How to open and edit a video on your hard drive with Video Easy

gandjcarr Posté à 21/11/2012 18:31

If you use Video Easy you may be wondering how to open and edit a video that is already on your hard drive.

Here is a simple approach to getting the video into Video Easy for editing.

First, start Video Easy, and click "New Project" see the screen shot below

Next, give your project a name

Next, choose "Select file(s) from computer"

Finally, choose the file or files you wish to include and click "OK"

Good Luck with your editing



douglasslb Posté à 11/11/2013 06:39

This part I have mastered but the next steps I am having trouble with. I download from my computer two different videos that I want to attach together and then download to youtube. I am able to download both but what do I do next. How do I connect them and then finish movie? Thanks for the help.

no1-h82 Posté à 22/03/2014 23:16

douglasslb, do you mean as in connecting both videos into one?

I haven't used their software yet. I loaded it up expecting something that wasn't [it's far to primative for me] and sorry mod's but it is. anyway let me go load it up and see if that primative thing can splice vid's together.


Ok I just tried it. You add your files onto the movie/video time line then save it to your computer or upload it to your magix album I think, sorry I didn't get that far into it. I use a different video editor far advanced to their but their is good for people not used to working with videos.


Ok I just went back and looked again. sorry I didn't get this all finished up. like I said above I don't use their program but it's very basic. So instead of completely redoing this post I'm just going to add onto it. the video you want to add. file at the top of the program and select open.

3. Add your 2nd video. and it will go onto the time line behind the 1st video like in the image below.

4..after your done editiing it, adding text, sound or whatever to it. then click file again at the top. the finish movie option from the file menu list. what you want to do with it, burn to dvd, upload to youtube, save to your pc, or upload to your magix album account online.

7...I don't even know why im at step 7 since they only have wmv for a format, but anyway select that since its the only option they have. Maybe they have more formats depending on what type of program you got. mine is the one that came with my video recorder but I think they have another one you pay separate for.

and 8...all done :)


Also, I just noticed a finish movie button. it's located right above the timeline on the lower right side. thee the big blue arrow on the right side of the video/movie timeline? its above that. the last button on that options palette/.


And lastly, the reason why I "always" use the file button at the top is because most all programs are universal in their file options (import,export, save..etc..etc..)

all program's are set up different as far as their user friendly buttons goes the gui, but normally as a rule the file options always remain the same or pretty close to the same options.