My Sweet Darling

PianoMan schrieb am 25.07.2019 um 01:13 Uhr
Tags: Easy-Listening, Sonstiges

One of my (very old) songs, recorded now in 2019 (Samplitude Pro X4, Vocals, Guitar, Bass and Drums):


Where is the love, that I've found,
where are you?

My Sweet Darling, I'm in love with you,
My Sweet Darling, you know it is true,
My Sweet Darling, I'm loving you.

Where is the love, that I've give,
to you from me?

My Sweet Darling, I'm in love with you,
My Sweet Darling, you know it is true,
My Sweet Darling, I'm loving you.

Where are my friends, I've had,
where are they?

My Sweet Darling, I'm in love with you,
My Sweet Darling, you know it is true,
My Sweet Darling, I'm loving you.



VeckStarling_aka_RoyAlanis schrieb am 25.07.2019 um 07:56 Uhr

Another great song. Excellent mix. Great solo - pure and simple. You're a lucky one to have someone for whom you can write songs.

franco-galateo schrieb am 25.07.2019 um 11:33 Uhr

very good idea compositional… cool...


Jochen-S schrieb am 25.07.2019 um 11:33 Uhr

Wonderful song...
great mix played and sung with a lot of feeling ...
Greeting Jochen😎

TrishM schrieb am 27.07.2019 um 06:26 Uhr

Catchy tune, nice solid vocals. Really a nice song.🤗
