is a voluntary donation commercial?

Carstiboy schrieb am 13.02.2023 um 19:08 Uhr

Hi there,

I use non-commercial sound loops and do not have any plans on selling my music / use it in any other commercial ways.

Now some websites allow you to offer your music for free but add a voluntary donation option, the music does not have a price tag, can be streamed and downloaded for free but people are able to pay a freely choosable amount of money if they want to do so.

Would this count as a commercial use of my music and therefore can I only enable this option with a commercial license?




SP. schrieb am 13.02.2023 um 19:25 Uhr

@Carstiboy I would suggest you ask customer service at to for a definite answer, but you can find the following information

Simply put, if you use any of our content to make money in any way, a commercial license is required.
A few examples of where a commercial license is required include:

The sale or streaming of songs that have been produced using a Soundpool

Videos that have been integrated into a website that generates revenue through the sale of goods or services

Embedding content in an "advertising-financed environment" such as when videos are uploaded to YouTube, SoundCloud or similar online platforms that are financed by advertising.

If you make your own website and upload your music there it's different

Let’s say that you produced a song for your spouse or a friend and would like to play it for them on your home stereo or send it to them as an MP3 file? Or, that you have cut and edited a video of your latest family vacation and would like to integrate it into your private website?
These are all examples of our sounds, loops and video content being used for "non-commercial" use.