Es ist an der Zeit - Hannes Wader ( inklusive Text )

Wolfgang-MUSIK-THERAPY schrieb am 21.02.2022 um 04:25 Uhr
Tags: Musikvideos, Fotoshow
Breite: 1280
Höhe: 720
Dauer: 07:57
Format: mp4

Ein Klassiker von Hannes Wader aus dem Jahre 1980. Pianocover.

In Europa und der Welt leider aktueller denn je. Wer hätte das je gedacht, dass es so schnell gehen kann ??? Traurig.


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 21.02.2022 um 04:48 Uhr

❤️ Oh, mein Musikfreund mit den sanften Klängen ist wieder auf dem Portal. Dies lass ich mir natürlich nicht entgehen. WUNDERSCHÖNE MUSIK ZUM NACHSINNEN. Auch wenn es just fast 5.00 Uhr am Morgen. 👍

PS. Ja, es ist traurig. Manche Menschen lernen nicht aus der Vergangenheit. Doch dass just solche Menschen die Macht haben, viel Unheil zu bewirken, dies ist schon beunruhigend. Ich hoffe aber noch, dass uns erspart bleibt, wovor Europa -- ja, die ganze Welt Angst hat.

Meinen Dank auch für das Video.

LG - Eddie

jeremy-curry schrieb am 21.02.2022 um 13:27 Uhr

Lovely track and very cool slide show

Sandro_Glavina_Channel schrieb am 21.02.2022 um 15:07 Uhr

well done - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Jochen-S schrieb am 21.02.2022 um 15:44 Uhr

Hallo Wolfgang, dem ist nichts mehr hinzuzufügen... sehr schöne Musik und ein Video, welches zum nachdenken anregt...

LG, Jochen...

SEA-K schrieb am 22.02.2022 um 01:21 Uhr

Dear Wolfgang, thank you so much for sharing this poignant work of art. All the leaders of the world should be locked in a room and view this Masterpiece. Such Greed at the expense of the innocent. Lives torn apart of what could have been. I would like to think that some of us grew stronger--- but at what price of those that suffer because of how different we are all supposed to be. In 1985 I wrote and played a piece about what I did in Vietnam simply called "Nam". I was in altered states at the time and it's a wild ride. I will explain more in the foreword to the piece. Good Fortune to you and yours my friend, Chris

PS. I did not understand the German text......Didn't need to.

Wolfgang-MUSIK-THERAPY schrieb am 22.02.2022 um 10:39 Uhr

Der Songtext in Englisch / English Lyriks:


Far in the Champagne in midsummer green

there where poppy flowers bloom between grave crosses

there the grasses whisper and shake themselves effortlessly

in the wind, which gently sweeps over the graveyard4

At your cross I find dead soldier,

not your name, only numbers and someone has painted

the number 1916,

and you were not even 19 years old.


Yes, they have also already deceived you similarly

just as they do with us still today,

and you have given them everything :

your strength, your youth, your life.


Have you dead soldier, once loved a girl?

Surely not, because only here, where there is peace,

could tenderness and trust flourish,

were a soldier, about to die, not be too young.

Perhaps you thought to yourself, I will fall soon,

I will take my pleasure, as it comes, with force.

To this end you were determined, you have however then

been ashamed of yourself and never did it.


Soldier, did you go believing and gladly to your death?

or have you too doubtfully, bitterly, roughly

not recognized your true enemy until the end?

I hope it hit you a clean shot?

Or has a bullet torn your limbs to pieces,

have you cried out to your mother until the last,

have you on your leg stumps run further,

and your grave, does it hold more than a leg, a hand?


There remained only the cross as the single trace/proof

of your life, but hear my oath,

to fight for peace and to be vigilant:

If mankind once again falls for lies here

then it can come to pass, that soon no one lives anymore,

no one, who will bury the billions of dead

However I find more and more people willing,

to prevent this battle, it's high time.

Wolfgang-MUSIK-THERAPY schrieb am 22.02.2022 um 10:41 Uhr

Dear Wolfgang, thank you so much for sharing this poignant work of art. All the leaders of the world should be locked in a room and view this Masterpiece. Such Greed at the expense of the innocent. Lives torn apart of what could have been. I would like to think that some of us grew stronger--- but at what price of those that suffer because of how different we are all supposed to be. In 1985 I wrote and played a piece about what I did in Vietnam simply called "Nam". I was in altered states at the time and it's a wild ride. I will explain more in the foreword to the piece. Good Fortune to you and yours my friend, Chris

PS. I did not understand the German text......Didn't need to.

Dear Wolfgang, thank you so much for sharing this poignant work of art. All the leaders of the world should be locked in a room and view this Masterpiece. Such Greed at the expense of the innocent. Lives torn apart of what could have been. I would like to think that some of us grew stronger--- but at what price of those that suffer because of how different we are all supposed to be. In 1985 I wrote and played a piece about what I did in Vietnam simply called "Nam". I was in altered states at the time and it's a wild ride. I will explain more in the foreword to the piece. Good Fortune to you and yours my friend, Chris

PS. I did not understand the German text......Didn't need to.

Hi Chris, Thank you so much for your lovely words

Wolfgang-MUSIK-THERAPY schrieb am 22.02.2022 um 10:42 Uhr

❤️ Oh, mein Musikfreund mit den sanften Klängen ist wieder auf dem Portal. Dies lass ich mir natürlich nicht entgehen. WUNDERSCHÖNE MUSIK ZUM NACHSINNEN. Auch wenn es just fast 5.00 Uhr am Morgen. 👍

PS. Ja, es ist traurig. Manche Menschen lernen nicht aus der Vergangenheit. Doch dass just solche Menschen die Macht haben, viel Unheil zu bewirken, dies ist schon beunruhigend. Ich hoffe aber noch, dass uns erspart bleibt, wovor Europa -- ja, die ganze Welt Angst hat.

Meinen Dank auch für das Video.

LG - Eddie

Hey Eddie, ganz lieben Dank für deinen schönen Worte. Das freut mich sehr. Liebe Grüße, Wolfgang

Wolfgang-MUSIK-THERAPY schrieb am 22.02.2022 um 10:46 Uhr

Hallo Wolfgang, dem ist nichts mehr hinzuzufügen... sehr schöne Musik und ein Video, welches zum nachdenken anregt...

LG, Jochen...

Ganz lieben Dank, ja es ist echt schockierend, wir Menschen, in den Fällen meistens alte weiße Männer, lernen einfach nichts aus der Geschichte.

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 22.02.2022 um 13:41 Uhr

❤️ Zeigt bereits das Video viel sinnig eingebrachte Arbeit auf,  bemüht sich Wolfgang nun auch mit dem englischen Text.  Hierfür mein besonderer Dank.  👍

Immerhin zeigt es mir auch ein Problem bei den Werken von VESRICE auf,  wenn dort in einem Video Untertitel zu lesen sind. Ich werde mich ebenso bei neuen Werken um Optimierung bemühen, deren Veröffentlichung aber
darum zeitlich dauert.

Vio-Project schrieb am 23.02.2022 um 00:01 Uhr

Sehr schönes nachdenkliches Video und nicht zu vergessen - deine schöne musikalische Untermalung!

🎹🎹🎹👌👌👌👍👍👍 LG Sylvio 😎

SEA-K schrieb am 23.02.2022 um 00:36 Uhr

Dear Wolfgang, thank you so much for sharing this poignant work of art. All the leaders of the world should be locked in a room and view this Masterpiece. Such Greed at the expense of the innocent. Lives torn apart of what could have been. I would like to think that some of us grew stronger--- but at what price of those that suffer because of how different we are all supposed to be. In 1985 I wrote and played a piece about what I did in Vietnam simply called "Nam". I was in altered states at the time and it's a wild ride. I will explain more in the foreword to the piece. Good Fortune to you and yours my friend, Chris

PS. I did not understand the German text...... Didn't need to.

Dear Wolfgang, thank you so much for sharing this poignant work of art. All the leaders of the world should be locked in a room and view this Masterpiece. Such Greed at the expense of the innocent. Lives torn apart of what could have been. I would like to think that some of us grew stronger--- but at what price of those that suffer because of how different we are all supposed to be. In 1985 I wrote and played a piece about what I did in Vietnam simply called "Nam". I was in altered states at the time and it's a wild ride. I will explain more in the foreword to the piece. Good Fortune to you and yours my friend, Chris

PS. I did not understand the German text...... Didn't need to.

Hi Chris, Thank you so much for your lovely words

Thanks for the words, Wolfgang. Compelling. as was your beautiful piano soundtrack. Chris