Someome Lake You .... With Pete Jon Tebar

dan-t Posté à 03/02/2018 18:57

Une basse, mais aussi une voix qui étonne, qui mêle douceur, puissance et intensité, sur une adaptation d'un texte de Linda Fry .... Réalisé il y a quelques années, mais qui reste toujours, d'un grand intérêt pour moi.

Avec la virtuelle collaboration au Sax de Slap Johnson ....

A bass, but also a voice that surprises, which combines softness, power and intensity, on an adaptation of a text by Linda Fry .... Realized a few years ago, but that always remains, of great interest to me.

With virtual collaboration Sax of Slap Johnson ....


Jinty Posté à 03/02/2018 19:15

Hello Dan,

You have created a wonderful track,Beautifully done!!!!!!!

All the best,



franco-galateo Posté à 04/02/2018 09:58

compliment this is a very good job compositional... atmosphere musical superb...

it was a real pleasure to listen to your new composition


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 04/02/2018 21:30

Sehr schöne Musik ! ........ gefällt .. ! ..

Father_of_Joy Posté à 11/02/2018 07:35

Hi Dan!

That's a really nice ballad. All your music is always impressive! I do prefer music with vocals.
And you're always working with very interesting and top-notch artists.
As in this song the voice is simply great. A strong and powerful voice mixed with a lot of emotion.
And I also like the saxophon performance of Slap Johnson.

TommyG Posté à 13/02/2018 12:34

All is sayed in former comments. Absolutely great!

Pat_02 Posté à 20/02/2018 17:28

Oui ! tout est dit par "Father" donc un grand bravo !

