Fehler beim Brennen

Andreas-Kraft schrieb am 05.08.2024 um 16:40 Uhr

Brennen wurde mehrfach abgebrochen.

Ich habe in der Logdatei folgenden Hinweis gefunden: Fehler encodieren des Menüs, encodieren des Menüs fehlgeschlagen Import Module for Image file -2147467259

Fehler kommt nur bei einem Projekt,

sonst läuft das Brennen von Blurays einwandfrei.
Update auf Magix Video 2025


Renter11 schrieb am 06.08.2024 um 08:26 Uhr


ch habe in der Logdatei folgenden Hinweis gefunden: Fehler encodieren des Menüs, encodieren des Menüs fehlgeschlagen Import Module for Image file -2147467259

Mit nur einer Zeile aus der gesamten log-Datei kann man keine Lösung nennen. Stelle die gesamt log-Datei zu diesem Vorgang zur Verfügung.
Ebenso von Interesse welches Menü gewählt wurde. Wenn nach der Erstellung des Menüs noch Änderungen im Projekt erfolgten und das Menü nicht neu gestaltet wurde, könnte das auch dein Problem sein.

Zuletzt geändert von Renter11 am 06.08.2024, 08:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Windows 10  64-Bit, I7-9700, 16 GB-RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX2070, Samsung SSD 1TB, 2 x 3 TB interne HD, 2 x 4 TB externe USB 3.0 HD

MACmini I7 3.0 GHz, 1 TB SSD macOS Big Sur VMware Win10
MacBook Pro I5 2,4GHz, 1TB SSD macOS Big Sur VMware Win10


Andreas-Kraft schrieb am 06.08.2024 um 08:58 Uhr

Danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung. Ich werde die Logdatei heute Abend anhängen. Ich bin neu hier im Forum, daher sind die Abläufe noch nicht so drin. Zwischenstand: Ich habe das Projekt geteilt. Eine Datei lässt sich einwandfrei auf Bluray übertragen. Bei der 2. Datei habe ich versucht den Fehler einzugrenzen und die Datei immer weiter reduziert. Allerdings kam jedesmal wieder der Abbruch beim Brennversuch. Ich habe auch ein neues Projekt angelegt und die Daten übertragen. Auch habe ich alle Kapitelmerker entfernt. Auch kein Erfolg.

Renter11 schrieb am 06.08.2024 um 09:11 Uhr


wenn bereits ein Teil des Videos exportiert wurde, kannst du dir diesen Teil anschauen. An der Stelle, an der das Video endet, muss der Fehler im Projekt liegen. Entweder Blende, Effekt, Bild oder Videoschnipsel …

Windows 10  64-Bit, I7-9700, 16 GB-RAM, NVidia GeForce GTX2070, Samsung SSD 1TB, 2 x 3 TB interne HD, 2 x 4 TB externe USB 3.0 HD

MACmini I7 3.0 GHz, 1 TB SSD macOS Big Sur VMware Win10
MacBook Pro I5 2,4GHz, 1TB SSD macOS Big Sur VMware Win10


Andreas-Kraft schrieb am 06.08.2024 um 22:55 Uhr

Es handelt sich um ein eigenes Projekt. Das Brennen wird sofort abgebrochen. Die Logdatei ist unendlich lang.

Komplett bekomme ich die Datei nicht in den Kommentar kopiert. Ich habe mal den Anfang und das Ende kopiert.

Ggf. gibt es ja Hinweise, die ich leider nicht deuten kann. Ggf. muss ich 50 Minuten Film neu erstellen.


024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics --
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xfc3b
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xfc3b
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x8086
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x46a6, 0x201b1a58, 0xc
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0.125 / 0 / 15.845 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Laptop GPU --
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xff49
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Laptop GPU
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xff49
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x10de
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x2420, 0x201b1a58, 0xa1
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 15.796 / 0 / 15.845 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Microsoft WARP device --
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xfebd
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xfebd
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1414
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x8c, 0x0, 0x0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0 / 0 / 15.845 GB (video/system/shared)
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 2
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: User QT GUI is not defined.
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Qt GUI renderer not explicitly set.
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting up pool sizes...
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engine adapter 0x000000000000FC3B: 15.97 GB (17148096512)
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: engineFramePoolSize - 4.49 GB
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultBufferPoolSize - 1.03 GB (1107469476)
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: defaultTexture1DPoolSize - 264.04 MB
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: outCachePoolSize - 553.71 MB
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: readerCachePoolSize - 5.16 GB
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: bitmapCachePoolSize - 2.58 GB
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: stagingTexturePoolSize - 1.11 GB
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ... end setting up pool sizes
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: initializing MxGpuDevice...
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: found DX12 support - initializing MultiGPU
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX12 device. feature level=49408, HRESULT=0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: create DX11 device. HRESULT=0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: setting private data - . HRESULT=0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateDevice: switching multithread protection ON
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: isSoftware 0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: is ACG compatible 1
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has monitored fences 1
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has non monitored fences 0
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: IDXGIAdapter4: has keyed mutex conformance 1
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: .. end initializing MxGpuDevice
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: CreateReaderPool() - creating reader pool on adapter 0x000000000000FC3B with size 5.16 GB
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial GPU adapter [#0xfc3b]: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
2024/08/06 20:09:27 [INFO]    [_Common]: Initial video mode: Standardmodus (Hardwarebeschleunigung, Direct3D)
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- CreateCpuVideoFramePoolAllocator --
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: preferredSize: 331776000
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: upperLimit: 11342585856
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: PhysicalMemorySizeBytes: 34027757568
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: usedSize 11342585856
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- CreateCpuVideoFramePoolAllocator --
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [MxQt]: create QtDialog: Mainscreen/VolumeFaderDlg/VolumeFaderDlg.qml
2024/08/06 20:09:28 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtObject: Mainscreen/PreviewMonitor/PreviewMonitor.qml
2024/08/06 20:09:29 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_172(0x34921030)
2024/08/06 20:09:29 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_172(0x34920bb0)
2024/08/06 20:09:29 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_172(0x3491e870)
2024/08/06 20:09:29 [ERROR]   [QtMessageHandler]: Failed to load Style for NavigationButton_QMLTYPE_172(0x3491ccb0)
2024/08/06 20:09:32 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtFile: Mainscreen/StoryBoard/StoryBoardNextGen.qml
2024/08/06 20:09:34 [INFO]    [_Common]: RegisterApplicationForRestart()=Result=0
2024/08/06 20:10:11 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Load project ProjektordnerMagixFilmIslandFinalFinal.MVP
2024/08/06 20:10:11 [INFO]    [MxQt]: load QtFile: Mainscreen/StoryBoard/StoryBoardNextGen.qml
2024/08/06 20:10:11 [INFO]    [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2024/08/06 20:10:29 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\gruen.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:29 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\schwarz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:32 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\raum.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:32 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\weiss_16_9.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:32 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:32 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:33 [ERROR]   [ResortAllPLE]: GetOriginalSample: OriginalSample before FileStart
2024/08/06 20:10:34 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 20:10:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 20:10:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\raum.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\raum.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\raum.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:40 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\raum.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:10:57 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 20:11:02 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2024/08/06 20:11:14 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 20:11:17 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\raum.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:13:12 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: BurnSupport: 2 device(s) found
2024/08/06 20:13:16 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit

2024/08/06 20:13:28 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 of 6, Encodiere Intro-Sequenz ...
2024/08/06 20:13:29 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: ConfigureSplitter: cannot set double layer split point0
2024/08/06 20:13:29 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 00:06:03 len=00:06:03 mode=Render
2024/08/06 20:13:29 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); EngineDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); and ExportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics") rendering to C:\Users\miaco\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2025 Premium\Disc Images\BD H264 Image ProjektordnerMagixFilmIslandFinalFinal\BDMV\STREAM\00001.m2ts started (MxMpeg4Intel-Blu-ray|1920x1080i|1.77778|25 FPS|40000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|384 kbit/s)
2024/08/06 20:13:29 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); EngineDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); and ExportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics") rendering to C:\Users\miaco\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2025 Premium\Disc Images\BD H264 Image ProjektordnerMagixFilmIslandFinalFinal\BDMV\STREAM\00001.m2ts started (MxMpeg4Intel-Blu-ray|1920x1080i|1.77778|25 FPS|40000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|384 kbit/s)
2024/08/06 20:13:31 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 6.1s finished successful (Duration=1.6s)
2024/08/06 20:13:31 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 done
2024/08/06 20:13:31 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 of 6, Encodiere Film 1 ...
2024/08/06 20:13:31 [ERROR]   [DiscMaker]: ConfigureSplitter: cannot set double layer split point0
2024/08/06 20:13:31 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export Segments:
                                  1:    00:00:00 to 50:14:14 len=50:14:14 mode=Render
2024/08/06 20:13:31 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); EngineDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); and ExportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics") rendering to C:\Users\miaco\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2025 Premium\Disc Images\BD H264 Image ProjektordnerMagixFilmIslandFinalFinal\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts started (MxMpeg4Intel-Blu-ray|1920x1080i|1.77778|25 FPS|40000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|384 kbit/s)
2024/08/06 20:13:31 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); EngineDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics"); and ExportDevice("Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics") rendering to C:\Users\miaco\Documents\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2025 Premium\Disc Images\BD H264 Image ProjektordnerMagixFilmIslandFinalFinal\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts started (MxMpeg4Intel-Blu-ray|1920x1080i|1.77778|25 FPS|40000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|384 kbit/s)
2024/08/06 20:20:24 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\weiss_16_9.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:20:24 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\weiss_16_9.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:20:24 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\weiss_16_9.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:20:36 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\weiss_16_9.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:21:17 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\weiss_16_9.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:21:43 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\weiss_16_9.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:22:07 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:22:07 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:22:07 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:22:09 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:22:23 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:22:23 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:22:23 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 20:41:26 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:15:45 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:15:45 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_8880_E5F3ED18.MOV at Pos: 16380ms
2024/08/06 21:15:45 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1931) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2024/08/06 21:22:19 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:22:35 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:22:57 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:23:07 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:23:07 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:24:02 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:24:18 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:24:42 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:25:15 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:29:14 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\raum.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:36:04 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:36:04 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_9010_E64107F6.MOV at Pos: 8680ms
2024/08/06 21:36:04 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1931) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2024/08/06 21:36:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:36:40 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:36:54 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:39:36 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:39:36 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_9113_4D01B7F7.MOV at Pos: 6020ms
2024/08/06 21:47:26 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:47:26 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_9117_4CF95BBE.MOV at Pos: 54620ms
2024/08/06 21:48:29 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:48:29 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_9120_4CF8FC15.MOV at Pos: 8240ms
2024/08/06 21:48:29 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:48:29 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_9120_4CF8FC15.MOV at Pos: 8260ms
2024/08/06 21:54:43 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:54:45 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:54:59 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:55:21 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:57:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:57:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_9112_4D01D391.MOV at Pos: 6940ms
2024/08/06 21:57:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2024/08/06 21:57:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\Jenkins_neu\workspace\Release\Products\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4100) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: IMG_9112_4D01D391.MOV at Pos: 6960ms
2024/08/06 21:57:44 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\schwarz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:57:44 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\schwarz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 21:57:44 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\schwarz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 22:01:28 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 22:01:28 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 22:02:00 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 22:02:02 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_vert.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 22:02:16 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 22:02:39 [ERROR]   [Import]: import module for image file: C:\Users\Public\Documents\MAGIX\Common\Videocontent\Video deluxe Premium\VideoEffects\Collage\strich_schwarz_horz.png returned error code while open image: -2147467259
2024/08/06 22:06:44 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 3014.6s finished successful (Duration=6793.3s)
2024/08/06 22:06:44 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 done
2024/08/06 22:06:44 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 of 6, Encodiere Filmmenü ...
2024/08/06 22:06:45 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CB_SetMenuFG: CInfoException: 0x80004005 - too many tracks
2024/08/06 22:06:45 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 3 done