PW Impro Electro 01_MatrixBrute et FA 06 Roland du 20-04-2024

Pat_02 Posté à 10/11/2024 16:01
Balises: Montage vidéo, Autres, Clips
Largeur: 1280
Hauteur: 720
Durée: 04:39
Format: x-ms-asf

Hi friends,
Here is an improv filmed Live with my GoPro hero8 and not recorded in audio with my old arrangement software "Magix Audio Studio 2004 Deluxe" which still works very well with Windows 2008 on my HP laptop, because usually when I don't compose on my iPads with "Garageband" and "AudioKit Synth One" I directly record my musical instruments track by track on this old DAW from 2004 and my creations on my iPads and my Olya 2 piano, in the end, I record them on a single track on this old software to then convert them to "Wave" and "mp3" format
So even if my instruments are on a good Pro mixing desk, I can adjust the volume and other things like effects in advance, but of course not while playing and then it's the camera's microphone that records, so the sound is not great, but that day, I didn't want to record in audio, I just wanted to play and it was already late, my passion above all lol!
The whole thing is to make you enjoy it for people who like this kind of music of course, lol!
Have a good long week and see you soon for other improvisations but this time arranged and recorded in audio...
Pat W the Perseverant.

Hallo Freunde,
Hier ist eine Improvisation, die live mit meiner GoPro hero8 gefilmt und nicht mit meiner alten Arrangement-Software „Magix Audio Studio 2004 Deluxe“ in Audio aufgenommen wurde, die immer noch sehr gut mit Windows 2008 auf meinem HP-Laptop funktioniert, denn normalerweise, wenn ich nicht komponiere, nicht auf meine iPads mit „Garageband“ und „AudioKit Synth One“ Ich nehme meine Musikinstrumente direkt Spur für Spur auf dieser alten DAW von 2004 auf und meine Kreationen auf meinen iPads und Mein Olya 2-Klavier, am Ende nehme ich sie auf einer einzigen Spur mit dieser alten Software auf und konvertiere sie dann in die Formate „Wave“ und „mp3“.
Selbst wenn meine Instrumente an einem guten Pro-Mischpult angeschlossen sind, kann ich die Lautstärke und andere Dinge wie Effekte im Voraus anpassen, aber natürlich nicht während des Spielens, und dann ist es das Kameramikrofon, das aufzeichnet, sodass der Ton nicht großartig ist, aber An diesem Tag wollte ich kein Audio aufnehmen, ich wollte nur abspielen und es war schon spät, meine Leidenschaft über allem lol!
Der springende Punkt ist natürlich, dass man es den Leuten genießen kann, die diese Art von Musik mögen, lol!
Ich wünsche Ihnen eine schöne lange Woche und bis bald mit weiteren Improvisationen, diesmal jedoch arrangiert und als Audio aufgenommen ...
Pat W der Beharrliche.


Mark_Kostora Posté à 10/11/2024 19:26

Hello Pat,

A great duo synth performance with some of that 60s sound influence !!!

Mark ;)

Pat_02 Posté à 10/11/2024 19:39

Hello Pat,

A great duo synth performance with some of that 60s sound influence !!!

Mark ;)

Thank you fellow musician

franco-galateo Posté à 11/11/2024 11:00

it looks like a recording studio.. high technology.... music as always interesting.. absolute freedom to create sounds. great work very good


Pat_02 Posté à 11/11/2024 12:19

it looks like a recording studio.. high technology.... music as always interesting.. absolute freedom to create sounds. great work very good


Grazie amico mio per il tuo ascolto attento come sempre e il tuo caloroso commento.
Pensavo che avessi lasciato Magix per un po', perché non ho ricevuto nessun commento da te per la mia musica precedente, e poiché so che in generale guardi e ascolti tutta la mia musica e ti ringrazio per questo, questo mi ha sorpreso, ma sicuramente eri occupato, lol!
Grazie ancora e a presto.
Saluti amichevoli.

Thank you my friend for your attentive listening as always and your warm comment.
I thought you had left Magix a bit, because I didn't have any comment from you for my previous music, and as I know that in general you watch and listen to all my music and I thank you for it, it surprised me, but surely you were busy, lol!
Thanks again and see you soon.
Friendly greetings.

Vio-Project Posté à 12/11/2024 21:16

Yes, admittedly the sound from the camera microphone is not overwhelming, but it is still a lot of fun to watch over your shoulder as you improvise! Very interesting sounds and a wonderful video experience, my friend! 💪💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏👏🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌💯💯💯💯💯👑👑👑👑👑

See you soon, stay healthy and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Pat_02 Posté à 12/11/2024 21:39

Yes, admittedly the sound from the camera microphone is not overwhelming, but it is still a lot of fun to watch over your shoulder as you improvise! Very interesting sounds and a wonderful video experience, my friend! 💪💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏👏🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌💯💯💯💯💯👑👑👑👑👑

See you soon, stay healthy and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Thank you my friend for listening and watching and glad you like it.
Take care too.

badwashbear Posté à 16/11/2024 13:52


great performance my friend.
I think playing 2 keyboards is pretty cool.
Cool track💯👍👌

Pat_02 Posté à 16/11/2024 16:07


great performance my friend.
I think playing 2 keyboards is pretty cool.
Cool track💯👍👌

Vielen Dank, mein Freund, dass du zugehört und zugeschaut hast, und ich freue mich, dass es dir gefällt. Ja, es ist cool, auf mehreren Keyboards gleichzeitig zu spielen, lol!
Gute Arbeit für Sie.

Thanks buddy for listening and watching and glad you like it. Yes it's cool to play multiple keyboards at once, lol!
Good wrrk to you.