PW DJ 04_I run in the City 03

Pat_02 Posté à 28/10/2019 23:26
Balises: MIDI, Alternatif, Ambient, Bande son, Dance, Autres


Les amis,
Voici mon Quatrième morceau style DJ et qui est une deuxième suite de : "PW_I run in the City_Guitare Electro Pop Rock"
Le thème est toujours identique et à vous, de vous imaginer en train de courir dans une ville tout en écoutant ma musique et vous imaginer un scénario : "pourquoi courir dans une ville"
Bonne écoute.

This is my fourth DJ style song, which is a second sequel to "PW_I run in the City_Guitare Electro Pop Rock"
The theme is always the same and you, imagine yourself running in a city while listening to my music and imagine a scenario: "why run in a city"
Good listening.



Paulo.Costa Posté à 29/10/2019 00:46

Uma certa sensação certa de que a musica irá começar. Bem bacana esse sound-track. Realça bem com cenas de ação. Ou mesmo para ouvir de boa, se balançando em uma rede numa varanda. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


franco-galateo Posté à 29/10/2019 13:54

excellent compositional idea .. music that I enjoyed ..
good rhythm, I would call this your work a highly alternative sound, but without doubt of quality


DJ_Wash-8aer. Posté à 29/10/2019 17:57

Mega psychedelic Soundtrack, I also wanted to run away, but I have heard to the end 🙃👌

Best washes!!!!! WASH 🖖🐼

Pat_02 Posté à 29/10/2019 18:28

Uma certa sensação certa de que a musica irá começar. Bem bacana esse sound-track. Realça bem com cenas de ação. Ou mesmo para ouvir de boa, se balançando em uma rede numa varanda. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Obrigado amigo e feliz por você gostar dessa música.
Eu queria que o ritmo fosse bom, porque são os três seguintes: "Eu corro na cidade", tão obrigatoriamente que era necessário que ela movesse essa música, mas também com transições mais silenciosas, porque não se pode correr continuamente, (imaginando que somos perseguidos por alguma coisa, há momentos em que paramos para correr e procuramos um refúgio, um esconderijo etc ...)

Thank you friend and glad that you like this music.
I wanted it well paced, because it is the following 3 of: "I run in the city" so obligatorily it was necessary that it moved this music but also with quieter transitions, because one can not run continuously, (imagining that we are pursued by something, there are moments when we stop to run and where we look for a refuge, a hiding place etc ...)

Merci l'ami et content que cette musique te plaise.
Je l'ai voulu bien rythmée, car c'est la suite 3 de : "I run in the city" donc obligatoirement il fallait qu'elle bouge cette musique mais aussi avec des transitions plus calmes, car on ne peut pas courrir continuellement, (en imaginant que nous sommes poursuivit par quelque chose, il y a des moments où on s'arrête de courrir et où on cherche un refuge, une cachette etc...)

Pat_02 Posté à 29/10/2019 18:34

excellent compositional idea .. music that I enjoyed ..
good rhythm, I would call this your work a highly alternative sound, but without doubt of quality


Grazie Franco,
Non pensavo che questa musica ti sarebbe piaciuta così tanto, e ne sono felice.
Ha obbligatoriamente dei punti in comune con i 2 precedenti poiché il tema è identico, ma ovviamente ho cercato di comporre diversamente perché il mio divario: "non è mai comporre musica simile ..."
Saluti amichevoli.

Thank you Franco,
I did not think this music would please you so much, and I'm happy about it.
It has obligatorily points in common with the 2 previous ones since the theme is identical, but I sought of course to compose differently because my divide: "is to never compose music that are alike ..."
Greetings friendly.

Merci Franco,
Je ne pensais pas que cette musique te plairait autant, et j'en suis heureux. 
Elle a obligatoirement des points en commun avec les 2 précédentes puisque le thème est identique, mais j'ai cherché bien sûr à composer différemment car ma divise : "est de ne jamais composer des musiques qui se ressemblent..."
Salutations amicales.

Pat_02 Posté à 29/10/2019 18:36

Mega psychedelic Soundtrack, I also wanted to run away, but I have heard to the end 🙃👌

Best washes!!!!! WASH 🖖🐼

Vielen Dank DJ_Wash und froh, dass dir diese rhythmische und seltsame Musik gefällt.

Thank you DJ_Wash and glad that this rhythmic and strange music you like.

Merci DJ_Wash et content que cette musique rythmée et étrange te plaise.

Siggi-M Posté à 29/10/2019 19:56

Hi Patrick,Sounds like an UFO above my head and steers us with its rays,on earth 😊👌👍.

LG.Siggi !!

Pat_02 Posté à 29/10/2019 20:12

Thank you my friend Siggi,
and glad that it transports you elsewhere, aboard a UFO lol!

Merci mon ami Siggi,
et content que ça te transporte ailleurs, à bord d'un OVNI lol !