In Through The Space lamemarc Posté à 01/04/2015 00:57 3 98 Balises: The first version of these song was born in 2003, but after many reflexions I decide to upgrade this title ;) Retour au message
Commentaires olivier28 Posté à 02/04/2015 20:09 Trés trés bien fait un bon moment d'écoute Olivier smartsmurf Posté à 06/04/2015 23:56 Nice sample collection... I recognized quite many. But (to me) it's nothing more... I can't hear the artist in here... your personality... creativity. lamemarc Posté à 14/04/2015 07:46 Really Smartsmurf ? However I've adding A Part Playing by me on my Synthetiser, about 6'30" Merci à toi Olivier denis61 Posté à 17/10/2015 16:06 Salut Marc, tu as fait un travail remarquable. 15MN de bonheur. Bravo. Denis 1