - operation can not be performed now !!!
18/07/2011 11:38:00.529:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot perform device control function -> access denied
18/07/2011 11:38:00.529:   !!! AVSDK error: OpenCloseTray() calling AvDevControl(): 5 - request not allowed !!!
18/07/2011 11:38:02.529:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot get device/media specific information -> drive not ready
18/07/2011 11:38:02.529:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot get device/media specific information -> drive not ready
18/07/2011 11:38:02.533:   AVSDK Message - WARNING: :Out of licenses in AvVolCreate*()
18/07/2011 11:38:02.533:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolCreate(): 1 - operation can not be performed now !!!
18/07/2011 11:40:49.784:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot perform device control function -> access denied
18/07/2011 11:40:49.805:   !!! AVSDK error: ResetDriveLocks() calling AvDevControl(): 5 - request not allowed !!!

-------------------------- 18/07/2011 11:47:37 --------------------------

18/07/2011 11:47:37.131:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
18/07/2011 11:47:37.132:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
18/07/2011 11:47:37.132:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
18/07/2011 11:47:37.148:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
18/07/2011 11:47:37.149:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
18/07/2011 11:47:37.149:   AVSDK: 1 device(s) found
18/07/2011 11:47:37.149:   Adapter=1  ID=0  LUN=0   D:MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S Revision:1.21
18/07/2011 11:47:37.150:   AVSDK: 1 record device(s) available
18/07/2011 11:47:37.150:   ------------ done ----------------
18/07/2011 11:47:37.683:   setting no speed limit
18/07/2011 11:47:37.684:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
18/07/2011 11:47:41.141:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
18/07/2011 11:48:39.845:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
18/07/2011 11:48:42.058:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
18/07/2011 11:49:14.606:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Erasing disc
18/07/2011 11:49:14.606:   time: Mon Jul 18 11:49:14 2011

18/07/2011 11:49:34.609:   AVSDK Status - End operation Erasing disc
18/07/2011 11:49:38.857:   Open Project: 2 -- dvd project 2011-07-18
18/07/2011 11:49:38.857:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
18/07/2011 11:49:38.858:   dll version
18/07/2011 11:49:38.914:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
18/07/2011 11:49:38.914:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
18/07/2011 11:49:38.917:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1419378688
18/07/2011 11:49:38.918:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 33882112, Typ 0
18/07/2011 11:49:38.918:   Title an Stelle 33882112, Länge 1605632, Typ 0
18/07/2011 11:49:38.919:   Title an Stelle 35487744, Länge 1383890944, Typ 1
18/07/2011 11:49:38.919:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
18/07/2011 11:53:35.800:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
18/07/2011 12:40:11.245:   Step 1 done
18/07/2011 12:40:11.263:   Step 2 of 6, Codificando menú de película...
18/07/2011 12:40:48.213:   Step 2 done
18/07/2011 12:40:48.217:   Step 3 of 6, Codificando menú de capítulos 1...
18/07/2011 12:41:30.770:   Step 3 done
18/07/2011 12:41:30.775:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB
18/07/2011 12:41:30.775:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB
18/07/2011 12:41:30.781:   Step 4 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
18/07/2011 12:43:40.809:   Step 4 done
18/07/2011 12:43:46.205:   Step 5 of 6
18/07/2011 12:43:46.207:   Step 5 done
18/07/2011 12:43:46.208:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
18/07/2011 12:43:46.236:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
18/07/2011 12:43:46.541:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
18/07/2011 12:43:46.542:    Booktype: don't care
18/07/2011 12:43:46.542:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
18/07/2011 12:43:46.542:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
18/07/2011 12:43:46.543:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
18/07/2011 12:43:46.543:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
18/07/2011 12:43:46.544:   Step 6 of 6
18/07/2011 12:43:46.545:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
18/07/2011 12:43:46.550:   create volume... OK
18/07/2011 12:43:46.550:   verify option OFF
18/07/2011 12:43:46.551:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
18/07/2011 12:43:46.552:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
18/07/2011 12:43:46.554:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_1.VOB"
18/07/2011 12:43:46.555:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_2.VOB"
18/07/2011 12:43:46.556:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.IFO"
18/07/2011 12:43:46.557:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 2\VTS_01_0.VOB"
18/07/2011 12:43:46.558:   Step 6 done
18/07/2011 12:43:46.559:   ------------ done ----------------
18/07/2011 12:43:46.560:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
18/07/2011 12:43:46.560:   time: Mon Jul 18 12:43:46 2011

18/07/2011 12:43:46.560:   Step 6 of 6
18/07/2011 12:43:46.562:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
18/07/2011 12:43:46.563:    Booktype: don't care
18/07/2011 12:43:46.563:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
18/07/2011 12:43:46.563:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
18/07/2011 12:43:46.564:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
18/07/2011 12:43:46.586:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
18/07/2011 12:43:46.587:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 642560 sectors/frames
18/07/2011 12:43:46.587:   time: Mon Jul 18 12:43:46 2011

18/07/2011 12:43:46.589:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
18/07/2011 12:43:51.286:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
18/07/2011 12:43:51.286:   time: Mon Jul 18 12:43:51 2011

18/07/2011 12:49:23.572:   writing leadout and closing disc
18/07/2011 12:49:23.572:   time: Mon Jul 18 12:49:23 2011

18/07/2011 12:50:33.129:   writing leadout and closing disc
18/07/2011 12:50:33.130:   time: Mon Jul 18 12:50:33 2011

18/07/2011 12:50:33.132:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 642560 sectors/frames
18/07/2011 12:50:33.132:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording successfully completed
18/07/2011 12:50:34.054:   Step 6 done
18/07/2011 12:50:34.055:   ------------ done ----------------
18/07/2011 12:50:34.056:   time: Mon Jul 18 12:50:34 2011

18/07/2011 13:02:33.421:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
18/07/2011 13:02:33.422:    DEVICE REMOVAL

-------------------------- 20/07/2011 12:54:20 --------------------------

20/07/2011 12:54:20.307:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
20/07/2011 12:54:20.308:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
20/07/2011 12:54:20.309:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
20/07/2011 12:54:20.699:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
20/07/2011 12:54:20.699:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
20/07/2011 12:54:20.699:   AVSDK: 1 device(s) found
20/07/2011 12:54:20.700:   Adapter=1  ID=0  LUN=0   D:MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S Revision:1.21
20/07/2011 12:54:20.720:   AVSDK: 1 record device(s) available
20/07/2011 12:54:20.720:   ------------ done ----------------
20/07/2011 12:54:32.689:   setting no speed limit
20/07/2011 12:54:32.690:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
20/07/2011 12:54:39.945:   Open Project: 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto -- dvd project 2011-07-20
20/07/2011 12:54:39.945:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
20/07/2011 12:54:39.945:   dll version
20/07/2011 12:54:40.016:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
20/07/2011 12:54:40.016:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
20/07/2011 12:54:40.016:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1552187392
20/07/2011 12:54:40.017:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
20/07/2011 12:54:40.017:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
20/07/2011 12:54:40.017:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 1551925248, Typ 1
20/07/2011 12:54:40.017:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
20/07/2011 12:54:40.033:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
20/07/2011 13:18:57.176:   Step 1 done
20/07/2011 13:18:57.186:   Step 2 of 6, Codificando menú de película...
20/07/2011 13:18:58.090:   Step 2 done
20/07/2011 13:18:58.092:   Step 3 of 6, Codificando menú de capítulos 1...
20/07/2011 13:18:58.093:   Step 3 done
20/07/2011 13:18:58.094:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_1.VOB
20/07/2011 13:18:58.095:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_2.VOB
20/07/2011 13:18:58.096:   Step 4 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
20/07/2011 13:24:17.069:   Step 4 done
20/07/2011 13:24:23.062:   Step 5 of 6
20/07/2011 13:24:23.064:   Step 5 done
20/07/2011 13:24:23.068:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
20/07/2011 13:24:23.097:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
20/07/2011 13:24:28.051:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
20/07/2011 13:24:28.052:    Booktype: don't care
20/07/2011 13:24:28.052:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
20/07/2011 13:24:28.053:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
20/07/2011 13:24:28.053:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
20/07/2011 13:24:28.053:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
20/07/2011 13:24:28.054:   Step 6 of 6
20/07/2011 13:24:28.056:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
20/07/2011 13:24:28.465:   create volume... OK
20/07/2011 13:24:28.465:   verify option OFF
20/07/2011 13:24:28.466:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
20/07/2011 13:24:28.468:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
20/07/2011 13:24:28.469:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_1.VOB"
20/07/2011 13:24:28.471:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_2.VOB"
20/07/2011 13:24:28.474:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_0.IFO"
20/07/2011 13:24:28.476:   Step 6 done
20/07/2011 13:24:28.478:   ------------ done ----------------
20/07/2011 13:24:28.478:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
20/07/2011 13:24:28.479:   time: Wed Jul 20 13:24:28 2011

20/07/2011 13:24:28.479:   Step 6 of 6
20/07/2011 13:24:28.483:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
20/07/2011 13:24:28.483:    Booktype: don't care
20/07/2011 13:24:28.484:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
20/07/2011 13:24:28.484:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
20/07/2011 13:24:28.485:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
20/07/2011 13:24:28.581:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
20/07/2011 13:24:28.582:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> formatting disc to prepare recording ...
20/07/2011 13:24:38.599:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Formatting disc
20/07/2011 13:24:38.600:   time: Wed Jul 20 13:24:38 2011

20/07/2011 13:24:49.629:   AVSDK Status - End operation Formatting disc
20/07/2011 13:24:49.680:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot format track -> Unrecoverable read error (SK/ASC/ASCQ 03/11/00)
20/07/2011 13:24:49.681:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording failed due to write error on disc
20/07/2011 13:24:49.703:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 206 - write error occurred on disc !!!
20/07/2011 13:24:49.703:   Step 6 done
20/07/2011 13:24:49.705:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
20/07/2011 13:24:49.706:   ------------ done ----------------
20/07/2011 13:24:49.706:   time: Wed Jul 20 13:24:49 2011

20/07/2011 13:24:49.707:   project burning failed
20/07/2011 13:24:49.710:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
20/07/2011 13:24:49.716:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 251 - write error occurred on disc !!!
20/07/2011 17:26:58.339:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
20/07/2011 17:26:58.359:    DEVICE REMOVAL
20/07/2011 17:36:25.046:   setting no speed limit
20/07/2011 17:36:56.655:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
20/07/2011 17:37:07.057:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
20/07/2011 17:37:17.275:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
20/07/2011 17:37:17.275:    DEVICE REMOVAL
20/07/2011 17:37:51.706:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot get device/media specific information -> functionality is not provided by device or by system
20/07/2011 17:37:51.716:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
20/07/2011 17:38:01.860:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot get device/media specific information -> functionality is not provided by device or by system
20/07/2011 17:38:01.884:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
20/07/2011 17:38:02.042:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Erasing disc
20/07/2011 17:38:02.043:   time: Wed Jul 20 17:38:02 2011

20/07/2011 17:38:08.090:   AVSDK Status - End operation Erasing disc
20/07/2011 17:38:08.091:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot erase disc -> Power calibration or program memory area update failure (SK/ASC/ASCQ 03/73/03)
20/07/2011 17:38:09.467:   !!! AVSDK error: EraseDisc() calling AvDevErase(): 202 - disc is not writable !!!
20/07/2011 17:38:09.471:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::EraseDisc(): 247 - disc is not writable !!!
20/07/2011 17:38:09.806:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot get device/media specific information -> functionality is not provided by device or by system
20/07/2011 17:38:09.811:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 208 - disc is not empty !!!
20/07/2011 17:38:18.268:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
20/07/2011 17:38:18.268:    DEVICE REMOVAL
20/07/2011 17:38:42.277:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
20/07/2011 17:38:42.278:    DEVICE ARRIVED
20/07/2011 17:38:47.745:   Open Project: 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto -- dvd project 2011-07-20
20/07/2011 17:38:47.746:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
20/07/2011 17:38:47.746:   dll version
20/07/2011 17:38:47.749:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
20/07/2011 17:38:47.749:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
20/07/2011 17:38:47.750:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1552187392
20/07/2011 17:38:47.751:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
20/07/2011 17:38:47.751:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
20/07/2011 17:38:47.752:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 1551925248, Typ 1
20/07/2011 17:38:47.752:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
20/07/2011 17:38:52.246:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
20/07/2011 17:38:52.305:   Step 1 done
20/07/2011 17:38:52.308:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_1.VOB
20/07/2011 17:38:52.309:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_2.VOB
20/07/2011 17:38:52.310:   Step 2 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
20/07/2011 17:38:52.311:   Step 2 done
20/07/2011 17:38:54.421:   Step 3 of 6
20/07/2011 17:38:54.422:   Step 3 done
20/07/2011 17:38:54.425:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
20/07/2011 17:38:54.453:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
20/07/2011 17:38:54.455:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
20/07/2011 17:38:54.456:    Booktype: don't care
20/07/2011 17:38:54.456:   setting write speed to 11080000  bytes/sec
20/07/2011 17:38:54.456:   this equals 8,000000x DVD / 62,811794x CD Speed
20/07/2011 17:38:54.457:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
20/07/2011 17:38:54.457:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
20/07/2011 17:38:54.458:   Step 4 of 6
20/07/2011 17:38:54.459:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
20/07/2011 17:38:54.464:   create volume... OK
20/07/2011 17:38:54.465:   verify option OFF
20/07/2011 17:38:54.465:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
20/07/2011 17:38:54.467:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
20/07/2011 17:38:54.468:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_1.VOB"
20/07/2011 17:38:54.469:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_2.VOB"
20/07/2011 17:38:54.470:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image 1ª_prueba_del_video_del_parto\VTS_01_0.IFO"
20/07/2011 17:38:54.472:   Step 4 done
20/07/2011 17:38:54.473:   ------------ done ----------------
20/07/2011 17:38:54.473:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
20/07/2011 17:38:54.474:   time: Wed Jul 20 17:38:54 2011

20/07/2011 17:38:54.474:   Step 5 of 6
20/07/2011 17:38:54.476:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
20/07/2011 17:38:54.477:    Booktype: don't care
20/07/2011 17:38:54.478:   setting write speed to 11080000  bytes/sec
20/07/2011 17:38:54.478:   this equals 8,000000x DVD / 62,811794x CD Speed
20/07/2011 17:38:54.479:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
20/07/2011 17:38:54.492:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording volume ...
20/07/2011 17:38:54.493:   AVSDK Status - Begin operation Recording 713072 sectors/frames
20/07/2011 17:38:54.493:   time: Wed Jul 20 17:38:54 2011

20/07/2011 17:38:54.495:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording -> writing data ...
20/07/2011 17:38:55.699:   wrote LeadIn, start DataCopy
20/07/2011 17:38:55.699:   time: Wed Jul 20 17:38:55 2011

20/07/2011 17:44:29.677:   writing leadout and closing disc
20/07/2011 17:44:29.678:   time: Wed Jul 20 17:44:29 2011

20/07/2011 17:44:55.818:   writing leadout and closing disc
20/07/2011 17:44:55.819:   time: Wed Jul 20 17:44:55 2011

20/07/2011 17:44:55.820:   AVSDK Status - End operation Recording 713072 sectors/frames
20/07/2011 17:44:55.820:   AVSDK Message - INFO: :Recording successfully completed
20/07/2011 17:44:57.654:   Step 5 done
20/07/2011 17:44:57.656:   ------------ done ----------------
20/07/2011 17:44:57.657:   time: Wed Jul 20 17:44:57 2011

20/07/2011 17:45:14.270:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
20/07/2011 17:45:14.271:    DEVICE REMOVAL

-------------------------- 26/07/2011 10:46:52 --------------------------

26/07/2011 10:46:52.298:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
26/07/2011 10:46:52.310:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
26/07/2011 10:46:52.311:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
26/07/2011 10:46:52.531:   AVSDK Version 9.0.193
26/07/2011 10:46:52.547:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
26/07/2011 10:46:52.548:   AVSDK: 1 device(s) found
26/07/2011 10:46:52.548:   Adapter=1  ID=0  LUN=0   D:MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ-850S Revision:1.21
26/07/2011 10:46:52.549:   AVSDK: 1 record device(s) available
26/07/2011 10:46:52.549:   ------------ done ----------------
26/07/2011 10:46:52.964:   setting no speed limit
26/07/2011 10:46:52.965:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
26/07/2011 10:47:05.618:   Open Project: mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo -- dvd project 2011-07-26
26/07/2011 10:47:05.618:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\
26/07/2011 10:47:05.619:   dll version
26/07/2011 10:47:05.687:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
26/07/2011 10:47:05.688:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
26/07/2011 10:47:05.690:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 2071330816
26/07/2011 10:47:05.690:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 12713984, Typ 0
26/07/2011 10:47:05.690:   Title an Stelle 12713984, Länge 215941120, Typ 0
26/07/2011 10:47:05.691:   Title an Stelle 228655104, Länge 1842675712, Typ 1
26/07/2011 10:47:05.691:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
26/07/2011 10:47:05.719:   Step 1 of 6, Codificando película 1...
26/07/2011 11:41:48.451:   Step 1 done
26/07/2011 11:41:49.051:   Step 2 of 6, Codificando menú de película...
26/07/2011 11:43:56.381:   Step 2 done
26/07/2011 11:43:56.382:   Step 3 of 6, Codificando menú de capítulos 1...
26/07/2011 11:49:48.563:   Step 3 done
26/07/2011 11:49:48.648:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VTS_01_1.VOB
26/07/2011 11:49:48.648:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VTS_01_2.VOB
26/07/2011 11:49:48.680:   Step 4 of 6, Creando imagen de disco...
26/07/2011 11:54:20.142:   Step 4 done
26/07/2011 11:54:36.667:   Step 5 of 6
26/07/2011 11:54:36.668:   Step 5 done
26/07/2011 11:54:36.671:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
26/07/2011 11:54:36.740:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
26/07/2011 11:54:36.741:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
26/07/2011 11:54:36.741:    Booktype: don't care
26/07/2011 11:54:36.741:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
26/07/2011 11:54:36.741:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
26/07/2011 11:54:36.742:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
26/07/2011 11:54:36.742:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
26/07/2011 11:54:36.743:   Step 6 of 6
26/07/2011 11:54:36.744:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
26/07/2011 11:54:36.749:   create volume... OK
26/07/2011 11:54:36.750:   verify option OFF
26/07/2011 11:54:36.827:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
26/07/2011 11:54:36.828:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
26/07/2011 11:54:36.898:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VTS_01_1.VOB"
26/07/2011 11:54:36.903:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VTS_01_2.VOB"
26/07/2011 11:54:36.908:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VTS_01_0.IFO"
26/07/2011 11:54:36.909:   adding file "C:\Users\Usuario\Documents\MAGIX_Fotos_en_CD_DVD_8_Version_para_descargar\Disc Images\DVD Image mediterraneo,_mediterraneo,_mediterraneo\VTS_01_0.VOB"
26/07/2011 11:54:36.910:   Step 6 done
26/07/2011 11:54:36.911:   ------------ done ----------------
26/07/2011 11:54:36.911:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
26/07/2011 11:54:36.912:   time: Tue Jul 26 11:54:36 2011

26/07/2011 11:54:36.912:   Step 6 of 6
26/07/2011 11:54:36.914:   Used burn options:
simulation: off
DiscAtOnce: off
BurnOver: off
BurnProof: on
FormatDisc: off
ShortLeadOut: off
NoDefectMgmt: off
26/07/2011 11:54:36.915:    Booktype: don't care
26/07/2011 11:54:36.915:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec


moderando escrito el 27.07.PM a las 12:08 horas


1.- Compruebe que tiene instalada la última versión actualizada del programa. Puede actualizar el programa directamente desde el menú de ayuda -> Actualización Online.

2.- Instale las rutinas de grabación actualizadas que se encuentran en en el área de Descargas -> Herramientas, Burn Routines 2010.

O directamente desde el siguiente enlace:


3.- Bloquee las posibles otras aplicaciones que estén utilizando la Unidad. Para ello elimine todas las entradas que aparecen en el Inicio de Windows.Simplemente deberá ejecutar el comando MSCONFIG desde la barra de Ejecutar
(Desde Inicio para XP, desde Todos los Programas -> Accesorios en Vista y 7) y luego hacer clic sobre la pestaña de Servicios: nombres como T-Online, Nero InCD, Virtual CD, Clone CD, Elby, etc., sobre la pestaña de Inicio de Windows, seleccionar Deshabilitar todo, aplicar y reiniciar el equipo.

4.- En caso de que tenga una placa madre con el Chip de Intel, instale el driver desde el siguiente enlace:

Reinicie el ordenador e intente de nuevo la grabación.

5.- En caso de que el proceso de grabación comienza pero continúa fallando, podría ser que la grabadora no acepta bien los DVDs/CDs vírgenes que está utilizando. Puede probar con otro.
Las grabadoras actuales soportan DVD+/-R, DVD+/-R DL, DVD+/-RW. Pruebe con varios formatos.

6.- Cuando el programa se cuelga en la parte de "Creando Menú", "Codificando o "Generando Imagen de Disco", desactive el Menú de DVD que tenga seleccionado.
Para quitar el menú deberá estar en el Modo ampliado de edición de Menús, luego seleccionar en el Modo -> Ningun Menú (Suele estar escrito Menú de películas y capítulos). Si le pregunta de recodificar todo o utilizar partes, seleccione Codificar Todo.

Cuando la grabación ha funcionado correctamente sin menú, pruebe de nuevo la misma película con un Menú sencillo.

7.-Use DVD-R

edvaldo99costa escrito el 03.08.AM a las 01:01 horas

TODAVIA SIGO TENIENDO LOS MISMOS ERRORES EN EL MOMENTO DE REALIZAR LA GRABACIÓN. he vuelto a reinstalar el programa del foto en cd y dvd 8 pero el problema persiste.... con el otro programa por el hecho de tener el cd reinstalé en otro ordenador que a principio he podido grabar con éxito pero luego empezó a presentar los mismo problemas que el anterior, y eso para con los dos programas que compré en los dos ordenadores...

moderando escrito el 03.08.PM a las 16:31 horas


Has intentado grabar el proyecto sin menús?

Creo que ahí puede estar el problema,

Avísame por favor!