PW Impro Live Variations au Piano pour ma Chérie du 01-04-2023

Pat_02 Posté à 14/02/2025 15:09
Balises: Clips, Nature, Autres, Humains, Montage vidéo
Largeur: 1280
Hauteur: 720
Durée: 05:20
Format: x-ms-asf

Hallo Freunde,
Wie ich Ihnen in meinem vorherigen Video erzählt habe, werde ich einige recht kurze Live-Improvisationen auf dem Klavier online stellen, die ich gespielt habe, während ich an meine kleine Liebe gedacht habe, die uns leider am 13. Juli 2023 verlassen hat.
Ich hatte für sie zwei Jahre hintereinander ein intimes Lied zum Valentinstag komponiert, das ihr sehr gefiel, und sie hörte mir gern zu, wenn ich Variationen auf dem Klavier spielte. Aus diesem Grund stelle ich jetzt dieses kleine Musikvideo zusammen, das diesem Tag der Liebenden gewidmet ist.
Ich denke jeden Tag an sie und vermisse sie so sehr. Ich hoffe, dass sie diese kurzen Variationen hört, wo auch immer sie ist, und hoffentlich im Himmel, wo ich mich gerne zu ihr gesellen würde, wenn meine Zeit gekommen ist.
Wenn ich innerlich nicht so stark wäre wie äußerlich, hätte ich mich ihm wahrscheinlich schon angeschlossen ...
Allen Paaren und Verliebten einen schönen Valentinstag.
Grüße von Pat dem Beharrlichen.

Hello friends,
As I told you in my previous video, I will put online some fairly short improvisations, live, on the piano, that I played while thinking of my little love heart who unfortunately left us on July 13, 2023.
I had composed for her two years in a row an intimate song for Valentine's Day that she had really appreciated, and she loved listening to me play variations on the piano, well for that reason that I am now putting for this day of lovers, this little dedicated musical video.
I think of her every day and I miss her terribly and I hope that she will hear these short variations from where she is and I hope in Heaven where I would like to join her when my time comes.
If I were not as strong inside as I am outside, I think that I would have joined her already...
Happy Valentine's Day to all couples and lovers.
Greetings from Pat w the Perseverant.


Vio-Project Posté à 14/02/2025 19:05

Oh mon ami Patrick, quels beaux sons de piano pour la Saint-Valentin ! Ce sont des pièces vraiment merveilleuses qui vous aideront à garder en mémoire votre bien-aimé ! Il existe un dicton : la musique guérit toutes les blessures. 😉

J'ai vraiment apprécié revoir ta vidéo, et j'ai encore plus apprécié t'écouter ! Merci pour ces beaux moments ! 💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑💯💯💯💯💯

Restez en bonne santé, à bientôt et meilleurs voeux de Sylvio 😎

Pat_02 Posté à 14/02/2025 21:36

Oh mon ami Patrick, quels beaux sons de piano pour la Saint-Valentin ! Ce sont des pièces vraiment merveilleuses qui vous aideront à garder en mémoire votre bien-aimé ! Il existe un dicton : la musique guérit toutes les blessures. 😉

J'ai vraiment apprécié revoir ta vidéo, et j'ai encore plus apprécié t'écouter ! Merci pour ces beaux moments ! 💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑💯💯💯💯💯

Restez en bonne santé, à bientôt et meilleurs voeux de Sylvio 😎

Danke, mein Freund, und ich freue mich sehr, dass Dir diese kurzen improvisierten Klaviervariationen gefallen, die meinem Liebling gewidmet sind. Es stimmt, dass die Musik viel bringt, aber sie wird mich nie meine einzige Liebe vergessen lassen, die ich sehr vermisse.
Pass auch du auf dich auf und bis bald.
Liebe Grüße von Pat.

Thank you my friend and very happy that these short improvised variations on the piano dedicated to my darling, please you. It is true that music brings a lot, but it will never make me forget my only love that I miss a lot.
Take care of yourself too and see you soon.
Friendly greetings from Pat.

franco-galateo Posté à 15/02/2025 11:52

good improvvisation.. interesting fusion musical.. sound alternative of the good quality.. very well


Pat_02 Posté à 15/02/2025 14:51

good improvvisation.. interesting fusion musical.. sound alternative of the good quality.. very well


Grazie amica mia e sono felice che ti siano piaciute queste variazioni improvvisate per il mio amore perduto.
Cordiali saluti da Pat

Mark_Kostora Posté à 15/02/2025 20:34

Hello Patrick,

A true performance of the meaning of St. Valentines day! I enjoyed the way the melody moved your hands across the keyboard. Certainly a wonderful and skillful video production. And similarly to my own Valentines day piece, you show that there no distance between us and those of who we love even in passing ;) !!!

Mark ;)



badwashbear Posté à 15/02/2025 21:34

Hi Pat
very nice work on the piano.💯👍👌
Music also has something liberating about it. It makes you sad or happy. It makes us think or laugh.
You have lost a loved one, I am very sorry for you. The music will help us to understand and process this pain.

I wish you all the best
and stay strong my friend

Paolo-Brenner Posté à 15/02/2025 23:30

Wonderful melodies und perfect video!!!

Pat_02 Posté à 16/02/2025 14:46

Hello Patrick,

A true performance of the meaning of St. Valentines day! I enjoyed the way the melody moved your hands across the keyboard. Certainly a wonderful and skillful video production. And similarly to my own Valentines day piece, you show that there no distance between us and those of who we love even in passing ;) !!!

Mark ;)



Hello Mark
Thank you very much for watching and for your kind message.
Very happy that you like my music dedicated to my darling.
Friendly greetings from Pat

Pat_02 Posté à 16/02/2025 14:50

Hi Pat
very nice work on the piano.💯👍👌
Music also has something liberating about it. It makes you sad or happy. It makes us think or laugh.
You have lost a loved one, I am very sorry for you. The music will help us to understand and process this pain.

I wish you all the best
and stay strong my friend

Vielen Dank, Freund, für Ihre nette Nachricht und Ihre Unterstützung, und ich freue mich sehr, dass Ihnen meine Klaviervariationen gefallen.
Freundliche Grüße von Pat

Thank you friend for your kind message and support and very happy that you like my piano variations.
Friendly greetings from Pat

Pat_02 Posté à 16/02/2025 14:51

Wonderful melodies und perfect video!!!

Danke, Freund, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, mein Video anzuschauen, und ich freue mich, dass es dir gefällt.
Freundliche Grüße von Pat

Thanks buddy for taking the time to watch my video and glad you like it.
Friendly greetings from Pat

Paulo.Costa Posté à 19/02/2025 00:59

wow Você sabe tocar muito bem um piano então... estou meio enferrujado no piano mas acho que consigo jajajajajaja parabéns Amigo Pat, saudações... ces paysages dans l'un d'eux il y a une traînée dans le ciel où je vois qu'ils ressemblent à des anges volant un jour ordinaire où la musique et la poésie se réunissent pour égayer l'âme de ceux qui croient au bonheur très bien ta musique applaudissements, Je vois quelque chose de blanc sur le sol qui ressemble à de la neige, est-ce de la neige ? vous êtes un professionnel du piano, félicitations

Pat_02 Posté à 19/02/2025 13:27

wow Você sabe tocar muito bem um piano então... estou meio enferrujado no piano mas acho que consigo jajajajajaja parabéns Amigo Pat, saudações... ces paysages dans l'un d'eux il y a une traînée dans le ciel où je vois qu'ils ressemblent à des anges volant un jour ordinaire où la musique et la poésie se réunissent pour égayer l'âme de ceux qui croient au bonheur très bien ta musique applaudissements, Je vois quelque chose de blanc sur le sol qui ressemble à de la neige, est-ce de la neige ? vous êtes un professionnel du piano, félicitations

Olá meu amigo, faz tempo que não te vejo por aqui e em outros lugares rs! Obrigado pelo seu comentário gentil.
Todas as fotos que você vê no fundo, eu as tirei há alguns anos com meu primeiro iPhone, que era um pequeno 4s, e no final do vídeo, era o segundo ano consecutivo em que nevou muito e congelou. Ficava no final da aldeia onde moro desde 2009, que é a aldeia natal da minha mãe.
Estava lindo com o sol e a geada nas plantas.
E quanto ao piano, não sou um profissional, mas um amador que continuou autodidata, apesar das inúmeras aulas de música desde o ensino fundamental, porque a teoria musical sempre me frustrou.
Toco apenas de ouvido e visão e sou especialista em improvisação. Toco em períodos e estou longe de passar horas e horas por dia praticando piano ou meus sintetizadores, e estranhamente ainda consigo melhorar.
De qualquer forma, fiquei feliz em ver você aqui novamente.
Tenha um bom dia meu amigo e obrigado novamente.
Atenciosamente, Pat.

Hi my friend, it's been a long time since I saw you here and elsewhere lol! Thank you for your kind comment.
All the photos you see in the background, I took them quite a few years ago with my first iPhone which was a small 4s and at the end of the video, it was where two years in a row, it had snowed a lot and it had frozen. It was at the end of the village where I have lived since 2009, which is my mother's native village.
It was magnificent with this sun and the frost on the plants.
And concerning the piano, I am not a professional but an amateur who remained self-taught despite my many music lessons since elementary school, because music theory has always disappointed me.
I only play by ear and visually and have specialized in improvisation. I play in periods and I am far from doing hours and hours a day, practicing the piano or my synths, and strangely I still manage to improve.
Glad in any case to have seen you here again.
Have a good day my friend and thank you again.
Friendly greetings from Pat.