Alone and Old

PianoMan schrieb am 03.07.2019 um 20:31 Uhr
Tags: Sonstiges, Pop

Song ist von mir und habe alles eingespielt (Piano und Gitarre, Bass und Drum per MIDI, aufgenommen und gemixt mit Samplitude Pro X4).
Der Song stammt aus einer Reihe von älteren Songs, die ich jetzt alle mal aufnehmen und unter einer Serie "Old Stuff" zusammen fassen möchte.


Have you seen the old man,
going down the street?
Why he walks so lonely,
no-one will him meet.
Daily he sits in the park,
dreaming of his time,
that's gone, that's gone...

Yes, he's the old man,
he needs a little love,
but who will give it him?

His wife died two years ago,
since then he was alone,
He shouldn't be so sad,
but he can't forget the time.
He still lives in the past,
life today is too fast,
to fast, to fast...

Yes, he's the old man,
he needs a little love,
but who will give it him?

Yes, he won't forget the past,
he's thinking on the time,
yes on the lucky time.

Yes, he's the old man,
he needs a little love,
but who will give it him?

He shouldn't be so sad,
but he can't forget the time.
He still lives in the past,
life today is too fast,
And so he stays a dreamer,
he dreams all day long,
til he died, he died, he died...





franco-galateo schrieb am 04.07.2019 um 14:30 Uhr

very good performance of the piano.. track interesting and vocal performance good..


TrishM schrieb am 27.07.2019 um 06:33 Uhr

This is so sad. It's really a pretty song though. Give the old man a little love from me will you? ❤️


Paulo.Costa schrieb am 06.07.2020 um 02:30 Uhr


Zuletzt geändert von Paulo.Costa am 06.07.2020, 02:30, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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