PW Pensées Profondes du 27-11-2024

Pat_02 Posté à 09/01/2025 16:29
Balises: Montage vidéo, Nature, Humains, Autres, Clips
Largeur: 1280
Hauteur: 720
Durée: 06:10
Format: x-ms-asf

Hello friends,
As I said in my Story today, I think every day about my little heart, unfortunately lost forever for a year and a half now.
I miss her a lot and as she loved it when I played the piano for her, I continue to dedicate some improvisations to her, hoping from wherever she is (in Heaven I hope because she deserved it), that she can hear them...
You will understand the title I think: "Deep Thoughts"
which are of course, for my only love.
This music is played in a dynamic way because it transcribes the strength and dynamism of my darling love.
She had been fighting for 20 years against her Multiple Sclerosis and was so strong, she felt almost invulnerable, only never would we have imagined, nor she either, that lung cancer would get the better of her in 6 months with 3 different chemotherapies which, unfortunately, had no effect.
No one deserves this, nor to have to end it of their own accord, to avoid suffering, knowing that she was lost, but even less my pretty little flower who was an adorable person with many qualities that few people have... (and I have tears in my eyes when I write this, the same when I made the arrangement of this video and watched it several times seeing our photos together.)
My darling was my little protégé for whom I took care and she did the same for me.
We were so close and complementary, unfortunately and as I had titled a song for her:
"Life is beautiful at times only"
For me now, my life has no interest anymore because it is monotonous and I am totally alone.
I know that I am far from being an isolated case, but that does not console me. So if you are a close-knit couple, like my darling and I were, despite the 350 km that separated us, I advise you to make the most of it and that's what she often repeated, because life sometimes plays us very difficult situations to live and even more so after the death of a loved one or his other half.
I hope you enjoy this music and video and my other half too.
Greetings from Pat W the Persevering

.Hallo Freunde,
Wie ich in meiner heutigen Story sagte, denke ich jeden Tag an mein kleines Herz, das ich leider vor anderthalb Jahren für immer verloren habe.
Ich vermisse sie sehr und da sie es mochte, wenn ich für sie Klavier spielte, widme ich ihr weiterhin einige Improvisationen und hoffe, dass sie diese genießen kann, wo auch immer sie ist (ich hoffe, im Himmel, denn sie hat es voll und ganz verdient). hören ...
Ich denke, Sie werden den Titel verstehen: „Tiefe Gedanken“
die natürlich für meine einzige Liebe bestimmt sind.
Diese Musik wird dynamisch gespielt, weil sie die Stärke und Dynamik meiner geliebten Liebe zum Ausdruck bringt.
Sie kämpfte seit 20 Jahren gegen Multiple Sklerose und war so stark, dass sie sich fast unverwundbar fühlte, aber niemand, auch sie selbst, hätte geglaubt, dass Lungenkrebs sie innerhalb von 6 Monaten töten würde, nach 3 verschiedenen Chemotherapien, die leider wirkungslos blieben. .
Niemand verdient das, noch verdient es, es aus eigenem Antrieb beenden zu müssen, um Leiden zu vermeiden, in dem Wissen, dass er verloren ist, und noch weniger verdient meine hübsche kleine Blume, die ein entzückender Mensch war, mit vielen Eigenschaften, die nur wenige Menschen haben. (und ich habe Tränen in den Augen, wenn ich das schreibe, genauso wie als ich das Arrangement für dieses Video gemacht und es mir mehrmals angesehen habe, als ich unsere gemeinsamen Fotos gesehen habe.)
Mein Liebling war mein kleiner Schützling, um den ich mich kümmerte und sie tat dasselbe für mich.
Wir standen uns so nah und ergänzten uns so sehr, leider, und ich hatte ein Lied für sie so betitelt:
„Das Leben ist nur manchmal schön“
Für mich ist mein Leben inzwischen uninteressant, weil es eintönig ist und ich völlig allein bin.
Ich weiß, dass ich bei weitem kein Einzelfall bin, aber das tröstet mich nicht.
Wenn Sie also ein eng verbundenes Paar sind, wie meine Liebste und ich, rate ich Ihnen, trotz der 350 km, die uns trennten, das Beste daraus zu machen, und das hat sie oft wiederholt, denn das Leben spielt uns Streiche. manchmal sehr schwierige Situationen, die es zu durchleben gilt, und dies gilt umso mehr nach dem Tod eines geliebten Menschen oder der eigenen besseren Hälfte.
Ich hoffe, Ihnen und meiner besseren Hälfte gefallen die Musik und das Video.
Grüße von Pat W, dem Beharrlichen.



franco-galateo Posté à 09/01/2025 19:12

I read the story that I already knew in part, they are sad things. Whoever happens to them, their heart dies and it is difficult to revive it. One wonders, but why the person I loved with all my heart. Yes it is unfair, a real wickedness that I do not want to accept But there is one thing that no one can take away from you, the memories of the good times and the thought that your beloved is heaven.. go and continue with all your strength, and make music that will always help you. Video editing I would say very beautiful, music as always of good quality, free and without precise canons, music is the feeling that you had at the moment you composed it. Very good, see you soon


Pat_02 Posté à 09/01/2025 19:44

I read the story that I already knew in part, they are sad things. Whoever happens to them, their heart dies and it is difficult to revive it. One wonders, but why the person I loved with all my heart. Yes it is unfair, a real wickedness that I do not want to accept But there is one thing that no one can take away from you, the memories of the good times and the thought that your beloved is heaven.. go and continue with all your strength, and make music that will always help you. Video editing I would say very beautiful, music as always of good quality, free and without precise canons, music is the feeling that you had at the moment you composed it. Very good, see you soon


Grazie mille, mio ​​caro amico, per il tuo sostegno e la tua comprensione e sono molto felice che ti piaccia questa musica in omaggio al mio unico amore perduto per sempre. Buona fortuna e ti auguro il meglio per questo nuovo anno.
Cordiali saluti da Pat.

Thank you very much my dear friend for your support and understanding and very happy that this music in tribute to my only love lost forever, pleases you. Good luck and I wish you the best for this new year.
Friendly greetings from Pat.

Vio-Project Posté à 10/01/2025 18:02

Bonjour Patrick mon ami ! Quand j'ai lu votre texte d'ouverture, j'ai immédiatement pleuré parce que je suis construit près de l'eau. Oui, je peux complètement vous comprendre et ressentir pour vous. La perte d'un être cher peut briser votre cœur. En 2017, mon jeune frère est décédé d'un cancer du côlon à l'âge de 49 ans seulement. La chimiothérapie ne l'a plus aidé non plus. Rien que d’y penser, je suis très vite triste. 😐😑

Patrick, vous avez composé et joué une œuvre musicale unique et magnifique pour votre proche ! Les images vidéo parlent d’elles-mêmes et gardent pour vous les souvenirs de ce merveilleux moment ! C'est un excellent travail de votre part ! 💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑💯💯💯💯💯

Restez en bonne santé, à bientôt et salutations de Sylvio 😎

Pat_02 Posté à 10/01/2025 21:50

Bonjour Patrick mon ami ! Quand j'ai lu votre texte d'ouverture, j'ai immédiatement pleuré parce que je suis construit près de l'eau. Oui, je peux complètement vous comprendre et ressentir pour vous. La perte d'un être cher peut briser votre cœur. En 2017, mon jeune frère est décédé d'un cancer du côlon à l'âge de 49 ans seulement. La chimiothérapie ne l'a plus aidé non plus. Rien que d’y penser, je suis très vite triste. 😐😑

Patrick, vous avez composé et joué une œuvre musicale unique et magnifique pour votre proche ! Les images vidéo parlent d’elles-mêmes et gardent pour vous les souvenirs de ce merveilleux moment ! C'est un excellent travail de votre part ! 💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑💯💯💯💯💯

Restez en bonne santé, à bientôt et salutations de Sylvio 😎

Thank you my friend and sorry about your younger brother.
Thank you also for your support.
I wish you to stay healthy too.
Friendly greetings.

badwashbear Posté à 13/01/2025 16:43

Hello Patrick
I read your story too, it's very sad. It hurts to read that. 😢You've lost a loved one. I can hardly imagine how that must feel and what you have to go through.
I think your piano piece is very good and with the pictures, you really played the piano very well.💯👍👌
I wish you all the best for your future.

Pat_02 Posté à 13/01/2025 17:55

Hello Patrick
I read your story too, it's very sad. It hurts to read that. 😢You've lost a loved one. I can hardly imagine how that must feel and what you have to go through.
I think your piano piece is very good and with the pictures, you really played the piano very well.💯👍👌
I wish you all the best for your future.

Danke, mein Freund, dass du zuschaust und mich unterstützt.
Und ich freue mich sehr, dass Ihnen diese Musik als Hommage an meine einzige, für immer verlorene Liebe gefällt.
Freundliche grüße.

Thank you my friend for your viewing and support.
And very happy that you like this music in tribute to my only love lost forever.
Friendly greetings.

PATIENT-X Posté à 15/01/2025 00:00

Hi Pat, I can never imagine your loss of your loved one and soulmate, i have been with my current wife for thirty four years, i could not imagine without being by her side, i hope your creation of music finds you some sort of peace, yes she can hear your music and see your sadness, but the smiles come back with those treasured memories, you will be with her one day together forever as the soul lives on forever, i believe so very much, god bless and always let her hear your music and endless love, your music captures your feelings, you can see her every day in your videos, cheers 😉👍🍺🍷🌹❤️

Pc self build by me.

Azza Pyramid 804 case

Intel Core i5-13600K Processor 3.5GHz

Kingston FURY Beast 32GB (16GB x 2) 4800MHz DDR5

Geforce RTX2080 Founders edition

Firecuda 530 1tb SSD Nvme


Corsair RM1000x 80 PLUS Gold Fully Modular ATX 1000 Watt Power Supply

5in LCD Screen

Lian Li UNI SL120 V2 triple fans

MSI Meg Unify Z690 motherboard



Pat_02 Posté à 15/01/2025 17:27

Hi Pat, I can never imagine your loss of your loved one and soulmate, i have been with my current wife for thirty four years, i could not imagine without being by her side, i hope your creation of music finds you some sort of peace, yes she can hear your music and see your sadness, but the smiles come back with those treasured memories, you will be with her one day together forever as the soul lives on forever, i believe so very much, god bless and always let her hear your music and endless love, your music captures your feelings, you can see her every day in your videos, cheers 😉👍🍺🍷🌹❤️

Thank you my friend for your viewing, your support and comfort.
I often think of you when I come to MAGIX because I don't see you there anymore.
Yes! It's very hard to lose your other half, especially since she was adorable and even if we were unfortunately separated by 350 km and we see each other every 15 days in general, the first years of our meeting on a site, with a first year, for 9 months, only virtual, because I took care of my mother, our couple held up, we were so close and complementary.
Personally, I don't believe in anything, except maybe reincarnation and I hope to find her again when I give up the ghost in turn.
I can't help but think of her several times a day, I miss her too much...
I wish you and your loved ones all the best for this new year and thank you again and long live music and musical creation...
Friendly greetings.