PW Rock Arpegiatum Arboretum

Pat_02 Posté à 20/09/2020 22:27
Balises: Autres, MIDI, Synthpop, Rock, Alternatif, Ambient, Bande son

Hi friends,
Here I am again with this time a very special Rock and Alternative Fusion played in improvisation on GarageBand and my iPad Air 2.
Always avant-garde music, my specialty, lol! notice to lovers of original originality.
Pat W the Persevering

Salut les ami,
Me revoici avec cette fois ci un Rock très spécial et Alternatif Fusion joué en improvisation sur GarageBand et mon iPad Air 2.
Toujours de la musique d'avant-garde, ma spécialité, lol ! avis aux amateurs d'originalité inédite.
Pat W le Persévérant


Jochen-S Posté à 20/09/2020 22:32

Hi Patric my friend,
Interesting synthpop, great arranged and great guitar sounds from you... I liked it...
Greetings Jochen

Sandro_Glavina_Channel Posté à 21/09/2020 00:21

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Funeral_Breakfast Posté à 21/09/2020 07:10

What a strange trip you've taken us on, Thank you!

Check us out if you like

Siggi-M Posté à 21/09/2020 10:37

coool,Patrick.What a great guitar game 👌👍.


Pat_02 Posté à 21/09/2020 22:43

Hi Patric my friend,
Interesting synthpop, great arranged and great guitar sounds from you... I liked it...
Greetings Jochen

Thank you my friend,


Pat_02 Posté à 21/09/2020 22:45

Grazie amico mio Sandro e contento che ti piaccia....

Pat_02 Posté à 21/09/2020 22:47

What a strange trip you've taken us on, Thank you!

Check us out if you like

Thank you Funeral for listening and commenting and happy you like it.

Pat_02 Posté à 21/09/2020 22:48

coool,Patrick.What a great guitar game 👌👍.


Grazie mille amico mio Siggi.
Saluti amichevoli.

HellRaiser Posté à 21/09/2020 23:46

This is special music with a dark and mystique atmosphere. The electric guitar is pretty weird - I like that 👍 Also the varied drums are great. Awesome entertainment ❤️

franco-galateo Posté à 22/09/2020 10:05

musique très spéciale, sans aucun doute intéressante. musicalement, il y a des passages vraiment impressionnants.
excellente composition


Pat_02 Posté à 28/09/2020 18:11

This is special music with a dark and mystique atmosphere. The electric guitar is pretty weird - I like that 👍 Also the varied drums are great. Awesome entertainment ❤️

Thank you very much friend HellRaiser,
for listening and for your very pleasant opinion and really happy that you like this type of music.
I wanted to make a really strange music by having chosen a starting sound on Garageband on my virtual tactile analog synth, and I continued after playing a first improvisation, with other sounds just as strange and I said to myself than to add the guitar but also played in a special way that it probably fearit its effect and I was not mistaken apparently since it ^ pleases and it is the main thing and I also had fun.
Friendly greetings.

Merci beaucoup ami HellRaiser, 
pour avoir écouté et pour ton avis très agréable et vraiment content que ce type de musique te plaise. J'ai voulu faire une musique vraiment étrange en ayant choisi une sonorité de départ sur Garageband sur mon synthé analogique virtuel tactile, et j'ai enchaîné après avoir joué une première improvisation, avec d'autres sonorités tout aussi étanges et je me suis dit que de rajouter de la guitare mais jouée également d'une façon spéciale que ça fearit surement son effet et je ne me suis pas trompé apparemment puisque ça ^plait et c'est le principal et moi je me suis fait plaisir également.
Salutations amicales.

Pat_02 Posté à 28/09/2020 18:14

musique très spéciale, sans aucun doute intéressante. musicalement, il y a des passages vraiment impressionnants.
excellente composition


Grazie amico mio Franco e felice che questa musica speciale come mi piace improvvisare ti sia piaciuta e impressionata.
Saluti amichevoli.

Thank you my friend Franco and happy that this special music as I like to improvise you liked and impressed you.
Friendly greetings.

Merci mon ami Franco et content que cette musique spéciale comme j'aime les improviser t'ai plu et impressionné.
Salutations amicales.

Paulo.Costa Posté à 28/09/2020 21:41

Tout comme la communication mondiale diverge, nos pensées voyagent également à une vitesse incroyable sans voir. Alors je remarque quelque chose ici dans votre morceau, c'est vrai, j'ai trouvé un son mental contemplatif et abstrait personnel. J'ai vraiment aimé celui-ci. 😊👍🏼


Assim como a comunicação mundial diverge, nossos pensamentos também viajam à uma velocidade inacreditavelmente sem vermos. Assim noto  alguma coisa aqui em sua faixa, isso mesmo, achei uma sonoridade abstrata contemplativamente mental e pessoal. Muito bom gostei dessa aqui. 😊👍🏼