Vegas Pro Audio Slowed after Update

JJ12314567890 schrieb am 21.04.2024 um 21:05 Uhr

Man I have been having to fix so many things after this update like none of my projects work normally anymore, my imported media all has slowed audio or something and I cannot figure out how to fix it.

I cant even speed up the audio its like it's imported or converted in the program itself to something its not because I check the recored file and its like 54 fps or something and in the previous version just drag drop worked, any other program drag drop works, vegas pro 21 newest update drag drop audio sounds like a chhopped and slowed song.

I dont understand why thing cant just work with this program after buying it it should just work honestly

I hate the developers of this program so much I because I am convinced they must hate me too to put anyone through this horror of a program really.

I used Vegas 12 and 14 for so long they were outdated and was running so garbage on my bad pc too so I legit dropped 5k on a new pc and bought the newest hoping it would run smooth as cake and let me go crazy then I understood it was the program itself ROFL. Vegas developvers ruin my life

I swear to god I hate this program so much, I HATE IT sososososo much.

We all know how garbage 21 of a program was pre update, crashed more often than a drunk driver for the smallest of things making everything so goddamn frustrating, really doom of videos editors ruining projects, ideas, timelines everything because they cannot release something working and just love to steal ur money with their adverts and cashgrab upgrades. I will say though after recent update doesnt crash like it used to woppie fkign doo GOOD JOB GUYS thanks for the endless headaches for u to release a version of the program u should have released from the start dogs