I really love it! Super fun Trance song !! I really like my Friend Siiiiigeeeeeee huhuuuuuu all the best for you, health and success for you and your family, hugs from your Friend Paulo!
Adoro muito bom mesmo! Super divertida canção Trance!! Gosto muito meu Amigo Siiiiigeeeeeee huhuuuuuu tudo de bom pra voce, saude e sucesso para voce e sua familia, abraços de sue Amigo PAulo!
Ehemaliger User
schrieb am 28.09.2020 um 19:57 Uhr
Hallo Siggi.
nette Wortspielerei (Titel)...Track bzw. Genre is´ jetzt nich´ so ganz "meins" is man trotzdem echt groovig mit einigen interessanten Passagen und Sound ist, wie immer, super 👍👍👍