PW Impro Live Jazzy du 02 et 07-05-2023

Pat_02 Posté à 16/04/2024 19:27
Balises: Clips, Montage vidéo, Autres
Largeur: 1280
Hauteur: 720
Durée: 03:22
Format: x-ms-asf

For the Garageband Creation Tutorial, see the video on YouTube : Das Garageband-Erstellungs-Tutorial finden Sie im Video auf YouTube :

Hi friends, As said in my previous musical creation video, I put you this piece "Jazzy" therefore mixed with other Styles with following this short piece, a tutorial showing how I improvised it by playing it with virtual instruments touchscreens of "Garageband" for the Erhu and violin, the 3 rhythm tracks being Apple loops or samples for the pros, lol and the piano played on my Olya Pro 2, Colmann which unfortunately went into liquidation, too bad because it was a manufacturer of prestigious pianos and for some, with unique design and materials... I wish you a good viewing and tutorial for those who are interested, lol! The next video will be my return from the carpentry workshop where I work, with my Bomber that I assembled as a KIT 2 years ago, the assembly and ride videos of which are visible on my dedicated channel, here is the link for info and for fans of 2 wheels, especially electric ones, my first presentation video of this Speed bike:     • Speed Bike Présentation 2021 04 03   The video of the same trip but on the way out with my electric motorcycle: “Alrendo TS Bravo”, was just put on my dedicated channel yesterday. See you soon. Greetings. Pat W the Persevering.

Hallo Freunde,
Wie in meinem vorherigen Musikkreationsvideo gesagt, habe ich Ihnen dieses Stück „Jazzy“ mit anderen Stilen gemischt und im Anschluss an dieses kurze Stück ein Tutorial gezeigt, das zeigt, wie ich es improvisiert habe, indem ich es mit virtuellen Touchscreen-Instrumenten von „Garageband“ für den Erhu und gespielt habe Violine, die 3 Rhythmusspuren sind Apple-Loops oder Samples für die Profis, lol und das Klavier spielte auf meinem Olya Pro 2, Colmann, das leider in Liquidation ging, schade, denn es war ein Hersteller prestigeträchtiger Klaviere und für einige mit einzigartigem Design und Materialien...
Ich wünsche allen Interessierten viel Spaß beim Anschauen und Tutorial, lol!
Das nächste Video zeigt meine Rückkehr aus der Tischlerei, in der ich arbeite, mit meinem Bomber, den ich vor 2 Jahren als KIT zusammengebaut habe und dessen Montage- und Fahrvideos auf meinem speziellen Kanal zu sehen sind. Hier ist der Link für Informationen und für Fans von 2 Rädern, insbesondere elektrischen, mein erstes Präsentationsvideo dieses Speedbikes: Das Video der gleichen Reise, aber unterwegs mit meinem Elektromotorrad:
 "Alrendo TS Bravo“ wurde erst gestern auf meinem speziellen Kanal eingestellt.
Bis bald.
Pat W der Beharrliche.



Vio-Project Posté à 16/04/2024 23:27

A fantastic and unique production! First class jazz music! Your video is very interesting! I really enjoy watching you work! How cool you have everything under control and how you can use your instruments! Great! You've got me excited again, my friend! 💪💪💪💪💪🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼👑👑👑👑👑

Best wishes and greetings from Sylvio 😎

SEA-K Posté à 17/04/2024 08:05

Hi Pat,

Oh man you are deep. Ok, Einstein, I get it, I love the work you are doing, and your genius is very entertaining, and your creative juices are quite evident in you production and approach to loop making and music strips (I've done that a number of times) and applying them as you do with those fine music tools Wow, very well done! Hey, careful on the bike, huh! Be well my friend,


franco-galateo Posté à 17/04/2024 08:26

interesting idea .. the sound is exellent.. jazz sound of the good quality.. very well


Pat_02 Posté à 17/04/2024 12:34

A fantastic and unique production! First class jazz music! Your video is very interesting! I really enjoy watching you work! How cool you have everything under control and how you can use your instruments! Great! You've got me excited again, my friend! 💪💪💪💪💪🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼👑👑👑👑👑

Best wishes and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Vielen Dank, mein Freund, und ich freue mich sehr, dass es dir so gut gefällt.
Ich liebe es, im Stil des „Contemporary Jazz“ zu improvisieren
Aber wie Sie sehen, habe ich Probleme mit dem Touchscreen meines iPad AIR 2, insbesondere wenn es an mein iRig 2-Audio-Interface angeschlossen ist oder wenn es aufgeladen wird. Daher konnte ich die Erhu und die Geige nicht flüssig spielen, es gab Unterbrechungen, weil der Touchscreen nicht reagierte und mit meinem iPad Pro M1 war ich im Bluethooh, also gab es zu viele Latenzen, um richtig spielen zu können, und ich spiele nicht Ich habe kein Verbindungskabel, um es an mein Audio-Interface anzuschließen.
Aber hey, ich habe es trotzdem geschafft, ein paar Erhuet-Geigenriffs herauszubringen, lol!
Nochmals vielen Dank und ich wünsche dir viel Glück und tob dich in der Musik aus lol!

Thank you very much my friend and very happy that you like it so much.
I love improvising in the “Contemporary Jazz” Style
But as you can see, I have touchscreen problems on my iPad AIR 2, especially when it is connected to my iRig 2 audio interface or when it is charging. So I wasn't able to play the Erhu and the violin smoothly, there were cuts because the touchscreen didn't respond and with my iPad Pro M1 I was in Bluethooh so there were too many latency to be able to play correctly and I don't have the connection cable to connect it to my audio interface.
but hey I still managed to get out some Erhuet violin riffs, lol!
Thank you again and I wish you good luck and let off steam in music lol!

Pat_02 Posté à 17/04/2024 12:54

Hi Pat,

Oh man you are deep. Ok, Einstein, I get it, I love the work you are doing, and your genius is very entertaining, and your creative juices are quite evident in you production and approach to loop making and music strips (I've done that a number of times) and applying them as you do with those fine music tools Wow, very well done! Hey, careful on the bike, huh! Be well my friend,


Thank you my friend and glad you like it.
I've been using the touch instruments and some Apple Garageband loops for about 10 years, and I love playing this awesome app.
This application allows you, especially when you improvise like me, to compose very quickly, it only takes me a few hours, lol!
And we can play anywhere, it's great and for the first few years I composed on my iPhone 4s which has a very small screen, then for several years on my iPhone 7 plus which has a large screen and on my iPad AIR 2 for quite a long time as well and I continue to deal with it as well as more recently on my iPad Pro M1 which is ideal.
I make the most of my creativity and imagination which have no limits lol, because for me, music has no rules to follow, there are the basics and that's it, otherwise, if we follow these rules literally, we find ourselves doing the same things and that limits the creativity of each of us...
Thank you for your recommendations for 2 wheels, lol! but you know I have been practicing it in different forms since I was very young and I know what accidents and falls are, in fact I almost killed myself several times on bicycles, mopeds and large sports motorcycles, I know the dangers by heart. But thank you for caring about my health, it's nice.
Good luck in music and see you soon.


Pat_02 Posté à 17/04/2024 12:59

interesting idea .. the sound is exellent.. jazz sound of the good quality.. very well


Grazie mille amico e felice che ti piaccia questo pezzo jazz che amo suonare.
Comunque spero che il tuo collega Sandro stia bene perché da un po' non ho notizie, spero che non stia male. Buon proseguimento e a presto. Amicizie. Patrizio

Thank you very much friend and glad that you like this Jazzy piece that I love to play.
By the way, I hope that your colleague, Sandro is doing well because no news for a while, I hope he is not ill. Good continuation and see you soon. Friendships. Patrick

Deadreamer-w2688 Posté à 31/05/2024 22:22

What kind of device is this, a tablet?👍🍀

Pat_02 Posté à 31/05/2024 22:45

What kind of device is this, a tablet?👍🍀

Dies ist das iPad Air 2 mit Erscheinungsdatum 2014, das ich als Generalüberholung gekauft habe, und ich habe das ganz neue iPad Pro M1 gekauft, aber ich habe vor vielen Jahren mit einem kleinen iPhone 4s und dann mit dem Spielen und Komponieren auf Garageband begonnen Mein iPhone 7 Plus, ich liebe es, virtuelle Garageband-Touch-Instrumente zu spielen, lol! Ich habe mit dieser großartigen App eine Menge toller Musik komponiert, die ich liebe ...

This is the iPad air 2 with a release date of 2014 which I bought as a refurbishment and I bought the very recent iPad Pro M1 but I started playing and composing on Garageband a long time ago. many years with a small iPhone 4s and then with my iPhone 7 plus, I love playing garageband virtual touch instruments, lol! I have composed a lot of pretty amazing music on this great app that I love...