PW Psycho Space du 12-10-2024

Pat_02 Posté à 05/12/2024 18:42
Balises: Montage vidéo, Autres, Clips
Largeur: 1280
Hauteur: 720
Durée: 07:53
Format: x-ms-asf

Hello friends,
I hope you are well.
Here as promised is a new "Soundtrack" "Electro Atmospheric" so to listen as such, lol! because it could accompany like many of my music, films like: fantasy, Thriller or others...
It has a transition at 4 minutes 35 seconds.
As often, while listening to it, you can imagine a movie scenario, but it's easier by closing your eyes, lol! .
This time I played it with several plugin synths, so virtual, first with the App: "AudioKit Synth One" on my "iPad Pro M1" and "iPhone 7 Plus" and from the "Arturia" series: "V8 Collection" which brings together legendary synths and others, improved by Arturia technicians and Sound Designers who were controlled by my little master keyboard: "Code 25" from "M-Audio", recorded on my old DAW software from 2004: "Magix Audio Studio Deluxe"
Enjoy watching and listening and see you soon for other "Soundtracks" in other styles...
Greetings from Pat W the Persevering.

Hallo Freunde,
Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut.
Wie versprochen gibt es hier einen neuen „Electro Atmospheric“-Soundtrack, damit Sie ihn als solchen anhören können, lol! weil es, wie viele meiner Musikstücke, Filme wie Fantasy, Thriller oder andere begleiten könnte ...
Es gibt einen Übergang bei 4 Minuten und 35 Sekunden.
Wie so oft kann man sich beim Hören ein Filmszenario vorstellen, aber einfacher geht es, wenn man die Augen schließt, lol! .
Dieses Mal habe ich es mit mehreren Plugin-Synthesizern gespielt, also virtuell, zuerst mit der App: „AudioKit Synth One“ auf meinem „iPad Pro M1“ und „iPhone 7 Plus“ und aus der „Arturia“-Reihe: „V8 Collection“. vereint legendäre Synthesizer und andere, verbessert von Arturias Technikern und Sounddesignern, die von meinem kleinen Masterkeyboard gesteuert wurden: „Code 25“ von „M-Audio“, aufgenommen mit meiner alten DAW-Software von 2004: „Magix Audio Studio Deluxe“
Viel Spaß beim Ansehen und Zuhören und bis bald mit weiteren „Soundtracks“ in anderen Stilrichtungen ...
Grüße von Pat W the Perseverant.


Deadreamer-w2688 Posté à 05/12/2024 18:53

Hello Pat, the name of the song fits perfectly😉It's incredible what kind of devices you can use! Psycho definitely gets a big like👍🏽Pat dear friend, I wish you a nice evening ❤ and all the best!🍀

Pat_02 Posté à 05/12/2024 19:13

Hello Pat, the name of the song fits perfectly😉It's incredible what kind of devices you can use! Psycho definitely gets a big like👍🏽Pat dear friend, I wish you a nice evening ❤ and all the best!🍀

Ich danke dir noch einmal, mein Freund, da ich es gerade auf meinem YouTube-Kanal gemacht habe.
Ich habe vergessen anzugeben, dass man es sich mit Ohrhörern oder Kopfhörern anhören muss, die den Subbass gut reproduzieren, denn das gibt es vor allem gegen Ende. Viel Glück, mein Freund, und wir sehen uns wieder.

I thank you a 2nd time my friend, since I just did it on my YouTube channel.
I forgot to specify that you have to listen to it with headphones or earphones that reproduce the sub-bass well, because there are some especially towards the end. Good luck my friend and see you later.

Je te remercie une 2e fois mon ami, puisque je viens de le faire sur ma chaîne YouTube. J'ai oublié de préciser qu'il fallait l'écouter avec des écouteurs ou casque audio qui reproduisent bien les Sub-basses, car il y en a surtout vers la fin. Bonne continuation l'ami et à plus.

SEA-K Posté à 06/12/2024 02:30

Hi Pat,

You good Sir must be a child of Kraftwerk, where Florian and the other Pioneer did stuff like this. Got hooked on Autobahn and Radioactivity and now I am here. Good track, great listen, Awesome video.

Kind regards, CHRIS

franco-galateo Posté à 06/12/2024 09:50

qualitative sound research.. alternative track with use of high quality synths. very good musical fusions and effects


Pat_02 Posté à 06/12/2024 11:47

qualitative sound research.. alternative track with use of high quality synths. very good musical fusions and effects


Saluti mio amico,
Grazie mille per un po' di tempo per visionare questo video e il contenuto che ti piace.
Buon proseguimento.
Saluti amichevoli

Hi my friend,
Thanks for taking some time to watch this video and glad you like it.
Good luck.
Friendly greetings

Pat_02 Posté à 06/12/2024 12:21

Hi Pat,

You good Sir must be a child of Kraftwerk, where Florian and the other Pioneer did stuff like this. Got hooked on Autobahn and Radioactivity and now I am here. Good track, great listen, Awesome video.

Kind regards, CHRIS

Thanks Chris,
Indeed I like Kraftwerk, I have the album: "Radioactivity" on vinyl and I recently watched Live Japan 1981 on YouTube with the main hits including a very long Autobahn, I'll give you the link to this long video if you don't know it.

But I also like electro, New Wave and even more industrial.
I have a very open-minded musical mind, lol!
On the other hand, Florian's name doesn't mean anything to me...
Glad you like it in any case.
Good luck.

Vio-Project Posté à 06/12/2024 21:34

Fantastic Patrick! Always an absolute pleasure to listen to your music and look over your shoulder! Great sounds, as if created by magic. Very masterful work again from you, my friend! 💯💯💯💯💯💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑💯💯💯💯💯

Stay healthy, see you soon and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Pat_02 Posté à 07/12/2024 15:08

Fantastic Patrick! Always an absolute pleasure to listen to your music and look over your shoulder! Great sounds, as if created by magic. Very masterful work again from you, my friend! 💯💯💯💯💯💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑💯💯💯💯💯

Stay healthy, see you soon and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Thank you my friend and very happy that you like my music and its sounds, because they are non-commercial music that does not attract many people lol. So it's nice when it pleases, lol!
Good luck.
Friendly greetings.

badwashbear Posté à 08/12/2024 05:15

Hi Pat

Interesting sound experiments, and also very cool how you operate your devices.
Very cool work💯👍👌

Pat_02 Posté à 08/12/2024 14:21

Hi Pat

Interesting sound experiments, and also very cool how you operate your devices.
Very cool work💯👍👌

Thank you camarade 😉