PW Electro Vocal_Mon Amour Perdu_SytnthOne_07-09-2024

Pat_02 Posté à 15/09/2024 01:06
Balises: Humains, Clips, Montage vidéo, Autres
Largeur: 1280
Hauteur: 720
Durée: 07:52
Format: x-ms-asf

Hello friends,
When you find yourself truly alone for the first time, when you have lost your adorable fusional, complementary, super loving, empathetic half and many other shared qualities, it is very hard to live with on a daily basis, (especially at almost 62 years old) and when I improvised music and rare songs, (because I have trouble finding lyrics, even if I have a lot to say) I composed and improvised especially for her who inspired me.
Since then I play and compose much less and so it has been a long time since I composed and sang for my only love lost forever.
So here is this recent composition with lyrics improvised on the fly, therefore not written just like my avant-garde music.
From where she is, I hope that my darling of love will hear it and that her pretty face will be covered with her delicious smile that made me fall in love.
How am I going to continue living without her?
Alone, my life has so much more meaning, we don't live only for ourselves but also for our soul mate that I have unfortunately lost...
(as usual, it is to be listened to with good headphones or headset to feel all the subtleties, sound nuances and the whole spectrum of frequencies from the lowest to the highest.
Enjoy watching and thank you for liking if you like and for subscribing to my channels and clicking on the black bell of notifications, lol!
See you soon for other music and surely a REMIX...
Greetings from Pat W the Persevering.

Lyrics in French and Translation in English:
Living alone at this age is hard...
So much trouble finding my other half... and having lost him so quickly,
lost him so quickly...
10 years of love, 10 years of sharing, comings and goings, such was our daily life...
What a pleasure to find each other again, to hug and kiss each other tenderly...
Only death could separate us... and unfortunately it happened...
I am angry with this crab, I am angry with this crab, this sign of cancer... which will not have brought him luck, it will have taken away my only half forever...
10 years of happiness, of shared happiness...
What a waste, life will have spared us nothing...
Yet we had found each other...
The rest of my days spent without her are an ordeal...
My heart bruised forever.

Hallo Freunde,
Wenn man sich zum ersten Mal wirklich allein fühlt, wenn man seine bezaubernde, enge, komplementäre, überaus liebevolle, einfühlsame Hälfte und viele andere gemeinsame Eigenschaften verloren hat, ist es sehr schwer, im Alltag damit zu leben (besonders bis bald). 62 Jahre) und als ich Musik und seltene Lieder improvisierte (weil ich Schwierigkeiten habe, Worte zu finden, auch wenn ich viel zu sagen habe), habe ich speziell für sie komponiert und improvisiert, die mich inspiriert hat.
Seitdem habe ich viel weniger gespielt und komponiert und so war es lange her, dass ich für meine einzige, für immer verlorene Liebe komponiert und gesungen hatte.
Hier ist diese aktuelle Komposition mit spontan improvisierten Texten, die daher nicht genau wie meine Avantgarde-Musik geschrieben sind.
Von dort aus hoffe ich, dass meine Liebste es hört und dass ihr hübsches Gesicht mit ihrem köstlichen Lächeln geschmückt wird, in das ich mich verliebt habe.
Wie soll ich ohne sie weiterleben?
Alleine hat mein Leben so viel keinen Sinn mehr, wir leben nicht nur für uns selbst, sondern auch für unseren Seelenverwandten, den ich leider verloren habe ...
(Hören Sie wie üblich mit guten Ohrhörern oder Kopfhörern zu, um alle Feinheiten, Klangnuancen und das gesamte Frequenzspektrum von der niedrigsten bis zur höchsten Frequenz zu spüren.
Viel Spaß beim Zuschauen und bitte liken Sie, wenn Sie meine Kanäle mögen, abonnieren Sie sie und klicken Sie auf die schwarze Benachrichtigungsglocke, lol!
Bis bald mit weiterer Musik und wahrscheinlich einem REMIX ...
Grüße von Pat W the Perseverant.

Text auf Französisch und Übersetzung auf Englisch:
In diesem Alter alleine zu leben ist schwer...
Es ist so schwer, meine andere Hälfte zu finden... und ihn so schnell verloren zu haben,
so schnell verloren...
10 Jahre Liebe, 10 Jahre Teilen, Hin und Her, so war unser tägliches Leben ...
Was für eine Freude, sich wiederzusehen, sich zärtlich zu umarmen und zu küssen ...
Nur der Tod konnte uns trennen... und leider ist es passiert...
Ich beschuldige diese Krabbe, ich beschuldige diese Krabbe, dieses Zeichen von Krebs... das wird ihm kein Glück gebracht haben, er wird mir meine einzige Hälfte für immer weggenommen haben...
10 Jahre Glück, geteiltes Glück...
Was für eine Verschwendung, das Leben wird uns nichts erspart haben...
Wir fanden uns jedoch gut...
Der Rest meiner Tage ohne sie ist eine Tortur...
Mein Herz war für immer verletzt.


Paulo.Costa Posté à 15/09/2024 03:41

Muito bom sons relaxantes... e espaciais. Parabéns.

Paulo.Costa Posté à 15/09/2024 03:45

Esses vocais me lembram músicas Árabes ou algo similar... muito bem Pat.

Paulo.Costa Posté à 15/09/2024 03:51

Eu espero que voce esteja bem Pat. Tudo de bom sempre para você. Eu também ainda nao encontrei minha metade mas vou encontrar. Letra muito romântica eu gostei parabéns.

franco-galateo Posté à 15/09/2024 08:00

interesting construction musical.. sound alternative but very interesting . performance vocal exellent..very well


Pat_02 Posté à 15/09/2024 11:37

Muito bom sons relaxantes... e espaciais. Parabéns.

Olá meu amigo e muito obrigado pelos seus 3 comentários muito simpáticos. Espero que você encontre sua outra metade também, mas é tão difícil encontrar uma pessoa que seja próxima, complementar, empática, que goste de compartilhar etc... etc... louca por você e portanto que se apaixone à primeira vista e como eu digo com minhas palavras, que somente a morte poderia nos separar. Ela já tinha Esclerose Múltipla há 20 anos o que a incapacitava bastante e em 6 meses um câncer no pulmão direito a atingiu, com 3 quimioterapias que não surtiram efeito mas acho que essas 2 vacinas para Covid que ela realmente fez para o fim da Covid, porque ela era como eu contra essas vacinas falsas e além disso ela tolerou muito mal a 2ª vacina e pegou o Ommicron logo depois, mas como ela tinha exames para fazer para a doença e uma operação natural que ela fazia a cada 8 meses ou então, para a bexiga dela, porque ela tinha incontinência, nós a forçamos a tomar essas 2 vacinas, e tenho quase certeza de que isso impulsionou o câncer dela, que então se espalhou para o segundo pulmão e os últimos antes de ela decidir pela sedação em 12 de julho de 2023 começou a atingir as meninges e, portanto, o cérebro. Já antes do seu aniversário, dia 11 de julho, que comemoramos no hospital onde ela recebia muitas visitas, ela não conseguia mais engolir e demos-lhe água gel. Se ela não tivesse se vacinado contra a Covid como eu, acho que a primeira quimioterapia dela já teria surtido efeito e que ela ainda estaria aqui... Eu tinha encontrado essa pérola rara, ela disse de mim que eu também era: um homem único como ela, uma mulher única e insubstituível, vivemos 10 anos juntos, sendo os primeiros 9 meses totalmente virtuais, mas não em tempo integral infelizmente, com 350 km nos separando e eu morava com minha mãe de quem cuidava que faleceu em 3 de fevereiro de 2021. A morte dela me desmotivou, já não tenho gosto para muita coisa e quando trabalho, infelizmente não em tempo integral antes de me aposentar, isso me faz mudar de ideia, principalmente porque tenho um chefe que é bastante exigente mas muito amigável... E é por isso que raramente sou visto no MAGIX, Drooble ou outro lugar e faço muito menos vídeos no YouTube e composições musicais. De qualquer forma, desejo-lhe tudo de melhor para você também e desculpe por não ouvir muito suas músicas e músicas, bem como as de outros colegas músicos, inclusive no Drooble, onde quase nunca vou e onde não enviei nenhuma música para um enquanto, mas procuro ouvir de vez em quando, também voltei para uma assinatura gratuita que me limita no "Soundcloud" onde não consigo mais colocar nada de novo e por isso retiraram muitas das minhas composições. Saudações amigáveis. Pat.

Hello my friend and thank you very much for your 3 very nice comments. I hope you find your other half too, but it is so hard to find a fusional, complementary, empathetic person, who likes to share etc... etc... crazy about you and therefore who has love at first sight and as I say in my lyrics, that only death could separate us. She had already had multiple sclerosis for 20 years which handicapped her quite a bit and in 6 months a cancer of the right lung knocked her down, with 3 chemotherapies which had no effect but I think that these 2 vaccines for Covid that she really had towards the end of Covid, because she was like me against these fake vaccines and besides she tolerated the 2nd vaccine very badly and caught Ommicron shortly after, but as she had tests to do for her illness and an operation by the natural channels that she had every 8 months or so for her bladder because she had incontinence, she was forced to have these 2 vaccines, and I am pretty sure that it boosted her cancer which then spread to the 2nd lung and the last ones before she decided to sedate her on July 12, 2023 it was starting to reach the meninges, therefore the brain. Even before her birthday on July 11, which we celebrated at the hospital where she had a lot of visitors, she could no longer swallow and we gave her water gel. If she hadn't been vaccinated against Covid like me, I think that her first chemo would have had an effect and she would still be here... I had found this rare pearl, she said of me that I was one too: a unique man like she was a unique and irreplaceable woman, we lived 10 years together, the first 9 months of which were entirely virtual, but not full-time unfortunately, with 350 km separating us and I lived with my mother whom I took care of who died on February 3, 2021. Her death demotivated me, I don't have much taste for anything even now and when I work, unfortunately not full-time before retiring, it takes my mind off things, especially since I have a fairly demanding but very friendly boss... And that's why you don't see me much on MAGIX, Drooble or elsewhere and I make much fewer videos on YouTube and musical compositions. In any case I wish you all the best for you too and sorry for not listening to your music and songs as much as those of other fellow musicians including on Drooble where I almost never go and where I haven't put music back for a while, but I try to listen to it from time to time, I also returned to a free subscription which limits me on "Soundcloud" where I can't put anything new and they removed quite a few of my compositions as a result. Friendly greetings. Pat.

Pat_02 Posté à 15/09/2024 11:40

interesting construction musical.. sound alternative but very interesting . performance vocal exellent..very well


Ciao amico mio Franco, e grazie mille per la tua piacevole opinione, sono molto felice che ti piaccia la mia musica e il mio canto... Saluti. Patrizio

Hello my friend Franco, and thank you very much for your nice review, very happy that you like my music and my singing... Regards. Patrick

Paulo.Costa Posté à 15/09/2024 15:40

Saviez-vous que cela est arrivé à ma sœur, elle a pris ces vaccins contre le covid et son cancer s'est accéléré, elle est décédée en novembre 2023, je rêve d'elle de temps en temps, mais je pense que ce sont des choses dans ma tête, je ne le fais pas. Je ne crois pas vraiment aux fantômes, je pense que s'il y a une vie au-delà de la nôtre, elle doit être très différente car nous n'avons pas besoin d'utiliser les moyens dont nous disposons pour en être conscients, je pense que cela doit certainement être quelque chose en dehors de la normale que nous connaissons et donc une mentalité différente de vouloir et de pouvoir avoir une grande initiative comme on n'en voit pas dans notre vie quotidienne, j'ai lu beaucoup de livres sur la mort mais jamais au point de l'accepter car les fraudeurs existent et ils sont nombreux. C'est pourquoi je demande que si vous voulez parler à quelqu'un, je serai là autant que possible, car nous ne saurons jamais qui nous a donné le plaisir de ce monde en sachant que nous subirions un préjudice grave. Bisous Ami...

Pat_02 Posté à 15/09/2024 17:30

Saviez-vous que cela est arrivé à ma sœur, elle a pris ces vaccins contre le covid et son cancer s'est accéléré, elle est décédée en novembre 2023, je rêve d'elle de temps en temps, mais je pense que ce sont des choses dans ma tête, je ne le fais pas. Je ne crois pas vraiment aux fantômes, je pense que s'il y a une vie au-delà de la nôtre, elle doit être très différente car nous n'avons pas besoin d'utiliser les moyens dont nous disposons pour en être conscients, je pense que cela doit certainement être quelque chose en dehors de la normale que nous connaissons et donc une mentalité différente de vouloir et de pouvoir avoir une grande initiative comme on n'en voit pas dans notre vie quotidienne, j'ai lu beaucoup de livres sur la mort mais jamais au point de l'accepter car les fraudeurs existent et ils sont nombreux. C'est pourquoi je demande que si vous voulez parler à quelqu'un, je serai là autant que possible, car nous ne saurons jamais qui nous a donné le plaisir de ce monde en sachant que nous subirions un préjudice grave. Bisous Ami...

Lamento que isso tenha acontecido com sua irmã também e isso confirma o que pensei sobre essas vacinas, mas infelizmente não temos provas.
Neste momento, em França, abrem-se as línguas sobre os efeitos secundários de todas estas vacinas e tanto melhor, e é hora de alguns pagarem pelas suas mentiras, sejam laboratórios, certos professores e médicos especialistas, certos meios de comunicação cúmplices e patrocinados por chefes de Estado, como é o caso em França, e estamos a falar sobre isso neste momento na América, onde estas vacinas causaram estragos e continuam a causar.
Também concordo com você em relação a: "depois da morte", mesmo que eu não seja crente, também acho que certamente existe algo após a morte, como a reencarnação ou qualquer outra coisa...
Obrigado amigo pelo seu apoio.
Atenciosamente, Patrício

Sorry that it happened to your sister too and it confirms what I thought about these vaccines, but unfortunately we don't have proof.
Right now in France, tongues are loosening about the side effects of all these vaccines and so much the better and it is time for some people to pay for their lies whether they are laboratories, certain professors and specialist doctors, certain media complicit and sponsored by heads of state as is the case in France, and we are talking about it right now in America where these vaccines have wreaked havoc and continue to do so.
I agree with you also regarding: "the afterlife" even if I am not a believer, I also think that there is surely something after death, like reincarnation or other...
Thank you my friend for your support.
Best wishes Patrick


Paolo-Brenner Posté à 15/09/2024 22:40

Perfect sound experiment!!!

Vio-Project Posté à 17/09/2024 20:35

Hello Patrick, my friend! First of all, I would like to send you my condolences for the loss of your loved ones. Life is hard! Sooner or later, we all have to go. But you should know that for you, my friend, life goes on, even if it is no longer the same as before. And by continuing to compose music, you give yourself new strength to live. And I am sure that your loved one is watching you and enjoying the sounds of your wonderful music! 😉

Now to your new work. It is another fantastic piece of work from you! First-class electronic sounds and your wonderful singing - everything is perfect! And your great video lets us share in your great work again! A special listening experience! 💪💪💪💪💪💯💯💯💯💯👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👏👏👏👏👏🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👑👑👑👑👑

See you soon, stay healthy and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Pat_02 Posté à 17/09/2024 21:42

Perfect sound experiment!!!

Thank you Paolo

Pat_02 Posté à 17/09/2024 21:59

Hello Patrick, my friend! First of all, I would like to send you my condolences for the loss of your loved ones. Life is hard! Sooner or later, we all have to go. But you should know that for you, my friend, life goes on, even if it is no longer the same as before. And by continuing to compose music, you give yourself new strength to live. And I am sure that your loved one is watching you and enjoying the sounds of your wonderful music! 😉

Now to your new work. It is another fantastic piece of work from you! First-class electronic sounds and your wonderful singing - everything is perfect! And your great video lets us share in your great work again! A special listening experience! 💪💪💪💪💪💯💯💯💯💯👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👏👏👏👏👏🎬🎬🎬🎬🎬👑👑👑👑👑

See you soon, stay healthy and greetings from Sylvio 😎

Vielen Dank, mein Freund Sylvio, zunächst einmal für deine Unterstützung und dafür, dass du meine Musik und Lieder anhörst, ansiehst und magst.
Was den Verlust meiner besseren Hälfte angeht, weiß ich nicht, ob ich jemals darüber hinwegkommen werde, denn ich kann nicht zugeben, dass der Krebs sie innerhalb von 6 Monaten dahinraffte, während sie bereits seit 20 Jahren unheilbar war und ihn dadurch behinderte ziemlich viel, Multiple Sklerose.
Und da sie einzigartig und unersetzlich war, glaube ich, dass ich dazu verdammt bin, allein zu bleiben, und wie gesagt, ich habe viel weniger Begeisterung für das Spielen und Komponieren, ich habe es oft für sie getan.
Es war sehr hart, unsere Welt für etwas mehr als einen Tag zu verlassen, nachdem sie ihren 59. Geburtstag im Krankenhaus gefeiert hatte, aber ich blieb bis zum Ende bei ihr, ich werde mich mein ganzes Leben lang daran erinnern und wünsche niemandem, dass es so weitergeht... Gut Viel Glück, Sylvio, und nochmals vielen Dank.

Vielen Dank, mein Freund Sylvio, zunächst einmal für deine Unterstützung und dafür, dass du meine Musik und Lieder anhörst, ansiehst und magst.
Was den Verlust meiner besseren Hälfte angeht, weiß ich nicht, ob ich jemals darüber hinwegkommen werde, denn ich kann nicht zugeben, dass der Krebs sie innerhalb von 6 Monaten dahinraffte, während sie bereits seit 20 Jahren unheilbar war und ihn dadurch behinderte ziemlich viel, Multiple Sklerose.
Und da sie einzigartig und unersetzlich war, glaube ich, dass ich dazu verdammt bin, allein zu bleiben, und wie gesagt, ich habe viel weniger Begeisterung für das Spielen und Komponieren, ich habe es oft für sie getan.
Es war sehr hart, unsere Welt für etwas mehr als einen Tag zu verlassen, nachdem sie ihren 59. Geburtstag im Krankenhaus gefeiert hatte, aber ich blieb bis zum Ende bei ihr, ich werde mich mein ganzes Leben lang daran erinnern und wünsche niemandem, dass es so weitergeht... Gut Viel Glück, Sylvio, und nochmals vielen Dank.