PW EMA VOL. 03_ CINEMA 02 du 15-12-2024

Pat_02 Posté à 15/03/2025 15:50
Balises: Clips, Autres, Nature, Montage vidéo
Largeur: 1280
Hauteur: 720
Durée: 04:41
Format: x-ms-asf

Hi friends, For a change, here's some music in the style: "Contemporary Symphonic," accompanied by videos I filmed of one of the artificial lakes at Center Parcs, with a short transition where you can see me playing. Then it moves on to a bit of "Dark" (a mix of organ and other sounds), with the "Super Natural" sounds of my old sound sampler: JV 1080 ROLAND and FA 06, followed by rhythms and sounds like: clock ticking that take you back in time to the images of the "Ruines de Vauclair," where we celebrate music in early June and where my darling loved to accompany me. Many sites are protected for their historical value, especially around my village, since they overlook "Le Chemin des Dames," which was heavily bombed during both wars. The next song will probably be electro. I hope you enjoy my new presentation (Part 1) of my electric motorcycle, equivalent to a 125cc large-bore motorcycle, which I recently posted on my dedicated channel. I'll give you the link for anyone interested, lol: Enjoy watching and see you soon. Greetings from Pat W the Persevering.

Hallo Freunde,
Hier zur Abwechslung mal etwas Musik aus dem Style:
„Contemporary Symphonic“, begleitet von Videos, die ich an einem der künstlichen Seen des „Center Parc“ gefilmt habe, mit einer kurzen Überblendung, in der wir mich spielen sehen.
Dann geht es weiter mit etwas „Dark“ (ein Mix aus Orgel und anderen), mit den „Super natural“ Klängen meines alten Soundsamplers:
JV 1080 ROLAND, mit Rhythmus und Klängen wie:
 das Klicken der Uhren, das uns in die Zeit zurückversetzt zu den Bildern der „Ruines de Vauclair“, wo Anfang Juni die Musik gefeiert wird und wohin mich mein Liebling so gerne begleitet hat.
Viele Stätten stehen unter Denkmalschutz, etwa in der Umgebung meines Dorfes, da sie den „Chemin des Dames“ überblicken, der während der beiden Kriege schwer bombardiert wurde.
Die nächste Musik wird wahrscheinlich Electro sein.
Ich hoffe, Ihnen gefällt meine neue Präsentation (Teil 01) meines Elektromotorrads im Äquivalent einer 125er-Großgröße, die ich kürzlich auf meinem speziellen Kanal veröffentlicht habe.
Ich gebe euch den Link für alle Interessierten, lol: Viel Spaß beim Anschauen und bis bald.
Grüße von Pat W, dem Beharrlichen.


franco-galateo Posté à 15/03/2025 20:23

good performance and interesting idea compositional.. music and audio exellent


Pat_02 Posté à 15/03/2025 20:56

good performance and interesting idea compositional.. music and audio exellent


Grazie amico mio e buon fine settimana.

Thank you my friend and have a good weekend.

Paulo.Costa Posté à 16/03/2025 03:28

Bela canção. Me parece que é um lugar aconchegante vejo muitas algas marinhas acima da superfície do lago ou rio juntamente fazendo contraste com aquele pássaro. Legal a filmagem desta cidade ou vilarejo, acredito ser na fotografia no vídeo de um castelo em ruínas ou algo assim. Bela música sua parabéns. 🎸 🎷

Pat_02 Posté à 16/03/2025 10:53

Bela canção. Me parece que é um lugar aconchegante vejo muitas algas marinhas acima da superfície do lago ou rio juntamente fazendo contraste com aquele pássaro. Legal a filmagem desta cidade ou vilarejo, acredito ser na fotografia no vídeo de um castelo em ruínas ou algo assim. Bela música sua parabéns. 🎸 🎷

Obrigado meu amigo,
Existem vários lagos artificiais que pertencem ao Center Parc e ele fica a 12 km da minha vila em Aisne, na Picardia.
O acesso é feito pelo famoso "Chemin des Dames", que foi invadido pelos alemães e bombardeado durante as duas guerras de 14/18 e 39/45.
Nesta estrada rural, há vários vales cujos planaltos serviam como pontos de observação estratégicos, para monitorar o movimento das tropas inimigas.
E essas ruínas restauradas eram uma antiga abadia, que também sofreu bombardeios.

Thank you, my friend.
There are several artificial lakes belonging to Center Parc, 12 km from my village in the Aisne region of Picardy.
You can get there via the very famous "Chemin des Dames," which was heavily damaged by German invasions and bombing during the First World War and World War II.
On this country road, there are several valleys whose plateaus served as strategic observation points to monitor enemy troop movements.
And these restored ruins were once an abbey; they also suffered bombing.

badwashbear Posté à 16/03/2025 17:05

Hi Pat
Very nicely played on the keyboard, interesting sounds and a good video to go with it.💯👍👌

Vio-Project Posté à 18/03/2025 19:38

Hello Patrick! Very beautiful synth sounds in a classic style! And wonderful images in your video! I really enjoyed listening to your music and watched your video with excitement! 🎹🎹🎹🎹🎹👍👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪💪💯💯💯💯💯👌👌👌👌👌👑👑👑👑👑🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬

Stay healthy, see you soon, and best wishes from Sylvio 😎